Fat Tire Blog (5 Viewers)

Tourney Alert!!!!

Thursday night, I’m hosting my first tourney in the Fat Tire Poker Room in several years…. Any PCFers in the area that want to play. Hit Me up for deets. We have a few seats open.

Tourney Alert!!!!

Thursday night, I’m hosting my first tourney in the Fat Tire Poker Room in several years…. Any PCFers in the area that want to play. Hit Me up for deets. We have a few seats open.

Any pics??? Results?? Asking for someone that wishes they could have attended :(
Had a Great time hosting my first tourney at home in three years. We all know theres a lot of prep and effort involved, but the planning and effort is part of the fun for me.

We ran my typical holiday bonus extravaganza.. on time bonuses and food pantry donation bonuses, etc… We filled a solid two buckets worth of food to donate, and we welcomed quite a few new players (which is good).


Hosting regularly usually involves a lot of work to maintain a solid player pool, players who are fun, friendly and aren’t “douchey”. Lol. It’s been three years without a regular game, so our player pool is in flux. In years past, I’ve hosted this holiday event and had three tables bursting at the seams.. so if I’m going to start hosting more regularly, it’s time to build up the player base! We had a solid two tables, but did have a couple no shows (well, I was busy and missed the last minute texts about Covid exposures and such).. so they weren’t no shows, lol. But I had a couple people who might have played.. my bad for not checking my phone. In the hours immediately preceding a tourney, I always seem to be doing food prep, last minute organization, etc.


here were the chip stacks that I made up a couple days before…. 15k total starting stacks, after all the bonuses were added..


As for my game report, I did ok in the tourney (3rd in the main and 2nd in the secondary prize pool), but I donated all my winnings back in the cash game. lol, we played cash 7-8 handed, but in the end we had one player who wanted to leave, and it threatened to kill the game (as once he cashed out, several people were following suit). However, this player loves bomb pots, and the players convinced him to keep playing “just one more” bomb pot to stick around. We played like two orbits of bomb pots, and I lost $100 in those last few orbits.. lol

One hand of note (triple holdem), my three hands were xx / :td: :jh: / :qc::9c:. Flop comes out :th::jc::3h:, I discard the junk hand, betting ensues. turn is the :kc:. Giving me the straight and flush redraw. More betting, I discard the JT (two pair) hand. River is the bink :tc:. While my discarded hand would have given me a FH, I actually wind up with the straight flush. Better yet, my opponent leads into me. I raise, he rejams… They had pocket threes for the under boat. WOot!

I still donated in the end. See above.


shout out to the WCB card protector. :).
Was fun and learned a few things to take home and implement at my games.
I tried to play conservatively but overestimated the strength of the few playable hands I did get. Busted out earlier than anticipated and luck just was not on my side. Looking forward to playing a few more next year.
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Played a cash last night. Ran hot for a while, then gave a bit back. Still finished up the night up a couple hundred bucks.


@sergiophil caught an early Royal Flush in NLHE, but his luck ran out, and he got torched over a few buy ins.


one sick all in, AK vs KK AIPF.. AK flopped an ace, then KK turned a K for the win.. poor @sergiophil


I was running a beer give back event.. giving away all the beers I’ve collected over recent games. Guests left with a case or two worth of beer.

Hosted last night..


l to r @sergiophil / skinny / @BukNaked36 / @HanShot1st / @bernielomax / neighbor Matt / Mike the cop (Ret) / secret agent man…

while I had fun, I got obliterated. Seriously coolered over and over. I had had aces three times, kings twice, lost each time. I had a sneaky flopped boat, only to get two-outted on the river by “mike the cop’s” pocket kings.

some positives about the night…

there were a few decent poker “moments”. Having that river king two outter kinda sucked, but it was kinda funny that I called out his hand (D-Negs style) to save myself some money on that river.

