Guns you own (6 Viewers)

Have you ever made a dumb mistake buying ammo? I just did, I ordered 150 rounds of 12 gauge ammo, (to be honest I was having a glass of wine while ordering). While I recieved the package today and opened it up and thought the boxes looked odd... Oh shit 3 1/2" shells! Anyone hunting turkeys need any ammo?

Yeah, earlier this summer I accidently bought 500 rds of 9mm blanks from some random internet site.

Thankfully I realized my mistake fairly quickly and I was able to cancel the order!
Have you ever made a dumb mistake buying ammo? I just did, I ordered 150 rounds of 12 gauge ammo, (to be honest I was having a glass of wine while ordering). While I recieved the package today and opened it up and thought the boxes looked odd... Oh shit 3 1/2" shells! Anyone hunting turkeys need any ammo?
With the way ammo is going these days, it may be cheaper to keep the ammo and buy a new shotgun! Lol
Umm $280 USD or Canadian?? Awesome price indeed either way!! Wow
Checking because of this post and our local price at one of the cheaper store has risen to $310 CAN or about $244 USD. I imagine in the near future our prices will spike and stay high until whatever is happening down there happens and returns to normal.
Wow. I only check into ammo prices every year or so when i need more of some caliber. Reloading pistol is a pain due to volumes but at this price it’s time for a new Dillon. I did not realize 9mm prices were up there once again.
BTW awesome HD shotgun!! Lol

I realize that Taurus is probably too low of grade for many of you guys! But it is still a fun piece

Loaded with 410 - 4 copper discs per shell!
Yes Todd... I was on a wait list years ago when they came out... like an idiot 2 months later they released the 3" chamber version! Mine only holds 2 1/2"
I had to have one of those when they came out. It was fun to play with but I ended up trading it and an old AK for a Sig P220 Legion. Made out good on that deal. The judge is a fun one though
I Love this thread.

A couple of questions from an Aussie. To give you some context of our laws here in Canberra. Other states can vary but they are more similar then different. well... if you want to get a pistol/rifle you need: license- this takes 3 months and you have to attend a training course and pass, you need to be a member of a club, you need a recommendation form at least 2 members of that club and a background check that takes 3 months. A safe to keep it in, a back to base alarm. You can only have it in your possession to and from the range. It must be in a locked container in the car and the ammo has to be locked up separately. both those containers need to be attached and locked to the car from the range to the home. If your busted off the route your up for a court appearance. and lastly the cops can review your security at any reasonable time without notice. and they do.

there are hunting licences but im not too sure on the details for these. But you can only hunt if you have written permission form the land owner. Hunting in Canberra is banned. you have to go over the boarder to hunt.

You cant own an assult rifle without a HUGE hassle. its not impossible but its almost impossible and if you get one you can only use it at the range. You cant hunt with it. it requires a catagory E licence (from memory) and there are more restrictions and a much more intense background check. Trying to get any sort of semi auto anything is almost impossible. No pump action/auto shotguns. So that leaves the possible options of rifles as bolt action under over, side by side and lever action with a mag capacity under 8 i think it might ber five. Any mag 10 or over is illegal.

Pistols are different. Theres more security needed but you can get semi autos with a capacity of 10 or under.

Breaking any of these restrictions can carry jail time.

Also paintball markers and replicas need the same process for rifles. safe, licence, alarm etc.

As for gel blasters and air soft same deal in Canberra. In fact ive never seen an airsoft anywhere in Oz. You can get gel blasters in Australia but they wont send any to Canberra due to the laws here. Fun fact in other states you can own a gel blaster but you better never get caught playing with it. They recommend you only use them in your backyard. I expect that they will eventually be banned.

But I cant get my head around the idea of carrying a gun. I mean i haven't even heard of a gun crime here in years. Rarely there is a bikie house shot up. I cant remember the last time it happened so it must be about 5 years ago one happened. They are mostly well behaved and keep to themselves. and there was a local dispute where a guy got shot in a domestic dispute. A love triangle. that was about 4 years ago using a bolt action .22. he lived. In fact the last bikie crime in Canberra was a club leader getting stabbed to death in the center of town. Not shot - stabbed. So the bikies are starting to not carry here!

So how is it in the states? I was there in 2002. I went to the vegas gun store and shot a few machine guns so i have a small understanding of how it is in Nevada.

so this brings me to a few questions.

What states have an open carry law? And does this mean if i need to take my AR for a walk i can go anywhere with my AR over my shoulder? Like anywhere? I can get a glock and just wear it on a belt.
What states have concealed carry? How hard is it to get a permit for this?
lastly has anyone had to use their gun in self defense? How real is the threat?
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I Love this thread.

