Do you use a new deck of cards each home game? (1 Viewer)

Depends a bit on your stakes too. If you're playing $10 buy ins, a new $20 to $30 setup everytime is just silly. If you're playing $1000 buy ins, yeah I'd be busting out new cards every other game if not every time.
This is a good point.
I just went through the last deck I used once, at the previous home game, for the home game I was having and had to take one of the Q's out of service. So not all plastic decks are good necessarily more than one time. (I had this happened to a Copag deck too) I now have a deck for replacement of bad cards for new decks going forward. I prefer to use a plastic deck for as many uses as possible to get life out of it.
Yes. Always have use a new set up each game. Opened at the start of the game in front of the players. We are all friends but cards get creased and damaged. Best policy to open a new set up every time. For years I used modiano platinums but have now gone to copaq, which are not as good but hold up okay for one night.
Id love to be a fly on the wall just to witness how your crew handle their cards. Used a setup of Copags for three years and only retired them due to colours bleeding/fading.
We play small tournaments and cash €0.05-0.25. I have maybe about 20 cards, some different and some the same. We use the same deck, but we always check at the beginning of the game that all the cards are included and that there are no traces. everyone has to tell if they notice traces. then we look together and switch to a new deck. later, if possible, I replace the damage card from another deck. The buy-ins for my games are so low that it doesn't make sense to play with a new deck every time. I don't collect anything from the players, i.e. pack and everything goes from my money and that's not a problem.
Id love to be a fly on the wall just to witness how your crew handle their cards. Used a setup of Copags for three years and only retired them due to colours bleeding/fading.
We have a couple baccarat players who peel the cards, especially during the bangers/flips. So some of the cards get fingernail marks in them.
Id love to be a fly on the wall just to witness how your crew handle their cards. Used a setup of Copags for three years and only retired them due to colours bleeding/fading.
And I'd love to see that setup and the setups of all the people with stories like this. I feel like could count on two hands how many times I've gotten through a session with 52 mint cards. I read guys posting how they've had KEM setups for decades, and I don't know whether to be jealous that their players don't damage their cards, or to assume that they don't mind playing with decks with all kinds of dents in them.
I rotate decks and always inspect them before a game.
I open a new setup of decks only if I have new players who don't know the rest of players.
And I'd love to see that setup and the setups of all the people with stories like this. I feel like could count on two hands how many times I've gotten through a session with 52 mint cards. I read guys posting how they've had KEM setups for decades, and I don't know whether to be jealous that their players don't damage their cards, or to assume that they don't mind playing with decks with all kinds of dents in them.
Could be a few things happening. Maybe some of us don't know that they are playing with damaged cards. Either don't look or don't know what to look for. Or the cards really aren't getting damaged.
This may seem obvious or a dumb question, but I searched the forum and couldn't find a thread. What are others thoughts/attitudes about using a new deck every game? Or if you reuse a deck, how many games will you use it for? I like to resuse a deck for a few times to get good use out of it, and it can add up opening a new deck each game. On the other hand, I know some new players like to see a new deck being opened up when they arrive of think things are on the up and up. And there are other reasons to use a new deck each time like an old deck can have creases, or bends in it. Anyways, just curious what others thoughts are. Thx in advance.

EDIT: I use Copag & Broken Arrow (plastic) poker sized cards (for my shuffle tech)

No, I use newer and good cards in my home game. I will replace when cards need replacing. I play with some really old and faded cards sometimes in my local league though.
What the hell are you people doing with your cards that you need to replace them this often I have sets that have been used by murderously drunk people that are still fine.
I understand you. Why change them every time? :unsure:
Even paper casino cards are of very high quality, and they’re enough for many games. For some time, we used paper BEE cards in our family games for about 2 years. Even when they fell into a cup of SOY SAUCE and dried out, it was hard to tell which card was 'ruined.' These weren't high-stakes games, but still, the cards performed reliably. However, at some point, we got tired of them. :wow:

Buy this rainbow set and change the deck for every game. It will last you for many years.
good rule of thumb, when you start getting comments about how bad they are swap them out. I also use new decks whenever I do a special high roller night.
I have a setup of Broken Arrow poker/ jumbo that is 8 games used and they are still in very good condition. I give a set away after each tournament win to the winner and to be honest they are like new when I gift them away, not because they are worn out. It’s a prize, and my players love it.
Personally I'd tell them to pack that in, they're not playing baccarat any more and they're ruining my cards.
Yeah I simply can't imagine tolerating that unless they're high-stakes whales that are donating the cost of new cards to you and more.