I got to spend time with some awesome guys, in a game that filled up in like minutes of posting it “last minute” the day before.

i also got to meet a new player and PCFer @bernielomax who lives in town. I was glad he had a great time and had a good night of cards. Also in attendance was @HanShot1st @BukNaked36 and @sergiophil

I was in for FIVE buyins… after the fourth rebuy, I made a seriously valiant attempt at clawing back (that was actually fun to see). I over got back up to +$20 at one point, only to lose to yet.. more coolers. Lol. by some miracle, I think I was only down like $160 on the night, which considering the cards, is a positive. :)


Was also nice to see my buddy “Skinny Eric” in attendance. He’s had some health issues, and has been absent from poker for a while. Nice to see him run up a stack. he always has nice vertical chip towers, and here he is starting a run up…


Having losing nights is part of the game, and the losses were mitigated by a few tourney cashes in the last week. Still + a few hundred so I certainly can’t complain. :).
Thanks again for having me. Your custom table and chips are fantastic. By far the best ran home game I have ever attended!

Also, thanks for showing me that impressive Lac Courte set. Very interesting story on those!
i think my next cash game will have to involve these chips… just sayin.

According to wise poker sages, the casino is pronounced La Coo ta Ray

Leaded THC Paulsons. In super cherry-picked condition… Yum! The fact these are from a WI casino is so cool. By far my favorite Paulson set!

Hosted last night..

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l to r @sergiophil / skinny / @BukNaked36 / @HanShot1st / @bernielomax / neighbor Matt / Mike the cop (Ret) / secret agent man…

while I had fun, I got obliterated. Seriously coolered over and over. I had had aces three times, kings twice, lost each time. I had a sneaky flopped boat, only to get two-outted on the river by “mike the cop’s” pocket kings.

some positives about the night…

there were a few decent poker “moments”. Having that river king two outter kinda sucked, but it was kinda funny that I called out his hand (D-Negs style) to save myself some money on that river.

I got to spend time with some awesome guys, in a game that filled up in like minutes of posting it “last minute” the day before.

i also got to meet a new player and PCFer @bernielomax who lives in town. I was glad he had a great time and had a good night of cards. Also in attendance was @HanShot1st @BukNaked36 and @sergiophil

I was in for FIVE buyins… after the fourth rebuy, I made a seriously valiant attempt at clawing back (that was actually fun to see). I over got back up to +$20 at one point, only to lose to yet.. more coolers. Lol. by some miracle, I think I was only down like $160 on the night, which considering the cards, is a positive. :)

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Was also nice to see my buddy “Skinny Eric” in attendance. He’s had some health issues, and has been absent from poker for a while. Nice to see him run up a stack. he always has nice vertical chip towers, and here he is starting a run up…

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Having losing nights is part of the game, and the losses were mitigated by a few tourney cashes in the last week. Still + a few hundred so I certainly can’t complain. :).
Thanks again for hosting and the invite Erik. Always a great night of cards, with an awesome set and table.
i think my next cash game will have to involve these chips… just sayin.

According to wise poker sages, the casino is pronounced La Coo ta Ray

Leaded THC Paulsons. In super cherry-picked condition… Yum! The fact these are from a WI casino is so cool. By far my favorite Paulson set!
A game with those chips would be pretty sweet! With the exception of the 50 cent frac, there is not a bad chip in that lineup. Kind of crazy that these came from a Wisconsin casino.

Those LCOs are gorgeous. But I saw the photo of your CPC cash set in the thread for your meetup, and it looks really similar to one I'm putting together. So question for you - What's the biggest game you feel your set can handle? Stakes and number of tables? Actually, mostly stakes as I don't plan to get that many $1s and $5s. I want to cover two tables and looking at 400 $1s and 600 $5s.

This is the photo, so I'm assuming this is the full set. I like $20s instead of $25s too, but a little concerned if $20s won't play well in bigger games like $2/5. What has your experience been?

Hosted last night.. only 7 handed, and a number of PCFers. I love the pano pics that make everyone seem like they’re in the matrix.


LtoR @HanShot1st , Drew , @bernielomax , @BukNaked36 , Mike the cop (Ret.) , and @karsus

Night of quads…. We had (in NLHE) more quads hands than I can ever remember in a single session… at least a half dozen.. crazy.


played the LCOs and they were buttery smooth…. PS. Used the yellow $2 chips as quarters.


moved onto dealers choice and 4+ card games…. I rebought a few times, but ended the night up..


fun night of cash games…. However, i think its time to host another tourney soon..
Hosted last night.. only 7 handed, and a number of PCFers. I love the pano pics that make everyone seem like they’re in the matrix.

