Trade Horseshoe Casino Buy: Secondary Marketplace (1 Viewer)

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Yeah, I'm just messing. It would have been quite a change of heart to buy the whole lot as I was previously between getting nothing and a couple racks of $1 chips. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

Massive slowroll...Ban, Ban, Ban Hammer. You waited 2 whole minutes. :p

hopefully he did not sell it all and kept a bit at those prices for the forum ??
was there really 400k chips ?
if anyone has actual pics of these chips, particularly the higher-denoms, please post.
Can't seem to find much from searching online. Thanks!
As I add chips, the percentage I can buy increases. So your order changes the max. If I max the order for the high denominations, your count (plus or minus a chip for rounding) is:
  • $100 (primary) = 80. Still have 16 more I can purchase.
  • $500 (primary) = 44
Around $168 without shipping or other ChipRoom costs. Look good to you?

If TheChipRoom's order page has glitches, this final order is likely the one that will be affected.
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Primary Used Chips
$1 - $.49/chip (no limit on chips purchased)
$2.50 - $.79/chip (max 10% of your total order)
$5 - $.59/chip (no limit on chips purchased)
$25 - $.79/chip (max 25% of you total order)
$100 - $.99/chip (max 15% of your total order)
$500 - $1.99/chip (max 10% of your total order)
$1000 - $4.99/chip (max 5% of your total order)
$5000 - $7.99/chip (max 5% of your total order)
$25,000 (only offered as part of the sample sets)

Secondary (NEW) chips
$25 - $1.29/chip (max 25% of you total order)
$100 - $1.49/chip (max 15% of your total order)
$500 - $2.49/chip (max 10% of your total order)
$1000 - $5.99/chip (max 5% of your total order)
$5000 - $8.99/chip (max 5% of your total order)
$25,000 (only offered as part of the sample set)
Am I correct in reading that I can't order only 1 rack of secondary chips??
Am I correct in reading that I can't order only 1 rack of secondary chips??

Correct. You need to purchase $1s and $5s to balance the order. For example, if you purchase 3 racks of $1s/$5s, you can buy one rack of $25s (i.e., 25% of your total order of 400 chips).
Hey Forrest, I need another fix real bad :cautious: I'll take the 7 secondary $1000 chips available + any more you get the option to buy up to 100 :sick:
hopefully he did not sell it all and kept a bit at those prices for the forum ??
was there really 400k chips ?
According to Cleveland media accounts at the time of the conversion it was indicated that the changeover involved swapping out 407,000 chips. So that's your upper bound. I can say with confidence that the actual number would be no more than 406,990 because I personally have ten $1s in my racks. I'd imagine that most of the higher denomination chips were redeemed but no doubt there's lots of $1s and $5s floating around in odd bunches across northeast Ohio. My guess would be somewhere in the 3's.

@Tommy does this mean that the server upgrade is back on schedule?
Hey Forrest, I need another fix real bad :cautious: I'll take the 7 secondary $1000 chips available + any more you get the option to buy up to 100 :sick:
I can hook you up with another n=12 of those sweet secondary $1000s. They've got a real kick, so remember, you didn't get them from me.

Oh, and you have girly hands....
Well hopefully they get it figured out. Maybe Jim will fix it so we don't have to order a bunch of chips we don't want. The idea of having to pay hundreds for used $1's and $5's seems odd. Trying to re-sell those chips is going to suck because the market will be instantly flooded.

I was thinking of getting some $25 and $100's, but once the extra $1's and $5's are added in, it will exceed my budget.
Agree. I would probably pick up a set, but I'm only interested in secondary. Can't play by the rules, so I guess I won't play at all :(
or 10 people will own all of the $1's and $5's and they will be rare?? I don't like it either but I was going to pull the trigger on #570 $1's that I didn't even want. I am not flipping chips, just want a Secondary/New 10 player set up as follows

#120 $25 (12/player)
#120 $100 (12/player)
#70 $500 (7/player)
#50 $1000 (5/player)
#13 $5000 (1/player + 3 to buy back the $25's and hundos)
and 2 sample sets.....Reasonable??

So my $1000's exceed 5% of my order and would need the ones to make it work. I would end up flipping all those ones even if I had to hold on to them for years. Defeats the purpose, yes?

sorry @inca911 (should we create another thread to discuss this? sorry man)
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