Cash Game Do I need a limit set? (3 Viewers)

I think I'm gonna do a .5/1 game with $20 buy in if I ever start limit
That’ll work fine with quarters. It will now be a 2-chip/4-chip structure, so you should be able to get away with less chips, say a rack of quarters for each player.
That’ll work fine with quarters. It will now be a 2-chip/4-chip structure, so you should be able to get away with less chips, say a rack of quarters for each player.
for a 5-haded game could I get away with 40 quarters and 10 1's for now until I get more?
Fixed limit is a hard sell with people that are used to watching NL poker on TV, or gamblers looking for that big rush. If you know your group of players will like it and you're balling with a big budget, definitely go custom CPC or high end Paulsons. If you need to test it out with your players, you can probably do this with your existing set.

I have a set that is designed for .25/.25 NL with quarters, $1s and $5s. It works fine for 1/2 fixed limit mixed games (perfectly for stud .25 ante, .50 bring in, 1 small bet, 2 big bet). On the other hand, this may not be acceptable for experienced fixed limit casino players, or chippers, that like the action generated by a 4 chip 8 chip structure.

Fixed limit *should* play at higher stakes than no limit so players are winning/losing about the same amount each night. A lot of PCF members have recommended your fixed limit big bet should be 8x your no limit big blind. There are fewer here that recommend 4x your no limit big blind.

For the buy in, 25 big bets is a standard, but I always tell my players to bring more, especially if we're playing mixed games they are not familiar with or that make them think harder than hold'em. When I first started with .50/1 fixed limit hold'em I asked players to bring 40 big bets and that worked well. Lately I ask my friends to bring 30 big bets and that's cutting it close...once a player was down to 3 big bets a few hours into the night.
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General rule of thumb of a limit buy in is 25x the big bet. So if you play .25/.25 and buy in for $25, you can play a FL $25 buy in with .5/$1 small bet big bet. Limit buy ins last longer though, so a closer equivalent would be more like double the buy in.

for a 5-haded game could I get away with 40 quarters and 10 1's for now until I get more?
That seems pretty doable. Limit sets don't need to be all one chip, but it makes things simpler at the cost of greatly increasing the chip count.
General rule of thumb of a limit buy in is 25x the big bet. So if you play .25/.25 and buy in for $25, you can play a FL $25 buy in with .5/$1 small bet big bet. Limit buy ins last longer though, so a closer equivalent would be more like double the buy in.
so $20 works?
maybe I should reduce it to .50/1 because typical buy in is $20
$20 initial buy in, but how many re buys on average? For .25/.25 I would ask my players to bring 3 buy ins for the night, $60 total, so the game doesn't break up early. If I was introducing these same players to fixed limit, and they all brought the same $60, a small bet of .75 and big bet of 1.5 would be reasonable IMO.
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Soorry. What are you toking aboot - foreign language where you came from! My toque must be too tight cuz it sounds like he should just buy more chips no matter what, eh! No way he’s going to afford a Kraft dinner and a two-four if he spends all his loonies and toonies on poker chips! Oh yeah fur sure, eh. No brewskies No way!!
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My experience:

I went with a 2-chip/4-chip approach. 50¢/$1 with a buy-in of $25 gives them 100 quarters (small blind 25¢, big blind & small bet 50¢). $1/$2 is a buy in of $50 for a rack of 50¢ pieces.

I aim for a 6-max table as it opens up the game options. I bought 8 racks of workhorse chips and 60 value chips. With 6-max, I get 2 re-buys of a rack before going to value chips and then another 2 re-buys each. But I’ve only had to pull out the value chips once. I’ve been very happy with that set-up… keeps the table manageable with room to maneuver.

I started my crew off at 50¢/$1, then moved to $1/$2. We could probably move to $2/$4 at some point, but $50 buy-in seems good for most folks.

I bought 4 limit sets with denoms as I dialed in my game and sold 3 (the third has my wife & my initials with a chip value of $1). I ended up with a non-denom set.

My biggest recommendations:

You’ll only need two denominations, the workhorse and a value chip at 20x the workhorse. So 25¢/$5 or 50¢/$10 for the two examples above.

How many chips you buy is up to you. A lot of folks here love stacks of chips, even if they’re never used. I took a different approach.

If you go custom, consider a non-denom set. That way it can grow with you and you don’t have to keep buying new sets. I could have skipped the three sets I sold. A few of us have them and we’re all happy.