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LtoR @HanShot1st , Drew , @bernielomax , @BukNaked36 , Mike the cop (Ret.) , and @karsus

Night of quads…. We had (in NLHE) more quads hands than I can ever remember in a single session… at least a half dozen.. crazy.

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played the LCOs and they were buttery smooth…. PS. Used the yellow $2 chips as quarters.

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moved onto dealers choice and 4+ card games…. I rebought a few times, but ended the night up..

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fun night of cash games…. However, i think its time to host another tourney sQuads!


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Hosted a cash game, and had a lot of great players join in..

we had a couple new players (a couple ive played with numerous times in a local bar game). They were a nice addition to the game.. Tom and MelIssa…. Mel has a VPIP of 97.5%, and hit about 80% of the flops. She got pretty lucky, but hubby Tom (who plays a much more solid game) got unlucky and had to rebuy once. They left pretty early, but not early enough that it felt like a hit/run. Mel and Tom are on the left of this pic. followed by Firefighter Jeremy, Mark O, amd @bernielomax


Here are some of the other characters playing. There’s @bernielomax again, then @HanShot1st and @sergiophil


Then Vegas Paul and I get into a few scraps.. I started the melee sitting on $240, then had my Aces cracked by paul‘s KTdd, I doubled up Paul, who had a stack of $75. Here’s my chip stack shortly before these hands.


The very next hand I pick up pocket Jacks, and raise. I get three bet by Paul, then flat called by @HanShot1st I flat and the flop comes out all low cards. Paul And I battle it out, and I stack him (beating AQo), taking his $150. Here is my stack after this hand…


Here is Paul after he rebuys…. I love Paul….


Here are some random chip pics


here’s a pano of the table near the end of the night.


Into the game for $60, out for over $300. I’ll take the W. :)
Hosted last night…

It was a fun night of cards, but admittedly I got absolute torched. I had my biggest losing night ever in cards (in my home game). It was one of those nights that I’d have certainly gotten up and left hours earlier had I not been hosting….

Ya know the expression “sometimes your the hammer, sometimes your the nail”. That certainly rang true last night. I was the nail, but someone was using a sledge hammer on me, lol. I had cooler after cooler situation. It was exacerbated by a few players driving crazy action. The table was loose and wild. The game was definitely playing closer to a 1/3 game….

All that said, as much as it sucks to lose, it’s actually kinda cool to see friends have sun-runs and build crazy monster stacks. There were certainly those who could just do no wrong, made good plays, caught amazing cards, and yes got rewarded when they played bad. Ha. One such player set a house record for the biggest win ever at these stakes… cashed out for nearly $1000 on a single buyin.


@bernielomax had a great night. Played really well, and earned his monster stack of chips.


Granted, it didn’t hurt that early on he got AIPF against me and @karsus with pocket kings, against our big slicks…. Shout out to the dbag who made sure to tell us he folded an ace… lol


Here was my stack early on, and about the only time I wasnt stuck..


Here’s the cast of characters in my usual “pano” shot. @karsus @bernielomax @BukNaked36 Danny @HanShot1st Jimmy, neighbor Mike, and Nancy Drew


here’s the final chips on the table (doesn’t count a couple early cash outs for around $200 total).

Well, I failed to post after my last cash game.. had a crazy loosing session, again…. It was painful. Def running super cold, getting coolered numerous time for stacks. Getting it in super good, yet getting run down. I’ve had so much run good in the past, so I have to be ok with a little downturn. These two past losing $.25/.$50 sessions (over $1000 loss combined) had me not wanting post an update to this blog…. But I need to document the good and the bad…. I even tried to fend off the bad poker karma gods by providing tons of great food and snacks for my players…

Here was the stack of one player who simply could do no wrong in this session. Even stacked me (and 3 others) on the last hand of the night (bomb pot). He did tip $3 at cash out tho.. ;)


Double Board Bombs every so often.

