Mine Help me (I am being stolen by A. Tim.) (2 Viewers)

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edited to add: If the buyer is not happy with the chips, then at least have the decency to ship the chips back. (seller to pay shiping)

Has the seller offered to pay return shipping? This is an international transaction. If I were the buyer, I wouldn't want to pay the price of international shipping because of someone else's careless shipping. The seller already said that he went the el-cheapo route when shipping the chips, rather than packaging them properly for safe shipment. We don't even know that the seller offered to pay the return shipping.

Bobb, are you willing to pay the $25 for a small flat rate box, to have your damaged chips shipped back to you? I doubt Tim is going to pay for the damaged chips, but I imagine he would mail them back, if shipping is paid for.

Edit: although you'd have to take it up with him...I am not him.
In the end - we all need to look at the negatives in a bad situation and try to make a positive out of it so we can go on and enjoy our very short lives. To that end, the very few times I have practiced true forgiveness in a bad situation I have been cleansed of all hatred or anger at the person or persons I thought had done me wrong. That means totally cutting loose any and all bad feelings or memories and never bringing them back into your life again.

I hope Bobb can find a solution that satisfies him but if not, forgiveness will set him free of the negative situation he feels he is in right now. Believe me, it's hard, and I struggle with it a lot, but the times I have been able to practice it successfully have truly enriched my life.

Good Luck Sir.
Thank you very much in everything those who supported me.
I have no piece of news of Tim...
But I knew how to contact, eBay, paypal and laposte. They agree that it is none of my doing in this problem and decided to pay off me my $200 .
The affair(business) is closed for me.
Tim of sound highly-rated in all the same kept(guarded) tokens and money(silver) you think of me when you will see them on sale.
thank you
It seems that eBay has a change of mind as of shirt.
I do not arrive has to get back the money(silver). They accepted in fact my call(appeal) to agree with me but do not want to pay off me.
I thus lost $200 and 95 tokens.
Please, can contact ande tim (for those who knows him(it)) so that he can make me my chips.
I would pay the shipment charges when I would have received chips.

This affair(business) really begins to irritate me.
He can also pay me half of the invoice, it will reduce my loss
It seems that eBay has a change of mind as of shirt.
I do not arrive has to get back the money(silver). They accepted in fact my call(appeal) to agree with me but do not want to pay off me.
I thus lost $200 and 95 tokens.
Please, can contact ande tim (for those who knows him(it)) so that he can make me my chips.
I would pay the shipment charges when I would have received chips.

This affair(business) really begins to irritate me.
He can also pay me half of the invoice, it will reduce my loss

It is really difficult to understand what you are saying. But I'll try.
eBay says they argree with you, but are not refunding your money?

And you want Tim to return your chips to you (which I think is the right thing to do), and you will pay the return shipping charges (also the right thing to do)...but you think he should pay for half of the "invoice" to help reduce your loss? Once you get the chips back, isn't the matter resolved?
I agree with you. I think he's going to invade France though. Something about he wants the baguettes - I didn't get it all.

It's posts like this that keep me awake at night reading all the threads on this forum. I nearly peed myself laughing :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

I am not trying to stir the pot here, but since we are only hearing one side of the equation, I thought I should weigh in.

I recently dealt with you in a PCF auction of mine, where you were ultimately the high Bidder. After the auction ended, I tried to contact you several times to get your address in order to calculate shipping, but I got no response. After a couple weeks and another email, I finally did get a response, but only to say you were on Holiday and could not respond (the irony with that is besides the point). I understand that people in Europe often take the whole month of August off, so I patiently waited. Last week I contacted you again, and your response was that you wanted to rescind your bid.

I am not posting to shame you for backing out of the auction, but rather to point out that your communication was pretty bad throughout the process. Is it possible that Tim tried to contact you multiple times after receiving a damaged package, yet you were not able to respond to him either? Maybe thats what drove him to open a case with eBay, and you only became engaged once eBay ruled in his favor? I find it difficult to believe that there was no communication on either side before a claim was filed with eBay.

