Derail and WTF Merge Thread (39 Viewers)

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Had to google that one. Looks like the settlement terms included a confidentiality provision. I would be surprised if she didn't get all of or near the cost of an actual Toyota if the facts are as they were reported in a couple write-ups I read.
I guess I could repost all these, but you may as well click though to the Buzzfeed article. It's fucking hysterical.

The 50 Worst Things On The Internet In 2015
I know that this thread has skirted the bounds of acceptable content, and certainly destroyed any barriers regarding tastefulness, but I'm going to have to call foul on this post. Okay, this website has the swear filter off, and there are pictures of bouncing juggies here and there, but links to insertion porn and beastiality? Let's please use some judgment.
I know that this thread has skirted the bounds of acceptable content, and certainly destroyed any barriers regarding tastefulness, but I'm going to have to call foul on this post. Okay, this website has the swear filter off, and there are pictures of bouncing juggies here and there, but links to insertion porn and beastiality? Let's please use some judgment.

All of the offending content had warnings which you had to click through to see, obviously you clicked more than one if you have more than one complaint. If it really bothered you that much wouldn't you have stopped at the first one? or not clicked at all?. The OP probably should have a warning, but this is the WTF thread and it was only a link, not embedded content!
I know that this thread has skirted the bounds of acceptable content, and certainly destroyed any barriers regarding tastefulness, but I'm going to have to call foul on this post. Okay, this website has the swear filter off, and there are pictures of bouncing juggies here and there, but links to insertion porn and beastiality? Let's please use some judgment.

If only there were some way to know that an article entitled "The 50 Worst Things On The Internet" would contain some offensive content.
All of the offending content had warnings which you had to click through to see, obviously you clicked more than one if you have more than one complaint. If it really bothered you that much wouldn't you have stopped at the first one? or not clicked at all?. The OP probably should have a warning, but this is the WTF thread and it was only a link, not embedded content!
Don't misinterpret my comment as being about me or my delicate sensibilities, I wasn't offended. I've seen worse, but it's been on porn sites. It was about this website and what should and shouldn't be acceptable. I haven't looked at the user agreement or anything like that, but I would bet that there's something about posting explicit content.

I would just be wary of allowing these kinds of posts on a website that is more or less family friendly. I wouldn't want this site to devolve into something I have to hide from my kids when I'm reading.
Don't misinterpret my comment as being about me or my delicate sensibilities, I wasn't offended. I've seen worse, but it's been on porn sites. It was about this website and what should and shouldn't be acceptable. I haven't looked at the user agreement or anything like that, but I would bet that there's something about posting explicit content.

I would just be wary of allowing these kinds of posts on a website that is more or less family friendly. I wouldn't want this site to devolve into something I have to hide from my kids when I'm reading.

The link is to buzzfeed which is pretty much the most benign site in the universe. If you don't care to see the "worst things on the Internet" don't click through. And once you're there don't click again after further explicit warnings to see the photos that are blurred out even on buzzfeed. The only reason someone might feel to hide what they're looking at from their kids is if they'd already not heeded the several warnings that came before the offending pictures.

I understand what you're saying but it's hard to have any sympathy for your position given the above.
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All good points being made in regards to that link. I did checked it out. Posting some of the content in that article directly on this site would never be allowed and I believe most know that. Direct links to any explicit/illegal content or sites would also not be allowed. That link is to another site which is not illegal nor a porn type site. If any links went directly to the explicit content in that article, then they would be removed.

Just FYI: Occasionally I will get TOS violation emails from Google Adsense about content here that they deem explicit with convenient links to it. The content could be 2 years old or 2 mins old. That content is removed, then I have to follow up with it so they can re-crawl the site to make sure.

If there is content on here that someone feels is questionable, please report it. We'll check it out.
All the below are images from Tim Hetherington's book Infidel which is unfortunately now out of print and consequentially nearly $100 on the secondary market. One of my favorite photography books not just for the photos which are amazing, but also for the descriptions, some of which are lengthy explanations and some of which are dry descriptors.

Most of the below photos were taken in the Korengal Valley, Afghanistan in 2007. A few are from Korengal Valley in 2008 and a few from the Abas Ghar ridge in 2007.


US bomb insurgents who are attacking from the northern positions in the village of Donga with phosphorus. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Specialist Gutierrez from 2nd platoon fires a grenade launcher from the bunker at observation point "Restrepo" after coming under attack by Taliban fighters. The observation point was named after medic Juan Restrepo who was killed a few months earlier.


Medic "Doc" Old treats specialist Gutierrez, injured during an attack on by Taliban fighters on the 'Restrepo' outpost.


Traditional airborne calling card.Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Soldier Pemble sits below a dummy figure sometimes used to draw enemy fire at the 'Restrepo' bunker position. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Captain Dan kearney, head of Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Grenade bandolier.