A couple of questions from an Aussie. To give you some context of our laws here in Canberra. Other states can vary but they are more similar then different. well... if you want to get a pistol/rifle you need: license- this takes 3 months and you have to attend a training course and pass, you need to be a member of a club, you need a recommendation form at least 2 members of that club and a background check that takes 3 months. A safe to keep it in, a back to base alarm. You can only have it in your possession to and from the range. It must be in a locked container in the car and the ammo has to be locked up separately. both those containers need to be attached and locked to the car from the range to the home. If your busted off the route your up for a court appearance. and lastly the cops can review your security at any reasonable time without notice. and they do.

there are hunting licences but im not too sure on the details for these. But you can only hunt if you have written permission form the land owner. Hunting in Canberra is banned. you have to go over the boarder to hunt.

You cant own an assult rifle without a HUGE hassle. its not impossible but its almost impossible and if you get one you can only use it at the range. You cant hunt with it. it requires a catagory E licence (from memory) and there are more restrictions and a much more intense background check. Trying to get any sort of semi auto anything is almost impossible. No pump action/auto shotguns. So that leaves the possible options of rifles as bolt action under over, side by side and lever action with a mag capacity under 8 i think it might ber five. Any mag 10 or over is illegal.

Pistols are different. Theres more security needed but you can get semi autos with a capacity of 10 or under.

Breaking any of these restrictions can carry jail time.

Also paintball markers and replicas need the same process for rifles. safe, licence, alarm etc.

As for gel blasters and air soft same deal in Canberra. In fact ive never seen an airsoft anywhere in Oz. You can get gel blasters in Australia but they wont send any to Canberra due to the laws here. Fun fact in other states you can own a gel blaster but you better never get caught playing with it. They recommend you only use them in your backyard. I expect that they will eventually be banned.

But I cant get my head around the idea of carrying a gun. I mean i haven't even heard of a gun crime here in years. Rarely there is a bikie house shot up. I cant remember the last time it happened so it must be about 5 years ago one happened. They are mostly well behaved and keep to themselves. and there was a local dispute where a guy got shot in a domestic dispute. A love triangle. that was about 4 years ago using a bolt action .22. he lived. In fact the last bikie crime in Canberra was a club leader getting stabbed to death in the center of town. Not shot - stabbed. So the bikies are starting to not carry here!

So how is it in the states? I was there in 2002. I went to the vegas gun store and shot a few machine guns so i have a small understanding of how it is in Nevada.

so this brings me to a few questions.

What states have an open carry law? And does this mean if i need to take my AR for a walk i can go anywhere with my AR over my shoulder? Like anywhere? I can get a glock and just wear it on a belt.
What states have concealed carry? How hard is it to get a permit for this?
lastly has anyone had to use their gun in self defense? How real is the threat?
There are 50 to 1000 different answers to your questions above. Most firearms regulations are at the state level. In states like Alaska and Kentucky the regulations are low. In States like Nee Jersey it’s very different. My state (Maryland) is restrictive but owning most firearms is fine with varying degrees of hassle. Shotgun and rifle cash and carry with 15 minute background check. Pistols and revolvers require 7 day wait period which is annoying. Concealed carry is hard to get in Maryland but I have one and carry most days. I have other state permits that allow me to carry in 30+ other states. People with concealed carry permits commit fewer crimes than police officers statistically so we are a very law abiding bunch. I’ve never had to use my firearm and like my seat belt I hope I never do.

the only time anything interesting happened while I was carrying is when I was at mass once a few years ago and the Vice President came in late and sat directly in front of me. That was the only time I felt uneasy because I didn’t want to mistaken for a threat by his secret service detail if my firearm printed under my clothes. My .45 was well concealed and nothing happened because I am not a threat and didn’t do anything stupid. My wife had our baby with us so he even stopped and said hello for a second which was cool.
I Love this thread.

A couple of questions from an Aussie. To give you some context of our laws here in Canberra. Other states can vary but they are more similar then different. well... if you want to get a pistol/rifle you need: license- this takes 3 months and you have to attend a training course and pass, you need to be a member of a club, you need a recommendation form at least 2 members of that club and a background check that takes 3 months. A safe to keep it in, a back to base alarm. You can only have it in your possession to and from the range. It must be in a locked container in the car and the ammo has to be locked up separately. both those containers need to be attached and locked to the car from the range to the home. If your busted off the route your up for a court appearance. and lastly the cops can review your security at any reasonable time without notice. and they do.

there are hunting licences but im not too sure on the details for these. But you can only hunt if you have written permission form the land owner. Hunting in Canberra is banned. you have to go over the boarder to hunt.

