By a show of hands... how many others have already started cooking their Thanksgiving dinner?
Canadians need not reply, because metric Thanksgiving comes early.
Simmering the giblets & trinity for the stuffing.
By a show of hands... how many others have already started cooking their Thanksgiving dinner?
Canadians need not reply, because metric Thanksgiving comes early.
That is a misnomer.
These recommendations of 131F are for lonely old meat. My meat is salted. It's also peppered and coffeed, but that's not as important as the salt here. Salt provides an inhospitable environment for bacteria as well. Did you know you can actually keep meat at room temperature if you add enough salt? Ask your great-grandparents. Before refrigeration, this was how meat was stored. Salting, or smoking (which also creates an environment that pathogens do not like) are excellent ways to preserve meat.
Fuck going to my brother's house...what time at your place Jeff?Tonite: beignets, whipped creme, chocolate sauce and raspberries with homemade ginger ice cream.
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Most assuredly not leftovers.
What?! Tired of turkey already?!![]()