Fat Tire Blog (4 Viewers)

Hosted a cash game tonight. Made out ok with my $60 buyin. It was a new crowd so no mixed games. Boo

This thread delivers.

The game setup is wonderfully elaborate and detailed.

But is it wrong that I am almost as impressed with the hot dog roller as the table?
Wow, it’s been well over a year since hosting a live game... our area is pretty locked down still, but some loosening of restrictions made the game possible. We had some significant covid restrictions in place, such as masks, sanitation, no shared food, etc, but once the entire crew was assembled it was obvious masks were coming off... all but one was fully vaxed. We played $.25/.50 NLHE, then switched to circus games for the final few hours.

stack sizes grew quickly when a super LAG maniac joined the game. He normally plays much bigger stakes, and just didn’t seem to care about money... he played blind half the time, made big bets, and drove crazy action.. he also ran like absolute god. Playing 7-card stud blind, max betting everything the entire orbit, and pulling miracle cards from the hole to hit straights and boats. He won every flip, and he got into a bunch of Nutz vs the 2nd nutz situations a number of times, stacking opponents left and right. He played two hours and cashed out for close to $900 on a single buyin. Lol. I somehow was into the game for close to $400, but broke even on the session.

Another fun night of cards... like last time, we had one player run like god. started with NLHE but moved onto mixed games. We had a number of players come and go. Probably 8 in total. one player was in for $60, out with $900... crushed souls and dreams. Many players left in tears. I was up and down most of the night, and like most everyone, I reloaded a bunch. I was in for $220, cashed out for $350. Miracle I had any chips at all...

Man, retro red is the best CPC red AINEC, IMO. Seeing how the $5 on the cash set came out makes me feel good about a hot stamp project I have in mind with the $5 being planned as a retro red base with the same 614 edge spot pattern.
Hosted again tonight, as well as last Friday night (although I didnt take any pics from last weekend). Had a full table last weekend, but only 6 players tonight.

last weekend I was in for a lot, and cashed up only $50 ahead. Tonight I was in for $60, but cashed out for $440.

I'm really digging the new table placement. It feels right, and there's way more room to negotiate around.

I feel really bummed that we weren't able to hold the MTTD this year. Our county is one of the most locked down in the midwest, and it just wouldn't have been possible. That said, restrictions are JUST starting to allow gatherings, and indoor games. I am hoping that we can hold a MTTD 7 in 2022.
Hosted another cash game last night. We had a full table (10 players) for a bit, which included two new folks, a couple that came highly recommended by a couple regulars. A number of the players were not into mixed games, so NLHE was played, save for a couple orbits of PLO and double board PLO Mixed in.


My famous meatballs were on deck, and they ushered in some good luck...


It was an action table, and I quickly tripled up. Then got felted, then came back with a vengeance. I cashed out for $700+. Kam, to my immediate right, also cashed for around $700 (but he was in for a bunch of buyins). With $2400 on the table, we had healthy stacks of $20 chips in play. Heres a pic of all the chips we had in play, as well a few chip stack picks along the way. Played until around 2am, which was well past a lot of people’s bedtime for a weeknight… But, we were all having a blast.

Hosted again last night.. had a blast. Got into the game for $360, but cashed out for $960. There was a lot of the action oriented crew present. We had a couple forum members there as well. We had our second appearance of a husband wife team, and they had a repeat of their last showing…. They got into the game for a lot (maybe $900-1000 between the two). They act like they’re decent players and comfortable with the variance, but I felt like they just chased their losses. The husband is an absolute LAG player, who seemingly read some book that advocated aggression as the only skill needed… Hyper Agro might work at a passive table, or against weaker players, but the table is full of super loose (and skilled) players.. at our table, aggression alone isn’t enough. He is an ok player, but his aggression is easily exploitable. Lol. He straddles each opportunity, and raises his straddle BIG with 100% frequency, and there was even discussion about how he does this, and he commented that someone would trap him at some point, and someone Did just that the very same hand.. (even funnier that it was his wife).