You cant own an assult rifle without a HUGE hassle. its not impossible but its almost impossible and if you get one you can only use it at the range. You cant hunt with it. it requires a catagory E licence (from memory) and there are more restrictions and a much more intense background check. Trying to get any sort of semi auto anything is almost impossible. No pump action/auto shotguns. So that leaves the possible options of rifles as bolt action under over, side by side and lever action with a mag capacity under 8 i think it might ber five. Any mag 10 or over is illegal.

Pistols are different. Theres more security needed but you can get semi autos with a capacity of 10 or under.

Breaking any of these restrictions can carry jail time.

Also paintball markers and replicas need the same process for rifles. safe, licence, alarm etc.

As for gel blasters and air soft same deal in Canberra. In fact ive never seen an airsoft anywhere in Oz. You can get gel blasters in Australia but they wont send any to Canberra due to the laws here. Fun fact in other states you can own a gel blaster but you better never get caught playing with it. They recommend you only use them in your backyard. I expect that they will eventually be banned.

But I cant get my head around the idea of carrying a gun. I mean i haven't even heard of a gun crime here in years. Rarely there is a bikie house shot up. I cant remember the last time it happened so it must be about 5 years ago one happened. They are mostly well behaved and keep to themselves. and there was a local dispute where a guy got shot in a domestic dispute. A love triangle. that was about 4 years ago using a bolt action .22. he lived. In fact the last bikie crime in Canberra was a club leader getting stabbed to death in the center of town. Not shot - stabbed. So the bikies are starting to not carry here!

So how is it in the states? I was there in 2002. I went to the vegas gun store and shot a few machine guns so i have a small understanding of how it is in Nevada.

so this brings me to a few questions.

What states have an open carry law? And does this mean if i need to take my AR for a walk i can go anywhere with my AR over my shoulder? Like anywhere? I can get a glock and just wear it on a belt.
What states have concealed carry? How hard is it to get a permit for this?
lastly has anyone had to use their gun in self defense? How real is the threat?
As was just stated states differ. Only about 7 states have extremely strict and onerous rules. Nothing like Australia as most of what you described would ruled unconstitutional as its completely arbitrary and onerous. In Pennsylvania you can legally posses anything that is legal at a national level. Concealed carry is “shall issue” meaning the state must grant you a permit unless you are a convicted criminal. This is consistent with “innocent until proven guilty” that is a bedrock of the US judicial system. In the US laws interfering with natural rights (freedom of speech, religion, etc) usually require “strict scrutiny” to be allowed. Meaning the government has to show that the good significantly outweighs the bad and can connect the dots between the law and the desired outcome. This hasn’t been always been applied to the 2nd amendment because of political differences but I feel the next case to the Supreme Court will change that. Law makers would have to be able to prove the proposed laws would make a significant difference and not be arbitrary.

In regards to crime and the real threat, what the media conveniently ignores but is easily verifiable by looking at is that almost all the gun crimes in the US happen with black market guns and criminals shooting other criminals in the inter cities. When you have a population of 350M numbers can sound large outside the context of the total population.
The numbers of self defense incidents among legally armed people are hard to track as many are not reported unless someone gets shot. Estimates are as low as 40000-50000/ year upwards of 4 million. Since the late 80’s most states have made it easier to get a concealed permit. Concealed carry has increased exponentially. In that same time violent crime has decreased it didn’t cause Wild West shoot outs as many politicians and the media implied it would. As more people carry guns you will probably see more defensive uses. What you don’t see are licensed people committing crimes.
In Pennsylvania open carry is allowed but is rarely seen. I’ve actually never seen it. From a tactical standpoint it’s a poor strategy as it exposes your gun to a potential criminal to take or for them to consider in how they would attack you. No one walks around with rifles except in rare occurrences for political theater at organized political rallies ....but I’m assume the media in Australia shows that like it’s a common everyday all over. You could live in the states for decades and never once see that in person.....even in Texas ;)
As was just stated states differ. Only about 7 states have extremely strict and onerous rules. Nothing like Australia as most of what you described would ruled unconstitutional as its completely arbitrary and onerous. In Pennsylvania you can legally posses anything that is legal at a national level. Concealed carry is “shall issue” meaning the state must grant you a permit unless you are a convicted criminal. This is consistent with “innocent until proven guilty” that is a bedrock of the US judicial system. In the US laws interfering with natural rights (freedom of speech, religion, etc) usually require “strict scrutiny” to be allowed. Meaning the government has to show that the good significantly outweighs the bad and can connect the dots between the law and the desired outcome. This hasn’t been always been applied to the 2nd amendment because of political differences but I feel the next case to the Supreme Court will change that. Law makers would have to be able to prove the proposed laws would make a significant difference and not be arbitrary.

