I’m feeling pissed, would you be? (5 Viewers)


Straight Flush
Nov 11, 2014
Reaction score
One of the guys from my poker group that will sometimes play my cash game as well texted me yesterday.

He asked my what my plans were for the evening. He said he and his boss were trying to put together a poker game at their office that night. I tell him I have work dinner but can stop by afterwards.

We bullshit a little about blinds, but-in and games being played.

He then asks if he can borrow a set of chips and cards for the game because the stuff he has is junk. Luckily I still had my Soapy’s Parlor set in the car from the weekends game. He picks up the chips since I won’t be there for the start of the game.

Well dinner is winding up about 8:30 and I text him to see how the game is going and get the address. The reply I get is not what I expected but have gotten many times before.

“Well there’s only 5 people and most of them have only bought in for $100 to $200. It’s really slow, only Hold’em. You probably couldn’t win more than $200-$300.”

It feels like he doesn’t want to come play this game and eat up his fish.

I then call him as I m now driving and he is hemming and hawing about how slow and small the game is.

I flat out ask him if he wants me to play and says NO!

So it feels to me like he just wanted to borrow my chips and cards but felt he had to give me a token invite to do so and hoped I wouldn’t actually want to play.

What really irks me is this same guy complains how bad I am and how I just get stupid lucky all the time! If I am that bad of a player wouldn’t he want a fish with a pocket full of money at any table he is at?

So would this piss you off?

TLDR: asked not to come to a game I was invited to that I provided the chips and cards for.
Hell ya I would be pissed. Can't believe you let an asshole like that borrow your chips. You are def the better person in this situation.
That's the last time he borrows my chips, for sure.

^ THIS! ^

He may be off my invite list, as well.

Was thinking the same until....

Last time he played he dropped over $1200, most of it trying to bluff me, so let’s not get too carried away lol! :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:


Can't say I wouldn't be tempted to focus my efforts the next 3 or 4 sessions on felting him.
Could it be he didn’t want you there because it was a networking thing for work, and he didn’t want you to upset that dynamic? I mean he could have been more up front with you, but I’d wait to get upset until I hear the full story from him. But yeah, I also wouldn’t be lending out chips to a guy if he just didn’t want you to “cut in on his action”.
Could it be he didn’t want you there because it was a networking thing for work, and he didn’t want you to upset that dynamic? I mean he could have been more up front with you, but I’d wait to get upset until I hear the full story from him. But yeah, I also wouldn’t be lending out chips to a guy if he just didn’t want you to “cut in on his action”.

That's a valid point, and if the guy had simply said from start there would have been no issue (I assume). It was the disingenuous invite and subsequent retraction of said invite that would have me pretty steamed.
Could it be he didn’t want you there because it was a networking thing for work, and he didn’t want you to upset that dynamic? I mean he could have been more up front with you, but I’d wait to get upset until I hear the full story from him. But yeah, I also wouldn’t be lending out chips to a guy if he just didn’t want you to “cut in on his action”.

I don’t think it was a work thing at all, just where the game was being played. His boss is the same guy who had this stack at the high roller BJ table last month. From what he has told he, he loves to gamble. It feels like he didn’t want me in his little pond of fish.

I don’t think it was a work thing at all, just where the game was being played. His boss is the same guy who had this stack at the high roller BJ table last month. From what he has told he, he loves to gamble. It feels like he didn’t want me in his little pond of fish.

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Every time I see this picture I cry a little.
That's a valid point, and if the guy had simply said from start there would have been no issue (I assume). It was the disingenuous invite and subsequent retraction of said invite that would have me pretty steamed.

If he would have just said my boss wants to have an office poker game, do you mind if I borrow a set of chips for it so that it is a nice game and I can impress him. I would have let him borrow them. Lie to me that way!!!
eh. I'd say don't tap the glass on this one. He was rude but proving that out will cost you more in the long run. Also, don't assign malice to what might simply be incompetent communication.

Maybe offer to sell him a set of chips?
eh. I'd say don't tap the glass on this one. He was rude but proving that out will cost you more in the long run. Also, don't assign malice to what might simply be incompetent communication.

Maybe offer to sell him a set of chips?

Stop using logic and reason!!! We are here to burn him down!! :p

Actually I texted him once I got home from the casino to thank him for asking me not to come since I won $1k in an hour lol. Kill them with kindness :sneaky:


But yea, never loaning him a chip set again.
eh. I'd say don't tap the glass on this one. He was rude but proving that out will cost you more in the long run. Also, don't assign malice to what might simply be incompetent communication.

Maybe offer to sell him a set of chips?
I'd lean towards ^this^ type of response, after cooling off from my initial kneejerk burn reaction.

I then call him as I m now driving and he is hemming and hawing about how slow and small the game is.

I flat out ask him if he wants me to play and says NO!
I think ^this^ is where you made an error. If somebody wants to act like a dick, I'm not going to make it easier for them by setting it up for them.

"If my answers frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions." -- Jules

Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

But yeah, set-lending days are over.
I'd lean towards ^this^ type of response, after cooling off from my initial kneejerk burn reaction.

I think ^this^ is where you made an error. If somebody wants to act like a dick, I'm not going to make it easier for them by setting it up for them.

"If my answers frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions." -- Jules

Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.

But yeah, set-lending days are over.

I could have played the game if I pushed the issue, but I’d rather know the truth. I do give him some credit for having the balls to actually tell me he didn’t want me to play. Most people would be like “if you want to play....” or “it’s up to you what you want to do”.

I don’t think I know anyone else that was playing in the game and if my supposed “friend” doesn’t even want me there then I’d rather know that up front and do something else.
I think Highli99 and BG pretty much sum up my thoughts as well.

If he doesn't want to buy a set of decent chips, then simply bring the chips with you to the game... even if you have them on you. I realize you were going to be late for this one, so it wouldn't have worked out, but that would be my approach going forward.
I think Highli99 and BG pretty much sum up my thoughts as well.

If he doesn't want to buy a set of decent chips, then simply bring the chips with you to the game... even if you have them on you. I realize you were going to be late for this one, so it wouldn't have worked out, but that would be my approach going forward.

“You get me and chips. Or you get no chips.”

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