Let’s discuss our buyin practices. We start with a $60 max buy in for $.25/.50. That’s 120 BBs, and on par with most casinos. As rebuys occur, we up the max to $80, then to $100, but we have a hard cap at $100. I know many home games allow rebuys up to half the big stack, but casinos tend to cap it at a set BB. most casinos cap your typical 1/2 or 1/3 game at $300, or 100-150 BBs. With our $100 cap, we are at 200 BBs, and I feel like that should be enough. The last few games, we’ve gotten a lot of money on the table from loose play. Here’s the issue, some players are used to bigger stakes, and work to play the game bigger than $.25/.50. our new lag player, for instance, was just dumping money into the game, and when he’d bust, asked a couple times about increasing the max reload… I feel the reason there was so much money on the table is he worked to make it so.

So I’m torn. I’m used to $1/3 stakes, and I recognize that once you get a few $700-900 stacks on the table, a $100 reload isn’t ideal. However, I want to keep my game smaller, but also recognize people will make the game play like they want to. I rationalize my capped 200BB buy in policy by thinking that if you’re tying to make the game play super big and you cause super big stacks, then you’re the one who primarily gets disadvantaged by that cap.. maybe that person should consider the cap before shoving with ATC trying to bluff skilled soul-readers…. :). THAT said, I would be comfortable with doing something like “half the big stack”, but I know many of my fishier neighbor type players would be uncomfortable with that. ive actually had players comment that they like the max buyin, as it does tend to keep the game smaller. These same people don’t seem to have an issue firing several $100 bullets.

So for now, the Fat Tire Poker Room will stick to the $100 cap. Some games are about getting as money as possible on the table, my game is not.

here are some pics of the action, and my stack near the end..

Stick to your guns. Your 200BB cap is just perfect for these stakes. Once you release the Kraken and allow half the biggest stack your game will never be the same. I'm not saying it will be better or worse - just different - but friendship and fellowship will take a back seat to poker, and for me personally that's something I guard against in my own home.
Stick to your guns. Your 200BB cap is just perfect for these stakes. Once you release the Kraken and allow half the biggest stack your game will never be the same. I'm not saying it will be better or worse - just different - but friendship and fellowship will take a back seat to poker, and for me personally that's something I guard against in my own home.
I agree. I won’t be changing. And most of my players agree. The newbie agro guy will adjust, or he won’t….
A few notes on hands from last night. I ran into some big hands, got rocked, thus the “in for $360” part…

I got felted 3 times in set over set scenarios.

Once to the agro new guy when my deuces set up on the flop, and he shoves on me holding 8’s, only to catch an 8 on the river…. Yup (rebuy).

another time his wife and I mix it up when we both flop sets, me with fours, and now SHE has a set of 8’s… ugh. luckily I had her covered, but it still stung.

the last set over set I lost was to Kam (Mr. Clean). It was the classics AA vs KK, and we get it AIPF.. I was $300 effectiv. The flop was AKJ, so all the money was going in regardless. Yup, big pot, rebuy.

I did get a little of my money back from Kam when I doubled through him later on with 6’s. He opens pre for like $6, and there’s 6 callers. I flat in position, flop comes 492r. He leads for $15, and there’s a couple callers, I peel one and call. Turn is a 6, and kam leads for $25, creating a flush draw…. I raise to $80 and Kam calls. River is a dreamy 4, filling me up, but missing the flush Draw. Kam thinks about betting, but checks. I stare down at all the money in the pot, wrinkle my nose and put a $100 stack in the middle. Kam tanks forever, and levels himself into thinking I was trying to buy the pot with a missed draw. I was doing my best to look nervous as Kam was talking out loud as he tried to decide what to do. In the end, he makes the call with J9o. Lol.
Hosted again this past Friday. We played NLHE for a few hours before plunging into mixed games. I had a couple players run like god, and couldn’t lose. It was fun to watch, but crazy. I was into the game for $200… but left with zero dollars….