In regards to crime and the real threat, what the media conveniently ignores but is easily verifiable by looking at is that almost all the gun crimes in the US happen with black market guns and criminals shooting other criminals in the inter cities. When you have a population of 350M numbers can sound large outside the context of the total population.
The numbers of self defense incidents among legally armed people are hard to track as many are not reported unless someone gets shot. Estimates are as low as 40000-50000/ year upwards of 4 million. Since the late 80’s most states have made it easier to get a concealed permit. Concealed carry has increased exponentially. In that same time violent crime has decreased it didn’t cause Wild West shoot outs as many politicians and the media implied it would. As more people carry guns you will probably see more defensive uses. What you don’t see are licensed people committing crimes.
In Pennsylvania open carry is allowed but is rarely seen. I’ve actually never seen it. From a tactical standpoint it’s a poor strategy as it exposes your gun to a potential criminal to take or for them to consider in how they would attack you. No one walks around with rifles except in rare occurrences for political theater at organized political rallies ....but I’m assume the media in Australia shows that like it’s a common everyday all over. You could live in the states for decades and never once see that in person.....even in Texas ;)
Couple things I would beg to differ on. Open carry is much more common than you think. I lived in Missouri till I was 25 and you regularly saw someone open carry. It wasnt often a rifle outside of a vehicle but people open carried pistols regularly in my rural community. So it's probably all dependent on your location.

The other thing I would differ on is the faulty comparison between the drop in crime and the change in gun laws. Crime has been dropping consistently since the early 90's and violent crime has been in decline for just as long if not longer if you sift out cases of murder or attempted murder. The bigger comparison for me is the length of sentencing being imposed, the increase of policing and use of different police tactics as well as (and hate to say this because it's largely been a failure for it's original intent) but the "War on Drugs" The incarceration of individuals involved in the drug trade made a significant impact on violent crime but not on drug related crime. Which is strange since the policing of drugs was the original intent.

All that being said I think people's perception of crime is overblown by media focus on it. If you look at polling people believe they are more likely to be involved in a violent crime today than 30+ years ago and that statistically not the case at all. The media focus on crime making it first in everyone's mind. "If it bleeds it leads"

I'm all for responsible gun ownership. As a person who has worked in law enforcement for nearly 20 years now I can tell you responsible gun owners vastly outweigh the irresponsible. I can tell you though when I'm in public on an escorted trip, I'm more worried about someone who isn't responsible with their gun doing something stupid than I am worried about criminals. Too many people think they're dirty Harry out here. Just a tip, if something happens and there is law enforcement around, put your fucking gun away and let the professionals handle it.
Cautionary note!

This thread exists outside the “politics” section because it focuses on gun ownership, not the politics of guns. Explaining gun laws in the states vs Oz is fine, but debating guns and gun ownership from a political standpoint is going to get content deleted. I think what’s been posted thus far is ok, but others may feel obligated to chime in to debate the merits of guns, effects of guns on crime and on mass shooting, etc.

I think recent posts are certainly flirting in the debate realm.
Cautionary note!

This thread exists outside the “politics” section because it focuses on gun ownership, not the politics of guns. Explaining gun laws in the states vs Oz is fine, but debating guns and gun ownership from a political standpoint is going to get content deleted. I think what’s been posted thus far is ok, but others may feel obligated to chime in to debate the merits of guns, effects of guns on crime and on mass shooting, etc.

I think recent posts are certainly flirting in the debate realm.
My intent wasn't to get political in anyway. I'm a big proponent of gun ownership. If I flirted that line I apologize
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Nice! That Kimber Pro Carry was the first gun that I ever bought...and with poker winnings too.
That's actually the second one I own. Before I bought this one I had the 2 tone version. This one will likely be the one of the 2 that will be sold. I've put a lot of rounds through my other, it's a solid gun.
The AK I won last month got some upgrades

• Rear trunnion brace adapter
• Pistol brace
• Pin retainer plate (internal)
• Recoil buffer (internal)
• Semi-auto safety
• Top rail optic mount
• Red dot sight
• US Palm grip

Oh, and the hot-yellow Czech-quita banana mag "upgrade." :wow:


If I do anything else, I'll probably break the weld to remove the barrel-thread protector, and install a booster to get the complete commie look. :LOL: :laugh:
The AK I won last month got some upgrades

• Rear trunnion brace adapter
• Pistol brace
• Pin retainer plate (internal)
• Recoil buffer (internal)
• Semi-auto safety
• Top rail optic mount
• Red dot sight
• US Palm grip

Oh, and the hot-yellow Czech-quita banana mag "upgrade." :wow:

View attachment 595230

If I do anything else, I'll probably break the weld to remove the barrel-thread protector, and install a booster to get the complete commie look. :LOL: :laugh:
COD much?
Just grabbed some 5.56 and 9mm off Palmetto state armory if anyone is looking.

Paid stupid prices for stupid times though.....
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