Probably fair likelihood that they are, knowing bacc.
I have a setup of Broken Arrow poker/ jumbo that is 8 games used and they are still in very good condition. I give a set away after each tournament win to the winner and to be honest they are like new when I gift them away, not because they are worn out. It’s a prize, and my players love it.
I have a setup of Broken Arrow poker/jumbo too, and with your suggestion, tried giving it away to the big winner from this weekends game. He was really excited, it was a prize like you say, and loved it. So that was a great idea @BPTDirector!
There is peace of mind when opening up a new deck of cards. I am happy to do this for higher limit games where there is usually 15-20k on the table. I am usually reimbursed for the trouble in any case.

I agree with the general consensus that cards should be reused over and over again for lower stakes games. My low stakes degens are definitely not entitled to fresh decks every session lol.
Nobody I play with is smart enough to think of marking cards so I have decks that I've been using for years. I do usually swap which deck/type is being used every game, but that's more just for variety than any worry of cheating. Reading this thread made me go through the last couple decks I've used though to see if any cards were marked and.... nope.
I bought the Broken Arrow setups so I could use them once then give them to the tournament winner for a prize. My guys loved the cards and the gesture. Just another way to keep growing my game.

This is a great idea! I started bringing plastic cards to my home games and everyone loved them. If you’re used to playing with paper cards you don’t realize the difference until you use plastic.
Depends on what game we’re playing. 5c/10c or even 25c/50c with my buddies, we reuse decks (but I’m meticulous when checking to make sure there’s not warping or marks)…when playing larger, more competitive games, we prolly have 3 or 4 setups per session. Basically if cards are bent or nicked or marked in any way, they get retired. (For reference we almost exclusively use copag)
Depends on what game we’re playing. 5c/10c or even 25c/50c with my buddies, we reuse decks (but I’m meticulous when checking to make sure there’s not warping or marks)…when playing larger, more competitive games, we prolly have 3 or 4 setups per session. Basically if cards are bent or nicked or marked in any way, they get retired. (For reference we almost exclusively use copag)
This sounds like a good policy and logic. Also, it makes sense to check the deck after the end of each session!
Yes, ESPECIALLY if there’s a player or two who are winning a lot over a larger sample size or making amazing calls/laydowns.

I have a history in card magic/gambling demonstrations, so I have a fairly good idea of what to look for on a deck of cards that has been used to cheat, but honestly, even if people don’t know what to look for, just changing the decks ever few hours and keeping records of who wins, how much, and what unbelievable calls/laydowns there were will help catch, and hopefully deter cheaters.
Call me weird but I like to use a few decks in my games. We switch out every half hour or so. There just on a side table with drinks and snacks. I have a few sets of Copags and gonna add some Broken Arrows into the mix next time.
Call me weird but I like to use a few decks in my games. We switch out every half hour or so. There just on a side table with drinks and snacks. I have a few sets of Copags and gonna add some Broken Arrows into the mix next time.
I'm in a similar boat - I have a lot of decks from 8 brands, all very lightly used, just for variety which the regulars like. I usually don't swap them mid-event though, except for when we get to the final table in MTTs.

Got a new brand in transit now, even.
I have all this investment in poker chips, poker table w/custom cloth, nice chairs, good lighting
st-1000 card shuffler, gotta give them some nice new cards sometimes
once the cards leave rotation they go into the grand kids toys
We play tournaments with a buy-in of €15. We play 1-2 times a month. I have about 20 decks of cards that I change, but not really because I suspect someone is cheating. After the games, I check the aces and face cards alone. No problems yet. But I understand and myself if it's a tournament or a cash game, it's better to always have a new pack. And others are also ready if needed. However, cheating does not always mean that there is big money.
When I used cheaper cards, I would replace them every other game or so.

With better quality cards, I feel that is unnecessary.

I do generally use several open setups of the same type of card (FS 4-color at the moment) going at any time… One of these is always going to be a “replacement” set in case a card has to be removed due to dings, etc. With better quality cards this doesn’t happen often. With cheap ones it was 1-2 per night.

I don’t worry a lot about card marking in my game. I trust my players and most of them are attentive — if they notice a bent or scuffed or dinged card, they’ll immediately call it out for replacement.

I also have a security camera in my room (more for the times when no one is there than when I’m hosting). The players know about it and so anyone tempted to cheat has to keep that in mind.

I did catch a cheat once and ejected him (and his buddy) from the game, but it had nothing to do with card marking.

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