Had a Great time hosting my first tourney at home in three years. We all know theres a lot of prep and effort involved, but the planning and effort is part of the fun for me.
We ran my typical holiday bonus extravaganza.. on time bonuses and food pantry donation bonuses, etc… We filled a solid two buckets worth of food to donate, and we welcomed quite a few new players (which is good).
Hosting regularly usually involves a lot of work to maintain a solid player pool, players who are fun, friendly and aren’t “douchey”. Lol. It’s been three years without a regular game, so our player pool is in flux. In years past, I’ve hosted this holiday event and had three tables bursting at the seams.. so if I’m going to start hosting more regularly, it’s time to build up the player base! We had a solid two tables, but did have a couple no shows (well, I was busy and missed the last minute texts about Covid exposures and such).. so they weren’t no shows, lol. But I had a couple people who might have played.. my bad for not checking my phone. In the hours immediately preceding a tourney, I always seem to be doing food prep, last minute organization, etc.
here were the chip stacks that I made up a couple days before…. 15k total starting stacks, after all the bonuses were added..
As for my game report, I did ok in the tourney (3rd in the main and 2nd in the secondary prize pool), but I donated all my winnings back in the cash game. lol, we played cash 7-8 handed, but in the end we had one player who wanted to leave, and it threatened to kill the game (as once he cashed out, several people were following suit). However, this player loves bomb pots, and the players convinced him to keep playing “just one more” bomb pot to stick around. We played like two orbits of bomb pots, and I lost $100 in those last few orbits.. lol
One hand of note (triple holdem), my three hands were xx /


. Flop comes out

, I discard the junk hand, betting ensues. turn is the

. Giving me the straight and flush redraw. More betting, I discard the JT (two pair) hand. River is the bink

. While my discarded hand would have given me a FH, I actually wind up with the straight flush. Better yet, my opponent leads into me. I raise, he rejams… They had pocket threes for the under boat. WOot!
I still donated in the end. See above.
shout out to the WCB card protector.