I ran into sets and coolers all night, but managed to stay healthy until the end. after the last hand, I lobbied the table to do “one last” hand, a $10 bomb pot NLHE…. 6-handed, and I have $110 in my stack..

im dealt :5h::7h:

the flop comes :2h::4h::6h:

I lead for $25 into a $60 pot in LP after it’s checked to me. The button raises to $60…. Is anyone folding here? I’m not, and I jam my $110 in, and my opponent rolls over :ah::kh:

the board doesn’t improve. Lol.

Sounds like fun.
Love the idea of incremental rebuys up to $100 max.
I host about once a year and typically play one game of holdem $20 per player and dealers choice rest of the night. Most of the time the most anyone loses is $200 but typically everyone is within $100 of starting cash.
Well, I've been a bad blogger... I've hosted twice, and failed to report back...

One was 3 weeks ago, and was a last minute game spurred on by some friends who wanted to play.. I begrudgingly hosted, and had fun! :) However, we ended in a really weird spot... I was only in for 1 x $60 buyin, and by the end of the night I was up aa few bucks... After the last hand, the crew lobbied for a $10 bomb pot, and I got coolered/felted, and I can't even recall the hand. So, I busted.

There were some very big winners, in the +400-500 realm, and rebuys were flying like crazy. While cashing out, I realized the bank was exactly $60 short. This was soul crushing to me, as it's the first time in many years of hosting that I had a short bank. It was very evident to all that it was exactly the size of a buyin, and someone got a free-play. But the mistake was mine, and I was digging into my pockets to get the additional $, when all the players tossed in ~$10 to make the bank right. It was a cool gesture, but I struggled with my hosting integrity (my mistake, and all)... I eventually shrugged and thanked the players.. , considering that one of them got an extra $60 free, and there were some healthy winners that didn't mind paying $10, and that I just busted, I was (sorta) ok with allowing the group to cover it... The group really didn't seem to care one bit.. I'm probably overthinking it, but this soured me enough that I didn't feel like blogging about it. Not my proudest moment.

Fast forward to last Thursday... Yet another last minute game spurred on by my degens... Same group for the most part. We played NLHE all night, but we ended the game a tad early due my need for sleep and an early wake-up for me the next morning. As for cards, I was up and down, then down, and got into the game for $200 (after a couple top offs and such)... I ended the night cashing for $530, so I'll take the win. My famous meatballs made an appearance, so we were well fed!

For some crazy reason I failed to take pictures of ANY of the action of hands... We had some crazy action!

On another note... One of my regulars (Vegas Paul) is currently playing in the WSOP ME, and I've got a little of his action!!! Wish us luck!

Hosted again last night. I ran terribly.. either card dead or just coolered. I won very few hands and bled away $300 by nights end. I also missed out on a nice triple up on the last hand when I flop a GS and BD flush draw with two overs in position… , player 1 bets $10 into a $50 pot. Player 2 min raises to $20, and I switch from definitely calling to “gotta fold”. Player 1 then repops it and it all goes in…. player 2 was bored and bluffing.. my GS came on the very next card (turn). sigh. I was $150 eff and that triple up would have got me unstuck…. Oh well. That’s poker. As I write this, I’ve had 3 hours of sleep, lol.

here’s the crew

Been a while since posting. But I’ve hosted a couple times (my bad).

Notably, I hosted up north (at the Lazy Bear Lodge) and invited neighbors (a bunch of locals) and @sergiophil…. This game was brutal, and the play was atrocious. I lost a couple buy ins, but luckily these locals didnt play big stakes, so my loss was minimal.



then I’ve hosted in the Fat Tire poker room a couple times, which had mixed results. One was a winning session, the other losing. I think I won twice what I lost, so I’ll take it…


@BukNaked36 contemplates his life choices, lol….


This weekend I played a fair bit of poker.. A long running bar tourney (dormant during Covid) resurfaced and is now being played at a golf course clubhouse a couple miles from home…. Played that Friday night (40 players) and binked it.. dice chips and (I kid you not) white plastic folding tables, so no photos taken.. up a few hundo.. cool.

then last night I was invited to a neighbors house for cards. I agreed to play, but didn’t realize until arriving this was a group of players who play insane stakes and are very good.. it’s a 1/2 NL/PLO orbits game, but plays more like a 5/10 game. standard opens were often 10x ($20 or $25) but it wasn’t unusual for people to open for $40, or even $100 in straddled pots. I’ve played with this group before, but the game has gotten bigger…. And of course I was sitting to the right of the loosest deep stack, who loved to gamble… and raise every amount I put into the middle..

