Have Chinese cards mold replica sets gone too far? (16 Viewers)

Hey you can stuff that. I don’t pollute the group buy threads, I don’t pollute the mail thread, I don’t pollute the home game threads - I’ve kept my comments about it here.
You remember when this was a community, or at least closer to it. You can be fine with our marketplace status quo if you want. I don’t love it. I don’t love the flipping. I don’t love the hoarding premium racks as trade bait. I don’t love the trend of paying 2x for instant gratification. I don’t love the NAGB grift. But mostly I don’t complain about any of those things. Here in the “have cards molds gone too far thread,” yeah, I’m going to share my thoughts.
It’s a really weird hill to choose to die on. Then again, we all have to dirtnap somewhere.
Here’s a driving fact. Prices for real chips have never been obscenely higher and people have now exhausted any available funds on going on safari to hunt Tigers. I never ever thought 15 or so years ago when I got into this habit, uh hobby, that getting a fix on some hot chips would, could, and does approach what one could buy a decent car for. Good for those that chose to go that way but one alternative, an affordable one for the regular guy ever though he never thought he would pay 30 cents let alone $20 for a single chip does exist. And it’s no hold barred on what you can get. Honestly adding more of them to the current group of addicts could only push prices higher out of our reach. Let ‘em have them. I don’t want any. There are still people selling clay real 11.5 gram dice chips daily on eBay. Nobody has the pitchforks out about that shit.
Link please?
Did you see the thread where several members all but advocated for stealing?? It was pretty shocking. “Walmart has too much money, so I don’t care if people steal from them.” It boggles my mind how thought process develops.

I grew up watching Robin Hood sorry bros, there are times when stealing is ethical. Saying stealing isn't ever ethical is kindergarten morality.
I grew up watching Robin Hood sorry bros, there are times when stealing is ethical. Saying stealing isn't ever ethical is kindergarten morality.
I think flipping has gone too far (some years ago) but people have the ability to stop these China Tina chips about as well as they can stop flipping.
It was at that moment the knock-off poker chip discussion jumped the shark, when both Robin Hood and Kohlberg were simultaneously used to justify stealing for one’s own personal enrichment and entertainment.
It’s going to happen whether we like it or not so why kick up dust about it constantly. Just like all theft. Think about it. Just protect yourself as much as possible.
It’s going to happen whether we like it or not so why kick up dust about it constantly. Just like all theft. Think about it. Just protect yourself as much as possible.
Because this is PCF. Where middle aged men come to argue about meaningless stuff. Didn’t you read the rules??
This too has been thoroughly discussed here. But I'm not aware that it's been resolved. It's still a very grey area to me. Cards mold ceramic chips do not in any way equal copies of Paulson compressed clay chips in the sense that fake Rolex watches and Gucci bags are attempted to be passed off. It doesn't take an expert to discern the difference. Anyone here who has attempted to pass off cards mold chips as originals is immediately called to the carpet.

This right here.

The technology and looks of some of the counterfeit items are nearly identical to the real deal at times. No one can ever claim that involving these molds.

Counterfeit items are sold for the purpose of deceiving the end user or buyer.

These molds are created to honor a specific design, along with allowing the buyer an opportunity to use these items in play that would otherwise not be possible.

Very good points about what constitutes counterfeit and/or deception, and cards molds obviously aren’t there … yet.

That’s why the original question was, “Have cards mold replicas gone too far?” versus “Are cards mold replicas considered stealing?”

So have they gone too far? Can they? What’s considered too far or is anything fair game as long as materials are different? I personally believe that, at a minimum, there are lines that we could all agree shouldn’t be crossed (live molds, direct artist denials, etc.).

Regarding talking about it in general, discussion and consensus do matter. It may not stop a behavior, but it does help educate newcomers on what is valued versus what is accepted. I believe we’ve seen that to some degree with the RHC mold slowdown here. Maybe it’s bound to happen anyways, but maybe others don’t flaunt it as much and then maybe the next new member uses some discretion in their decision/investment.

Same for flipping. We’re not gonna stop it, but when we talk about it, we communicate that there is a cost whether one sees it or not (e.g., missing out on awesome private deals or being put on asshat lists, etc.).

I’d wager that those who continue to preach, “It’s inevitable so there’s no point talking about it” actually mean, “I’ll take a 2,000 piece set please, don’t ruin my fun.”

