Yeah, that's the one part I have not replaced on my shuffler yet. I don't use my shuffler enough for that yet but I should just go ahead and buy the part for when it does happen. I believe that is just for the wire and you can re crimp it into the old harness. If you are in a real pinch. I have used wago clips to temporarily connect wires for the hall sensors. As long as you replace the center area of the wire where we believe the short is happening from the constant up and down movement.I used the shuffler for the first time on Friday night. Was working fine until about 3 hours in. Then I got the dreaded "Remove Cards" message even with no cards in it. I unplugged it a few times and it worked again. Then about 10 shuffles later it did it again and I couldn't get it to reset. Next morning I took it apart and unplugged and replugged the #4 harness. It has worked fine since then. I don't want to take the chance that it fails again during a game so would like to replace that part. Can somebody who has done it provide a link to that correct part? I see back on post #17 that LowerBama1714 is showing a part from digikey that looks like it is just the connector. Is that all that needs replaced or the entire wire setup?