My typical Pano shot.. @sergiophil skinny Eric, Frank the Tank, @BukNaked36 hanshot1st Mike the Cop, Neighbor Mike, and Nancy Drew


My flopped top pair, turned king high flush, river (lose to runner runner straight flush).. yea, all in on the turn?


Back into the swing, I hosted a tourney (two tables) a couple weeks ago. And my run good recovered. Here are some obligatory chip pics. We had a secondary pool running as well. i took 3rd in both prize pools, then played cash, and total profit for the evening was around $400. I collected 8 bounties!


Cash game pano shot. Neighbor Max, Greek Art, @bernielomax @HanShot1st, Jimmy Skinny Eric, and Brent the Cookie Monster


I also play in several various Bar tournies. At the time I hosted this tourney, that weekend I also played two other tournies. A two-table crazy unlimited rebuy game (won $180) and a 6 table game (won 1st for $495). Here’s a shot from the two table game. I provided the chips (my traveling set of Milanos).

Couple games to report on… Hosted a tourney and cash game last Sat, and a cash game this Friday. I didnt take any photos of the tourney, but we had notable PCF attendees to include @Jeff who drove up from Chicago! I busted the tourney early and hit up the cash game. Did well enough in the cash game to make up the cost of the tourney, and then some.

tonight I hosted a fun cash game, 8 handed. It was spirited and fun. we had one player, who just had a horshoe up his arse. He was getting crazy run outs. calling four bet re-jams vs three players, with a GS and hitting to scoop massive posts. Ran his stack to around $600 at one point.

this was my stack early on…

here was our cast of characters. @BukNaked36, Haley, New Guy Matt, @bernielomax , New guy Mike, Bluffy Brandon (and Jimmy the sleuth is hiding off camera)…


Building up the stack…


@BukNaked36 stacks Mike with a set over set. Had tons of hands like this


Hand of the night…

playing $3 Pinneaple Bomb Pot. 8 handed. Double board. $24 pot

My hand :8s::ts::qd:: on a $210 stack.

After the flops of:


I discard the Q

Im FTA and check, @bernielomax checks, and bluffer Brandon fires for $25. I call. @bernielomax Jams for a total of $54. Brandon reshoves (has me covered). Main Pot is now $160 ish, plus Brandon has me covered. if I call off my remaining $185, there will be a $190 main post and a $300+ side pot…. Can I beat both? It was the longest tank in my life. I didn’t wanna get stacked on what brandon declared was his last hand…. In the end I called. had a flush draw and pair on one board, and an OESD on the other. I didn’t have high hopes my straight draw was good on a paired board, but I thought it was a worthy gamble.

@bernielomax had J9 for the flopped boat, and Bluffer brandon had AA for flopped top set on the other board… ugh..

the turn on the top board was a :th:and the bottom board was a :ks: bink! (Don’t pair the board!)
the river top board was a :qc:and the bottom board was a :3h: (bink, bink). Bernie and I chop the main pot, and I scoop the massive side pot. The call was really hard for me..

My stack near the end…

Last week has seen a decent upswing (albeit small sample size). I played three times and won decently each session.

On Sunday I played a local bar game (tourney and cash game). I busted the tourney and played the $.25/.50 cash game. Some serious degens play this game, all chasing their losses. I was into the game for $60 and cashed out for $500.

Used the Milano for the tourney and some old school E&C solids for cash.


On Wednesday, Retired Mike (previously referred to as Mike the Cop) and I drove nearly two hours to The Grand Victory riverboat in Elgin IL for some $1/3. In for $300. Played for 5 hours. Out for $980. Nice win!


Mrs Honda decided last minute to go out of town last night, so I had a free pass to host. Within hours, we got a full table of $.25./50 going. Played NLHE to start, but mixed in orbits of PLO and SOHE the second half of the night. When SOHE (and the bomb pots) hit, stacks started shifting around lol. In for $60 out for $500.


Table L to R
Josh (brand new Josh #1)
Doomsday Drew (previously referred to as Nancy Drew)
Josh (brand new Josh #2)
Frank the Accountant
Mikey D (relatively new player to my game, but super nice guy)

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