If you don’t know if folks will like limit: grab a cheap vintage set, use your NL set temporarily, or buy a cheap ceramic set of a generic nature for resale. Once you know, you can buy.

If you want chips with values, want to maximize chips, and want to keep costs down, you can add on to your existing NL set and use a different value as your denim chips, say $5 instead of $10.

Have fun with it.
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Please explain? Limit is a totally different beast, many here use limit sets to teach mixed games as pot limit can be extremely dangerous on split Omaha games.

Curious what is meant by simpler? I am personally not a huge fan of limit poker... if you don't play the proper stakes it can play extremely slow and boring (for the record many here are still limit fans so I don't speak for all)

As to "should I buy another set?" The answer is always YES moar chips is always better... but make sure you pick the right stakes or maybe consider a NCV set so the values of the chops can change as the game grows.

I was lucky enough to put this one together a few years back
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And still haven't even started relabeling the Black's as $20s... tells you how often I need a limit set! But still recommend buying one if you have the itch for MOAR chips!
Bring this to Cali meetup in April. Love you muah thanks byeeeeeeeeeee!
I would probably stay out at 2/4, with blinds at 1/2. It is going to play a lot smaller than what you think. If it plays too small you will be playing seven to eight players every hand, through the turn or river
I would probably stay out at 2/4, with blinds at 1/2. It is going to play a lot smaller than what you think. If it plays too small you will be playing seven to eight players every hand, through the turn or river
Yep. My games play that way. Moving money around the table.
Here are some pictures from my game a couple weeks ago. We play 4/8, uncapped buy in. Buy ins range from $200 to $500 bucks.

I love limit. It's my favorite format for a casual game where I just wanna get drunk and drag pots around. The biggest pro of limit for me is how fast it is, calms the ADHD a bit.


paris $1's can be had for cheap in good condition

I think the absolute minimum amount of workhorse chips you need is 800, roughly a rack per person. Two racks per person is good though.

tldr, get a limit set, everyone should play more limit!
I have lots of favorites, but one of them is playing some short handed limit, especially before or after an event.

People coming over at 7 or 8 pm to play some poker? Have the funs cover early and get some limit in to warm up.

Host a meetup and wake up Sunday morning to a house that needs cleaning and put back together? Sit at the table with your locals and sit in the mess enjoying some lazy limit together.

They're the best games.

Also, have a set? Well then you're already on the way to a limit set. Just buy more $1s, $2s, fracs, whatever your workhorse is! I have a Paris Cash set, which also has 2 limit sets (almost 3), an IG set that has a built in limit set, and I'm working on another.

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Also, have a set? Well then you're already on the way to a limit set. Just buy more $1s, $2s, fracs, whatever your workhorse is
This was said earlier but I wanted to second or third in agreement….


I play limit fairly often (8max in my game). I just built out my 1s vs a full new set! Everyone gets a rack of white and then the reds fill in as needed. If I didn’t have so many reds, greens would play.

So easy to make it work without moar…..but who am I to judge if moar is moar fun!!!!!

(we play 2/4)
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Soorry. What are you toking aboot - foreign language where you came from! My toque must be too tight cuz it sounds like he should just buy more chips no matter what, eh! No way he’s going to afford a Kraft dinner and a two-four if he spends all his loonies and toonies on poker chips! Oh yeah fur sure, eh. No brewskies No way!!

I think everyone I have played with locally would think putting limits on betting would be equivalent to the Apocalypse.
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What makes a set a limit set
Bets are fixed: see fixed limit.
Chip sets are typically built around that construct- two values, a workhorse chip used to bet and a value chip that’s used to store value but not bet.
I think everyone I have played with locally would think putting limits on betting would be equivalent to the Apocalypse.
I had the pleasure of living in Alberta and Ontario for 6 years. Absolutely lovely place to live and raise a family. While there, I picked up on a lot of the “foreign language”, and I even found myself apologizing for things I didn’t even do or cause. There were a lot of very nice people in those Provinces. It was all fantastic and I miss it.

But when you say “Apocalypse”, I picture a Canadian apocalypse which I now know is different than what us hosers down here picture. In other words, playing Limit Poker isn’t really all that bad. ;)
@Sisu41 we know you're young and just starting; tons of gorgeous sets on here but you were just talking about getting your first real set and setting up poker nights. Take your time and play some poker before buying another full set.

A normal no limit breakdown can work for limit, just more change making, dont worry about buying a specialized set just yet.

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