I don't remember who it was and it doesn't really matter, but I remember getting a sample of someone's chips where I felt like he sent out the chips with flaws for his samples. It was pretty obvious.
Yeah I have definitely received members samples on more than one occasion that where drastically warped. I know they didn't send out rejects so it happened in transit...no question in my mind.
What's funny is it took me quite a bit of time to send out sample sets of my own set because I went through each one to try to grab a decent chip to send out. I wouldn't ever consider sending inferior chips out. So no rejects where sent out and if any became warped, they definitely warped in transit. As a matter of fact, I just bought back a sample set of my own chips and they were warped something fierce. I couldn't believe what happened to them and I shed a tear or 2 looking at them like that.