What is this “Full Medical Coverage

” you speak of?
There does not seem to be anything like guaranteed coverage in the U.S.
There are a zillion loopholes even in gold-plated policies, giant deductibles, plus insurers looking to find any excuse to deny claims and make you fight for what you thought you’d paid for.
They’ve got bureaucratic hacks in call center cubicles overruling doctors left and right. I pay over $500 a month (just for myself—can’t imagine what people with big families pay). I get nothing covered unless I’ve already shelled out $9K in expenses annually. So effectively $15K until anything’s “free” (meaning until you get the privilege of going to war with your own insurer.)
I’m an active, vegetarian, non-smoker who has never broken a bone or spent a single night in a hospital. I see a doctor once a year for a perfunctory checkup. But being healthy and living well still doesn’t keep the expenses down.
If I were 20 and had to start all over again, I’d try to get the barest bones catastrophic insurance until I was ~50 just to guard against any major accident, and pay smaller medical bills out of pocket. And research what kind of low tax/untaxed/tax-deductible invested accounts can be set up to self-fund future medical expenses.
Then have a nice pile of cash by the time I was old enough to need it for healthcare... Rather than sending these shady corporations hundreds a month for something I can’t 100% rely upon. But then 90% of doctors won’t see you without an insurance card.