PS - In typing this response, It dawned on me that I have dealt with you previously in another transaction for some BCC Riverboat chips. I checked my email history, and coincidentally, there was also "packing issues" in this transaction. In one package, you had removed four chips in order to get the package below a certain weight. The package arrived open, but no additional chips were missing. I then purchased your last rack of $2 chips which you sent separately - In this package you included the 4 missing $10 chips from the previous shipment, but the "rack" of $2s only included 99 chips. You're response was that one of the chips must have been lost in transit.

Im not trying to say that this most recent exchange is all your fault, but It seems like many of your packages have issues reaching their destination in one piece. Good luck and I hope everything resolves itself amicably.
Am I missing some good reason that the alleged perpetrator's real name is being allowed to remain in the thread title and OP?
Thanks for posting, Scott. There are some illuminating contributing facts there that should help others in the chipping community. I realize it was not your main point but personally it goads me when buyers back out of a purchase.

Yeah, the backing out doesn't really bother me, but it could have been done in a much better manner.

You are right for the bid that I posted at your home(with you), but this has nothing to do with the subject.
On the other hand you are not just for the sale that I made you.
The buyers always have the choice to pay a higher price for the expenses of delivery.

21€ with tracking number (little parcel)
53€ with trancking number + assurance (big parcel)
57€ with big security

21€ or 53€?
If you want to pay the cheapest, I am willing to make every effort. But if it turns around against me would not make him anymore.
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It is really difficult to understand what you are saying. But I'll try.
eBay says they argree with you, but are not refunding your money?

And you want Tim to return your chips to you (which I think is the right thing to do), and you will pay the return shipping charges (also the right thing to do)...but you think he should pay for half of the "invoice" to help reduce your loss? Once you get the chips back, isn't the matter resolved?

it's very good,
thank you
I can't believe I defended this hump.....albeit before I had my wake and bake.... Jeeze Louise
Update: my four friends technically conquered France this morning, albeit without the paperwork. In waiting to receive the French government's formal document of capitulation, they became bored and realized that most of the food in your godforsaken country involves small portions.

You'll be delighted to learn that they moved onto conquering Poland, which incidentally is a common tourist activity in that country given that the Poles have been ruled at one point or another by nearly every nation-state in the long and storied history of Europe.

Sadly, the United Nations has ruled our short skirmish as "no contest" which means you can't add it to your abysmal win total of 4 wars in the last 2 millennia.

Look at the bright side - I was 2 for 2 with getting French people to quit this site before you, but you're hanging tough. You've got a little thing called grit, my friend, and there ain't no stat for that.

Your pal,

- General Zow
i sells here since 2013.
Before I sold on chiptalk.
And I also sells on eBay since 2007.

It is good the first time when I have this kind of problem.
The affair is not finished. I am always waiting! Why the buyer does not answer?

For those who would have doubts on my credibility, I come to realize another 5 sales his last ones 72heures.

I does not subject(submit) me.

It's not because I am French that I have to be the executioner.!!!

Concerning ssanel, he is just angry for his auction and I understands him, but it sometimes arrives: there is not nothing serious... sorry man!
I am struggling to see why the backlash is against Bobb here.

Look at almost any sale thread, including from many who have slammed Bobb saying he is at fault, they almost all say "international buyers welcome but accept ALL responsibility for damaged lost chips blah blah blah"

So what does this only apply one way? If they leave America the seller is done and dusted with no further responsibility? But if they are coming to America slam the seller?

What has happened is unfortunate and sucks, but I can't see how Bobb isn't entitled to a partial refund or chips.
I am struggling to see why the backlash is against Bobb here.

Look at almost any sale thread, including from many who have slammed Bobb saying he is at fault, they almost all say "international buyers welcome but accept ALL responsibility for damaged lost chips blah blah blah"

So what does this only apply one way? If they leave America the seller is done and dusted with no further responsibility? But if they are coming to America slam the seller?

What has happened is unfortunate and sucks, but I can't see how Bobb isn't entitled to a partial refund or chips.

Thank you very much stocky.
it feels good.
I have almost raw that I was crazy ... :)
Look at almost any sale thread, including from many who have slammed Bobb saying he is at fault, they almost all say "international buyers welcome but accept ALL responsibility for damaged lost chips blah blah blah"

So what does this only apply one way? If they leave America the seller is done and dusted with no further responsibility? But if they are coming to America slam the seller?.