Is all this important? Of course not. Do whatever floats your boat. But I talk about all kinds of things in a day, most of which aren’t world-changing. Poker chips is just another topic.
This has been a presence in this hobby for since I can remember. How many of us have a set of those Top Hat, no Cane plastic crap chips in our past when we thought we had made a real find. Lol. Thankfully the forum is now here and there are times, when people find it, that the knowledge here has saved them the embarrassment we all felt when we opened that box of shit. So we can educate but not stop the ‘fraud’, really what it could become, hoping to save those who would be fooled. However, if a guy wants a knockoff set, and can get it, and is just going to PLAY it in his home game. How is that my business?
How is that my business?
No more anyone’s business than if someone chooses to wear a fake Rolex. As I’ve shared literally countless times in this thread, have at it.

But it’s equally none of their business if I choose to share my disdain for counterfeit watches. Right?

So here we all are, minding our own business. :)
Very good points about what constitutes counterfeit and/or deception, and cards molds obviously aren’t there … yet.

That’s why the original question was, “Have cards mold replicas gone too far?” versus “Are cards mold replicas considered stealing?”

So have they gone too far? Can they? What’s considered too far or is anything fair game as long as materials are different? I personally believe that, at a minimum, there are lines that we could all agree shouldn’t be crossed (live molds, direct artist denials, etc.).

Regarding talking about it in general, discussion and consensus do matter. It may not stop a behavior, but it does help educate newcomers on what is valued versus what is accepted. I believe we’ve seen that to some degree with the RHC mold slowdown here. Maybe it’s bound to happen anyways, but maybe others don’t flaunt it as much and then maybe the next new member uses some discretion in their decision/investment.

Same for flipping. We’re not gonna stop it, but when we talk about it, we communicate that there is a cost whether one sees it or not (e.g., missing out on awesome private deals or being put on asshat lists, etc.).

I’d wager that those who continue to preach, “It’s inevitable so there’s no point talking about it” actually mean, “I’ll take a 2,000 piece set please, don’t ruin my fun.”

Is all this important? Of course not. Do whatever floats your boat. But I talk about all kinds of things in a day, most of which aren’t world-changing. Poker chips is just another topic.
Very good points.

I think right now, the card molds aren't going too far, though if true TinaHC's come to existence and difficulty in seeing real from fake, this might be the point of going too far.

Would I buy them, absolutely, though these don't leave my basement and aren't getting sold, though this won't stop the unsavories.
How many of us have a set of those Top Hat, no Cane plastic crap chips in our past when we thought we had made a real find.

Hey, some people can’t afford even cards molds so they have to use these. Nothing wrong with them as far as you can tell, just scroll on by and quit knocking other people’s treasure just because you are a rich bastard that can afford anything you want or copies of anything you want.

Fucking elitists snobbing at other people and all they can afford. That’s PCF for you I guess.
All the talk of counterfeits....I just dont see it as such. It's not the same as a knockoff handbag or Rolex watch.

To me, it's more like a framed poster of a famous painting. Posters aren't considered counterfeits, and no one would accuse you of passing it off as the original.
Framed posters, like cards molds, are a way to appreciate and enjoy the art of something unobtainable.

The copyright issue, however, still remains.
All the talk of counterfeits....I just dont see it as such. It's not the same as a knockoff handbag or Rolex watch.

To me, it's more like a framed poster of a famous painting. Posters aren't considered counterfeits, and no one would accuse you of passing it off as the original.
Framed posters, like cards molds, are a way to appreciate and enjoy the art of something unobtainable.

The copyright issue, however, still remains.
All the talk of counterfeits....I just dont see it as such. It's not the same as a knockoff handbag or Rolex watch.

To me, it's more like a framed poster of a famous painting. Posters aren't considered counterfeits, and no one would accuse you of passing it off as the original.
Framed posters, like cards molds, are a way to appreciate and enjoy the art of something unobtainable.

The copyright issue, however, still remains.
Can we just end the thread on this comment, please, mods?
Comments are healthy, emails can be turned off, I prefer real Paulson chips, don’t own any card molds, and I am going to continue enjoying the site! Did I miss anything?

Oh, hot dogs are not sandwiches.
Aw, you almost got a like. But I can’t abide that last comment.

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