Retired Life (2 Viewers)

Currently in a rocking chair enjoying coffee and listening to a woodpecker

Good advice with the birds @DrStrange

We bought a 33' motorhome in 2018 and take 3 big trips (usually 4-6 weeks at a time) around this great country of ours every year. The wife and I absolutely LOVE IT!!

I'm down in Florida right now and we plan to play pickle ball for the first time this afternoon at 2:00.....we gotta see what all the buzz/hype is about!!
We bought a 33' motorhome in 2018 and take 3 big trips (usually 4-6 weeks at a time) around this great country of ours every year. The wife and I absolutely LOVE IT!!

I'm down in Florida right now and we plan to play pickle ball for the first time this afternoon at 2:00.....we gotta see what all the buzz/hype is about!!
We went shopping for a few, kinda in between renting a RV or taking the Vette on a road trip.
Sometimes I worry about whether retirement will be in my future. But luckily I know a guy at social security and he assures me that that lockbox is secure. So I rest easy and look forward to one day relaxing from the daily grind. Just 20 more years!
We went shopping for a few, kinda in between renting a RV or taking the Vette on a road trip.
I’m trying to figure out a way to do both too. I have a C5 and need to find an away to put it on a trailer to pull behind my RV so we can travel in style and cruise around in style when we get to where we are going!!
I’m trying to figure out a way to do both too. I have a C5 and need to find an away to put it on a trailer to pull behind my RV so we can travel in style and cruise around in style when we get to where we are going!!

I was toying with something similar but with a motorcycle carrier/trailer. Not sure I'll ever do it but I like the idea of traveling around the country for a year or two.
Sounds like I’m in the minority here… But as someone who has been a freelancer / self-employed most of his adult life, I’m not entirely sure what this term “retirement” means. For me at least.

At a relatively early age, I realized that I was not cut out for sitting in a cubicle 8-10 hours a day, five days a week, building a small nest egg for myself, but mainly creating value for a boss.

So as soon as I was established enough in journalism to call my own shots, I went freelance. No more vending machine lunches. No more interminable meetings that accomplished nothing. No more perfunctory assignments which suited some editor but held no interest to me.

Also no more steady paycheck or benefits… But an opportunity to do much more creative work, and ultimately to build a much more satisfying (and usually more lucrative) career.

As a freelancer/self-employed person, I have been enjoying some of the freedoms of retirement since my early 20s. For the most part, I can make my own schedule and choose my own projects. In theory, any day can be a vacation day—if I’m willing to give up the progress and/or income associated with taking a break.

But honestly, I have not granted myself a traditional vacation (go somewhere warm, sit on a beach for 7-10 days) in about 30 years.

So on the flipside of that professional freedom, it will be hard to say when I am actually “retired,” if I ever do really retire.

There’s no obvious endpoint or retirement date for me. If I were able to do so, and decided to drop everything which seems like work, that would feel weird. It would be like I was leading the same life, only a rather lazy and purposeless version of it. I can’t see normal retirement as desirable, unless I were to get so debilitated that it effectively became my only option.

Not sure if there are others in this situation here, but just wanted to mention that retirement isn’t such a bright line in all professions.
I’m not entirely sure what this term “retirement” means. For me at least.

I think the term is used a bunch & in too many ways, but…. I’m a purest, so:

• Retired:
- Financially independent, requires no form of labor/income exchange. One who has permanently stopped working, forever.

I know that was my goal. To be in a position to literally never answer to a human or clock, ever again, forever. Just live and enjoy life.
338 days until I hang it up. I can’t wait. I plan on spending as much time as I can on the lake, and when I’m not doing that, I hope to be cruising the backwoods in the vert Vette. Glad to see some other Vette guys around here, but where are the pictures??

Calling all permanently unemployed folks. If you’re retired and enjoying your forever vacation, this thread is for you.

I’m always looking for new things to do, new hobbies & fun interesting stuff all together. I currently enjoy wood work, home projects and obviously poker / chips. I’ve come very close to taking up day trading again, but the stress and overall involvement on the matter isn’t something I find myself looking forward to…

So, what all do you do in retirement? What new things have you discovered in your new found off time? Any Pro Tips???
Do you volunteer?
Glad to see some other Vette guys around here, but where are the pictures??
Been about 25 years since I last owned one but this was my baby from 93-99.

I’m still planning to work for another 10 to 12 years but I’m fortunate to be in a job now that I really like doing.

@DMack, that is one sweet looking ride my friend, I sure hope that thing has 3 pedals and a stick! :unsure: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Been about 25 years since I last owned one but this was my baby from 93-99. View attachment 1273738
I’m still planning to work for another 10 to 12 years but I’m fortunate to be in a job now that I really like doing.

@DMack, that is one sweet looking ride my friend, I sure hope that thing has 3 pedals and a stick! :unsure: :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
All C8s are DCTs. The manual purists don’t like that, but I have never seen such amazing technology. I go back and forth about not having a throw shifter, but I know I can’t compete with the computer.

Larry, there’s a whole bunch of us that can’t afford color on ours, as white is always in the top three best sellers for that bad ass American muscle.

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