Email from Lisa to the PCF Community - acl1904's wife (1 Viewer)

David O

Royal Flush
Jul 17, 2015
Reaction score
The Great State of Texas
Last night I had the privilege of speaking with Lisa who was very touched by the help that our community sent to her yesterday. It was very well received and she said it would be a big help to her and her two girls!

Well, this morning I received an email and part of that email was addressing the entire PCF community. She also said it was okay to post her family picture along with what she wrote to the community.(To make sure everyone that contributed gets to see this I am tagging everyone that participated)

From Lisa, wife of Tony, aka acl1904

I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude to all of the individuals whom made a donation in my husband Tony's honor. And also many thanks to David for setting it up! I have been overwhelmed and humbled by everyone's generous acts of kindness. I am blown away by the fact that none of us have ever met; and most of you only knew my husband online and never met face to face. But yet you all came forward to help out his wife and 2 little girls.

Tony and I were married for almost 12 years (together for over 22). He was our world. Our rock. He was the best father and husband any wife could ask for. He was the kindest most caring person you could ever meet. He was always helping others and would never ask for anything in return.. This gesture is the highest honor you could give him. He would have been forever humbled by all your kindness.

His girls Isabella 6, and Sophia 2 (whom are doing fantastically by the way!) were the loves of his life. Although I will never understand why this tragedy had to happen to our family, everyone that has helped us in one way or another has shown us that there is still kindness and hope in this big, bad world and that these girls are our shiny, bright future. And they are his everlasting gift to me.

So please know that your contributions have helped us out immensely as we try to get our lives back on track and figure out our new normal (whatever that may be now).

Thank you all so very much!!


Lisa, Isabella and Sophia

acl1904 family.JPG

So a huge thanks to all of the following members that made this a success!

@Joe E.
@AK Chip
@Josh Kifer
@Joe Harris
@Scott Andrews
@John Conor
@colter ripton
@DJ Mack
@Poker Zombie
@Don Clay
@One Eyed Dollar
@Señor Tony
@Funny Side
@Michael Murphy
Sometimes is feels pretty good to be a human being. (y) :thumbsup:

My heart goes out to Lisa & the girls, hope our contribution helps in its small little way. :)

And big props to you @David O for stepping up to the plate and organizing this. Thanks! (y) :thumbsup:

There appears to be a lot of dust blowing around in my office right now.
Sometimes is feels pretty good to be a human being. (y) :thumbsup:

My heart goes out to Lisa & the girls, hope our contribution helps in its small little way. :)

And big props to you @David O for stepping up to the plate and organizing this. Thanks! (y) :thumbsup:

There appears to be a lot of dust blowing around in my office right now.
Funny how that same dust was at my home last nigh and reappeared here at work today!
Wow this really made me tear up.

It's hard choosing the right words, but I'm glad we were able to do a little good during their time in need.

Thank you David for organizing this and everyone for participating amd showing there are still good people out there.

Thank you for sharing Lisa, we are glad to help.

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