Trade Horseshoe Casino Buy: Secondary Marketplace (3 Viewers)

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Just need 3 more sec $5ks now. :)
Hey Tommy,
Would you be interested in selling some of what you have to trade? Would like to buy a barrel of 100s and 500s, 5 of the 1ks and 2 of the 25ks. I wasn't able to get any of the high denominations when I ordered. I only got 1s, 5s and sec 25s.


I would be interested in some of the special edition $5's that are included in these Horseshoe orders.
Message me if interested.
I do have a limited number of 43mm racks that I may be willing to include in some kind of trade or maybe even some other chips.
I've got a primary sample set available but only if you enter my Grand Victoria Secondary Tournament Set raffle and purchase 2 or more entries:
Horseshoe Primary Sample Set.jpg
Anyone have a barrel of Secondary 1ks or 5ks to sell?

PM me with prices.
Need secondary's

80 x 25's
140 x 100's
80 x 500's
40 x 1000
20 x 5000

PM me if you have any to sell
I've got a bunch of people helping me out with snappers, but I'm still in that snapper hunt game (wait....what?)

Truman's House commemorative chips for anyone that helps me out with snappers. I'm a buyer, not a trader.

Thanks everyone!
I'm looking for secondary $500s, primary $1Ks and primary $5Ks.

I'll have (early next week USPS willing) primary $25s, $100s, $500s and CA$H to trade.
If anyone is looking to get rid of a barrel of primary 500's, I have some secondary 100's to trade (or cash). Also looking for a sample set. Thanks!
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I'm looking for secondary $500s, primary $1Ks and primary $5Ks.

I'll have (early next week USPS willing) primary $25s, $100s, $500s and CA$H to trade.
I may have the 500s to trade next week. Shoot me a pm reminder, i am out of town until sunday
If anyone is looking to get rid of a barrel of primary 500's, I have some secondary 100's to trade (or cash). Also looking for a sample set. Thanks!
I don't have anything to trade but would be interested in buying your barrel of secondary 100s if you'd like to sell.
If anyone is looking to get rid of a barrel of primary 500's, I have some secondary 100's to trade (or cash). Also looking for a sample set. Thanks!
Hello again,
I haven't received my order yet but was only able to get 1s, 5s, and 25s. If you have 2 barrels of the secondary 100s you'd sell, I'll buy them. I wasn't able to get any chips higher than the 25s.


I am looking to get a rack of $1 , $5
3 barrels of primary $25
1 barrel of primary $100

Would love to buy them if you got em
Interested in:

1 to 3 barrels of $100 secondaries - found
1 to 2 barrels of $1k secondary
1 barrel of $5k secondary
10 x $25k primary

Also interested in some $1k primary..

have some $25 secondary and ca$h to trade as well as other non-horseshoe paulson and TRK chips
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If anyone is selling, I am interested in 10x $1K, 5x $5K and 3 $25K all primaries. Thanks!
I agree. It also seems that a sale like this depresses pricing on most other Paulson sales - at least temporarily. Just look through the listings at all the "price reduced" notices. I think the market is small as you point out. Right now, the Horseshoe sale is dominating the market's attention and purchasing power.

I think that the collective opinion of this market has determined that Paulsons are the epitome of poker chips - especially casino Paulsons - and set prices accordingly. It is just a matter of time before these Horseshoes are sold off and removed from the marketplace as people add them to their collections. Then we will see a return to the premium Paulson prices.

I love this sickness of ours!
This sounds like a good time if you have funds to spend on Paulsons. Especially since the last few years have seen a great inflation of prices due to the disappearance of the Paulson home market. Time to buy if you can.
Thanks, brother. Got them today. What a deal! For half the price of the sample set, I got all the primaries, an extra snapper, and some sweetheart even cleaned them all for me.
Yeah thanks much @Tommy. My sample set came in a few days back and they mak me smile. I got a question though. The $1 and $5 chip in the sample where obviously cleaned because they look great. (no hand cheese) Question is, is that the general condition that you are seeing those chips in? The sample $1 and $5 you sent seem to be in too good of shape to be casino used for that much time.
got my chips, I have 45-50 primary 1000 chips that I would like to trade for secondary 1000 chips, plus the extra dollars, if anyone is interested, thanks, frank
Yeah thanks much @Tommy. My sample set came in a few days back and they mak me smile. I got a question though. The $1 and $5 chip in the sample where obviously cleaned because they look great. (no hand cheese) Question is, is that the general condition that you are seeing those chips in? The sample $1 and $5 you sent seem to be in too good of shape to be casino used for that much time.
this batch of 5's are in great shape for casino used. Out of the 370 I bought, maybe 1 or less than 1 per stack does not have square edges. I am very pleased with these chips, dollars are nice too
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got my chips, I have 45-50 primary 1000 chips that I would like to trade for secondary 1000 chips, plus the extra dollars, if anyone is interested, thanks, frank
I would be interested in the Primary 1K's if you have no luck trading.
just another guy here looking to buy:
• 40 of the 1K primaries
• 20 of the 5K primaries

If trading, I have 1 rack of the $500 primaries, and 1 rack of the Tri-moon snappers available
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Apache had sample sets on his website. No idea if they are still there or if he is out. I have one and I highly recommend them. :D
Ditto ^^^. It's cool to look at them all side by side. Although Apache's sets do not include the tri-moon snapper.
Just curious on the condition of the used primaries -- How worn are they, will all stand on edge?
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