O'Byrne takes cover from the dust being generated by an incoming Chinook helicopter delivering supplies to 'Restrepo' firebase. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Vandenburg, a soldier with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


O'Byrne, a soldier with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


Specialist Sylvester Dunn, 2nd Platoon, Battle Company. In October 2007, Battle Company was at the centre of a Battalion wide combat operation called 'Rock Avalanche'. The object of the operation to was confront local Taliban and foreign fighters in and around the Korengal Valley, disrupt weapons supplies, and capture or kill key leaders. 2nd Platoon was a lead element and was at the forefront of the fighting in the 8-day long operation. Despite successes, the US lost three soldiers and had eight wounded. There was also a bombing incident that resulted in civilian deaths and casualties.


Specialist Donohoe, 2nd Platoon, Battle Company, 173rd Airborne. In October 2007, Battle Company was at the centre of a Battalion wide combat operation called 'Rock Avalanche'. The object of the operation to was confront local Taliban and foreign fighters in and around the Korengal Valley, disrupt weapons supplies, and capture or kill key leaders. 2nd Platoon was a lead element and was at the forefront of the fighting in the 8-day long operation. Despite successes, the US lost three soldiers and had eight wounded. There was also a bombing incident that resulted in civilian deaths and casualties.


Moreno, a soldier with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company. Battle Company, 2nd Battalion Airborne of the 503rd US Infantry are currently undergoing a 15 month deployment in the Korengal Valley in the eastern province of Kunar in Afghanistan. The valley is an epicentre of the US fight against militant Islam in Afghanistan, and was previously held by the 10th Mountain Division. The Korengal valley is infamous as the site of the downing of a US helicopter. The valley has the highest concentration of fighting in Afghanistan and has the most munitions used than any other area of operation.


On Patrol to Obi Nauw.


The soldiers of 2nd Platoon built the Restrepo outpost so that they no longer sleep out in the open. One of the billets has the symbol that the platoon has become known as the 'Spartans'.


Drawing inside the barracks at the Restrepo outpost.


Drawing inside the Restrepo outpost barracks.


Jones receives a spartan tattoo from Cantu in the barracks of 2nd Platoon at the main KOP firebase in the valley. Nearly all of the men have a tattoo of one variety or another.


Jones practices his golf swing while at the main KOP firebase in the valley. Soldiers spend about 2 weeks at the Restrepo outpost before coming back to the main KOP base where they can get a hot shower and call their family.


Sergeant Hoyt.

Sergeant Mace smokes a cigar during dusk at the Restrepo bunker.


Clothes hang to dry as rain clouds gather over the Restrepo bunker high up on the edges of the Korengal Valley.


An unofficial shoulder patch on A U.S. uniform states 'PTSD' (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) where an official ISAF (International Stabilization Force in Afghanistan) badge should be. Soldiers have badges made at home and then use them while on tour. The same method is used for 'Korengal' and 'Spartan' badges.


Battle Company.


Sergeant Kevin Rice plays cards with the men from 3rd Platoon at their 'Dallas' outpost. Rice was wounded through the stomach in October 2007, but returned a few months later to active duty in the Korengal.


Sergeant Stichter lifts weights at the Restrepo outpost. Many of the soldiers lift weights to keep fit but also to stay occupied during periods when there is no fighting.


Bobby kisses Cortez during a play-fight at the barracks of 2nd Platoon at the Korengal Outpost.


'G.I. Joe', a wooden sentry figure made and used by the soldiers of 2nd Platoon. The figure is kept above the sandbags of the Restrepo bunker.


Men from 2nd Platoon dig earth for use as sand bags to reinforce parts of the Restrepo bunker.


Tad Donoho with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company.


Misha Pemble-Belkin with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company.


Sergeant Lambertson with 2nd Platoon, Battle Company.


Specialist Lucas Walker shows the photo of his wife that he carries inside his helmet.


Members of 2nd Platoon relax around the newly-built table in the Restrepo outpost.


Specialist Tad Donoho watches while other members of 2nd Platoon look at porn in their hootch at the main firebase in the valley.


2nd Platoon's Lucas Walker with his look-alike from the Viper Unit of 1st Infantry division who came to replace him at the Restrepo outpost.


Image of Medic Juan Restrepo of 2nd Platoon who died in the Korengal valley in 2007. The outpost Restrepo was named in his remembrance.


Scenes from the Restrepo outpost in Afghanistan.


Men from the scouts unit of Battle Company run to a firing position shortly after Islamic militants overran their position, killing one US soldier and injuring two others during Operation "Rock Avalanche".


Sergeant Cunard breaks down after finding his best friend Sergeant Rougle dead after US positions on the Abas Ghar ridge are overrun by Islamic militants. In October 2007, Battle Company was at the centre of a Battalion wide combat operation called 'Rock Avalanche'. The object of the operation to was confront local Taliban and foreign fighters in and around the Korengal Valley, disrupt weapons supplies, and capture or kill key leaders. 2nd Platoon was a lead element and was at the forefront of the fighting in the 8-day long operation. Despite successes, the US lost three soldiers and had eight wounded. There was also a bombing incident that resulted in civilian deaths and casualties.

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