This is a very valid point. Although eBay terms are not set up like that.
This is a very valid point. Although eBay terms are not set up like that.

Totally understand that eBay is a different kettle of fish and every seller should be aware of that. I just get the feeling that if the rolls were reversed we'd be hearing different responses.
What a thread !!!
Nearly everything has been told ... What can i add : 1 purchase to bobb at my beginning in this world everything was ok.
Many purchases and sales with us chippers everything received till now

For us worldwide chipper PCF is à great chance , Thanks to Tommy and His "crew" to take of this. And i guess That we are too a great addition to us chipper world.

For this spécific case If someone knows Well Tim it Will Be great If he can drive à médiation between the two party.

Hope this case Will not damage the trust in this small world !
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I am struggling to see why the backlash is against Bobb here.

Look at almost any sale thread, including from many who have slammed Bobb saying he is at fault, they almost all say "international buyers welcome but accept ALL responsibility for damaged lost chips blah blah blah"

So what does this only apply one way? If they leave America the seller is done and dusted with no further responsibility? But if they are coming to America slam the seller?

What has happened is unfortunate and sucks, but I can't see how Bobb isn't entitled to a partial refund or chips.

Stocky - the reason why it's a one-sided situation is relatively complex and involves a careful analysis of geo-political relations over the last 60 years between the United States and the developing European Union, as well as the decaying imperialism typically demonstrated prior to 1945 by the Kingdom of Great Britain. It also bears a careful analysis of the influence of technology on a rapidly shrinking world from a communication perspective, allowing for solidified international relationships that are significantly dynamic.

I'll try to summarize here as briefly as possible, but please don't hesitate to contact me via PM for an expanded, more frank, discussion.

Aircraft Carriers. The United States has a FUCKING SHIT TON of aircraft carriers. Each of them has planes, and while some of these planes are designed with a fighter-interceptor role as their main objective, many of the planes have the capability to carry bombs.

Let me state this at this time and in this place so that there is no confusion after these events transpire.

If I buy chips from Europe, or someone that I am allied with by mutual agreement buys chips from Europe, and these chips fail to arrive in whole and in satisfactory condition, the combined raw power of the United States Fifth Carrier Battlegroup and 3rd Air Force Fleet will rain down the furious might of God's own thunder on the seller.

That warning will ring out for eternity - there is a new doctrine - the Berg doctrine - and violating it will guarantee your quick and merciless destruction.

Ship carefully, you feckless thugs that would defy the might of the United States military forces. 'Tis your own fate you seal when you forget to include additional bubble wrap or decline the opportunity to apply that last piece of tape on the exterior of your package.
Concerning ssanel, he is just angry for his auction and I understands him, but it sometimes arrives: there is not nothing serious... sorry man!

Boris, Please do not speak for me. I stated clearly that I am not mad about you backing out of my auction.

The purpose of my post was to point out that for a month, when I was trying to reach you, you were virtually unresponsive. If I was depending on funds from the sale during that time, then yes, I would have been very mad. If I had received a damaged package from you during that time period, and you responded with the same level of indifference, then I would probably be very upset as well. Obviously, you do not appreciate when people are unresponsive, since that is the basis for this this thread.

Now if Tim received your chips from eBay, and never tried to contact you before opening a claim, then I think you have every right to be upset But before we get out the pitchforks (which it seems like thats what you want), I would like to know both sides of the story.
Well as a rep of a neutral country, I am weighing in as well :D:

Dealings with Bobb: 1 time so far and so far quick response, package sent, photos of package sent and tracking number received. (y) :thumbsup: I am happy to edit this as soon as they get here!

My humble opinion on the subject: eBay sale, hence the "risk" lies with seller for the loss (the missing chips). Since we are all decent human beings, I would strongly agree that the duly arrived chips ought to be paid for. In this case Bobb will have to shoulder the burden of the lost chips but what has been received should be paid.;) If he does not wish to keep the partial receipt - the chips ought to be returned to France at Bob's expense.

but the "rack" of $2s only included 99 chips. You're response was that one of the chips must have been lost in transit.

Isnt that you Bob that owns a great collection of single chips ? Now I see how you work it out :whistle: :whistling:

Ive done a few deals too, never had any missing chips. I guess I must have been lucky :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:.
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