The battle for me didn't live up to the Massacre at Hardhome. Painfully predictable:
* obvious Rickon was doing to die
* obvious the cavalry was going to smash into the Boltons before they ran Snow down
* obvious that Littlefinger would arrive to save the day just in the nick of time, oh the suspense!
* obvious Sansa was going to let the dogs at Ramsay
Didn't care for watching that guy nobody fucking knows head-butt Tormund about 27 and 1/2 times until he got distracted, giving Tormund the opportunity to kill him, while the rest of the Wildlings just kinda stood around smushed together.
Hilarious that Snow fell for the trap and pulled his army outside of their entrenchments, even more hilarious that his army just stood around allowing the Boltons phalanx to take their time marching to surround and pinch them, obvious that the phalanx would be super vulnerable from the rear and flanks and crumble to the late Littlefinger.
And good grief, shaky cam much in the finale parts of the battle? Or Jon running after a guy riding away on a horse? lol
The siege of Mereen was a nice little treat, although again obvious that Khaleesi meant terms of the other guys surrender. At least seeing all three of her dragons grown fucking shit up was fun.
Boy did Theon get there mighty quickly though, usually it takes an entire season to get somewhere close, let alone to sail across the sea in an episode or two. And now Khaleesi has her army and ships to get to Westeros, someone hit the FFWD button on the remote!
Snow continues to bore with his brooding stares, his pounding on Ramsay just didn't deliver any impact to me, I didn't feel like there was any true emotion behind it.
Sansa started out pretty meh with a smaller role throughout the seasons, but has continued to grow into the role and has taken it to a point where she's surprising the hell out of me with her depth.
Littlefinger would be a lot cooler if he didn't try so damned hard with that overly malevolent voice he uses, we get it, you're up to no good, you don't need to hit us over the head with it every time you open your mouth. Reminds me of all the guys these days playing Batman (I'm looking at you Christian Bale)
Anyway, this episode at least sucked a lot less than the previous episode. The butchering of Arya's storyline has been my greatest disappointment. I didn't give two fucks about Snow, he's been an uninteresting character with no depth the whole series, but Arya had so much promise and they just threw it away.
Here's hoping we get more Bronn and the Hound in the final episode. I'm pretty certain Tyrion foreshadowed the wild fire that is coming, since he mentioned it's under the Sept of Baelor. I can only assume Cersei tries to take out the faith militant with it and winds up killing her son in the process. Some believe Jamie might wind up killing Cersei like he did The Mad King.
It'll be interesting to see how things play out with The Onion Knight and Melisandre.
Hopefully the White Walkers are more than just a last-minute appearance cliffhanger in the finale.