Ever receive a bad sample set? (1 Viewer)

I don't remember who it was and it doesn't really matter, but I remember getting a sample of someone's chips where I felt like he sent out the chips with flaws for his samples. It was pretty obvious.

Yeah I have definitely received members samples on more than one occasion that where drastically warped. I know they didn't send out rejects so it happened in transit...no question in my mind.

What's funny is it took me quite a bit of time to send out sample sets of my own set because I went through each one to try to grab a decent chip to send out. I wouldn't ever consider sending inferior chips out. So no rejects where sent out and if any became warped, they definitely warped in transit. As a matter of fact, I just bought back a sample set of my own chips and they were warped something fierce. I couldn't believe what happened to them and I shed a tear or 2 looking at them like that. :LOL: :laugh: I actually took the 5 chips and clamped them together (with a piece of hardboard on each end) and just let them sit for a couple of days and it took out 99% of the warp which made me pretty damn happy.
I agree, but it's a pretty common occurrence for samples from many chip vendors. A new set owner is a lot more likely to complain (or even notice) flaws, plus they spent the big bucks.

Not saying it's right or smart, but that's the way it is.

The worst sample set I've ever received was from @Chippy McChiperson - every single chip was horribly warped, and the absolute worst of any chips in my collection. They won't even fit in air-tites, the warping is so bad. Dunno if it happened during transit, or if I did something to piss him off.... ;)

I shouldn't have to tell someone that is regarded as a "God" around here this, and certainly not someone with quasi-moderator duties, but the classy thing to do would've been to bring it up to Chippy via PM and not try to put him on blast publicly.

As played, classless.

Go ahead and delete this. Because my post didn't supplicate itself before you, I'm sure it's destined for the deleted folder.
I shouldn't have to tell someone that is regarded as a "God" around here this, and certainly not someone with quasi-moderator duties, but the classy thing to do would've been to bring it up to Chippy via PM and not try to put him on blast publicly.

As played, classless.

Go ahead and delete this. Because my post didn't supplicate itself before you, I'm sure it's destined for the deleted folder.

Uhoh. :whistle: :whistling:
I'm just curious what one could potentially do as a shipper to prevent this from happening? Apart from sending the chips in a giant crate with tons of padding that is...
What kind of temperature do these chips withstand before they warp?
I shouldn't have to tell someone that is regarded as a "God" around here this, and certainly not someone with quasi-moderator duties, but the classy thing to do would've been to bring it up to Chippy via PM and not try to put him on blast publicly.

As played, classless.

Go ahead and delete this. Because my post didn't supplicate itself before you, I'm sure it's destined for the deleted folder.
Well, i'm no god, have zero moderator duties (or privileges), and didn't publicly blast anybody. GFY; it's not my fault you cannot decipher a wink emoticon.

If i was overly concerned about the warped chips, i would have contacted chippy when they arrived. No big deal, shit happens during transit. I certainly didn't/don't expect him to ship samples in dry ice, or replace these for free... and I doubted that he had any extras, anyway.

Classless? That's exactly how I'd describe spewing truthless bile regarding things that don't concern you, in some misguided effort to stir up shit where there isn't any. MYOB, or STFU - your pick.
I'm just curious what one could potentially do as a shipper to prevent this from happening? Apart from sending the chips in a giant crate with tons of padding that is...
What kind of temperature do these chips withstand before they warp?

Realistically avoid shipping during the summer to or from especially hot locations. Also the person that gets them to hopefully not have them sit in an even hotter metal mailbox all day until they get home from work.

When I mailed out my samples a member in AZ asked for tracking so he could make sure to get them right away to avoid that problem.

Short of that, not much I can think of.
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Sorry about that Dave, was it the Nirvana set or the Haus of Bluff set? I'm doing an add-on for the Nirvana set, so if it was that one I can send out a new sample set as soon as they come in. I can assure you it must have happened in transit, I wouldn't intentionally send out warped chips (not that I noticed any when I got them from CPC).
Nirvana set. Weird thing was it wasn't really high temperatures during that time, which I guess demonstrates just how susceptible to heat and pressure clay chips can be (sitting in a hot vehicle, near a window with direct sunlight, etc.).

Don't worry about replacing them, Bill. They are actually pretty spectacular, given the amount of warpage - I don't think I could intentionally warp chips this bad if I tried to do so.

Only sad thing about 'em is that I can't use my SOHE World Champion autographed chip as a card capper, because it won't fit in an air-tite. :D
To add to the warping thing, I’ve had an Atlantic club tourney sample set in my work bag for the last 6 weeks, which I’ve been shuffling and generally mistreating.

One of the chips is quite badly warped, I assume from sitting in the bag in the car during a warm day, although we are in early spring here so haven’t had a day above 25 degrees. I guess it doesn’t take as much heat as I thought.

Strange that the other 6 are perfect still.
To add to the warping thing, I’ve had an Atlantic club tourney sample set in my work bag for the last 6 weeks, which I’ve been shuffling and generally mistreating.

One of the chips is quite badly warped, I assume from sitting in the bag in the car during a warm day, although we are in early spring here so haven’t had a day above 25 degrees. I guess it doesn’t take as much heat as I thought.

Strange that the other 6 are perfect still.
I'm curious what the color was on the warped chip?
Do the other unaffected chips happen to have weighted base colors?
Only two of the 7 are weighted actually. They have been dragged around for several months and I’ve chucked my bag around heaps, so it’s possible, if unlikely, that something heavy might have caused the warping.

I’m actually impressed that they look ok so far, other than the warped one. My intention was to shuffle them heaps and generally allow them to be knocked about.

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