The players play deep, and the $600 in 2 bullets I brought felt woefully small. I think many were into the game for around $5k. Ugh.. buckle up, it’s a wild ride! Min buyin was $300, so that was my plan…. Dip my toes in…. And after an hour my aces got cracked by Jacks to the host…. Ugh.

…bullet #2 went slightly better. I can’t tell you the hands, but action was wild. The level of aggression was mind numbing. Luckily things went in my favor, cashing out for over $2k. Played for 6 hours.. and as a side note, this group only plays with dealers, but the last minute dealer “arranged” by the host was new… and although the group was kind, you could tell they hated him. They tipped a little, but often forgot.. maybe because the game was moving so slow they were falling asleep, lol.

eventually the dealer reached his bed time, and had to go… I volunteered to deal (and play) full time, and the group seemed to appreciate a more “professional“ dealer. They commented as much and thanked me over and over.. and they tipped good.. crazy good. I think next time I might just deal full time and not play. Ha.

I can tell you one crazy hand…. my only involvement was as dealer. One guy flops a royal flush, vs another guy who flops top set…. Gross. It was a big pot, probably 2k… The way it was played, I dont see how the top set doesn’t lose all their money…

ya, plastic slugged chips from this host.. but here was my cash out (minus the $ I shipped as a tip to a host who was stuck 3k).

On a side note, a number of these players have really nice chips Of their own. One guy has a couple thousand minty Paulson Pharaohs when he hosts, and another (the maniac to my left) actually bought my Benny’s set a few years back…. So the plastic chips and the table were “beneath“ this group. The host is a guy I’ve known for a long time, he used to run a meh casino party business, and the table is a hold over from that. Kinda weird, as he just moved into a 1-2M, 9,000 sqft house, and I’d have thought he’d have nicer chips and have improved his table by now.

Hosted another impromptu game this past Thursday. Had some notable guest appearances. lots of action and drama, but banker Eric took home the prize for biggest win! The pics of his stack don’t capture the end results, which were about double what was pictured. I just couldn’t bring myself to immortalize his success (at my expense). Ha. However, I climbed out of a giant hole to finish only $100 down (I’d call that a success).

I’m sure I’ve hosted a time or two since my last post, but I also know I don’t feel like I’ve hosted as much as I’d like. Put together a last minute game With some of the regs, including a couple PCFers. Notable mention to Brent “the cookie man” for his continued contributions (both on and off the felt). He brought his custom freshly baked cookies.. yum! I commented that the chocolate chips on top look like elves placed them there perfectly… I discovered that each cookie has the chips placed on top by hand…. Seriously? Wtf!


the night was relatively uneventful…. in for $120, out for $170. Meh. Not a lot of rebuys, so there wasn’t a ton of action….

Heres one hand of note.. PLO vs Mike the Retired Cop…. I’m holding decent straighting cards, but unfortunately ALL diamonds. :jd: :qd::7d::6d: I see a flop for cheap, Flop comes out :kd::td::8d: I flop a SF (royal) draw, and the 2nd nut flush. Mike leads out, I call (strong arguments could be made for raising, but in game, I flat). Turn is the:2d: another round of betting. River is:4d:. Mike the cop POTs it for a huge amount amount. I go into a mini tank.. I know he has a strong hand, but he almost feels emboldened by the crap ton of diamonds, like he thinks it makes it less likely I have a flush. Well, I’m thinking the same thing, and I know I have four diamonds in my hand. Could he have top set, and is bluffing? I eventually make an exploitative fold, he shows:ad::3d: Nice hand Mike!


it’s been a long time since I’ve hosted a tourney(other than the MTTD. I’m long overdue…. Stay tuned.

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