My contribution for the drinkers tomorrow in our group... very simple... I bought Caronlina Reaper peppers about 5 years ago because the guys at work wanted the real thing! Even the peppers are pretty expensive, so I cut out the seeds, dried them and grew my own plants.
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I don't grow new plants each year... I grew them in pots. I dry the peppers out and have been waiting for a new coffee grinder. After 2 years I had a pretty good pile of peppers... figured maybe I would get a couple teaspoons
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It yielded 3/4 of a cup of the hottest crap man ever created!
So what do you do with this insanely hot crap? Of course chilli and add it to food... but I met a guy from North Carolina a while back that carried peanuts in a little film canister...
I said what the hell is that?? He explained that he grew Trinidad scorpion peppers and loves heat! So he bought wet peanuts and sprinkled in the powder for a snack when ever he wants some heat!! Genius!!
So it's been a few years since I made a batch... but Carolina Reaper coated peanuts will force you to drink... even if you don't! Lol
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Ok so I had to sample as I added powder and my face is about to burn off... but they good boyz!!!