I’m feeling pissed, would you be? (2 Viewers)

Bad form for sure, but I like that @BGinGA suggests a measured response.

You have such a good thing going in the home game I wouldn't go to far in proving a point to shame one of your marks.

I think the shade on your friend's part is that he dangled the invite instead of being up front that he was setting this up as a work game.

I certainly don't think you should lend money or chips out to this player any more. But if he is one of your regular guppies, let him have his pond once in a while. Don't make him mad if he still wants to play.
What do your other players in the group think of him?

I think people are beginning to realize he is more than a bit of a DB. He is cocky and arrogant for no real reason. His family has money (his dad is a judge) but he doesn’t have it himself. He often acts like he is better/smarter than people.
"If my answers frighten you, then you should cease asking scary questions." -- JESUS
FYP:LOL: :laugh:
On a more serious note, if the game is so friendly that money is not an issue for the given players / friends in relation the the stakes, D-bags should be just thrown out of the window.
The difficult and probably ugly part is when the game has grown to a level where money is indeed wanted and even necessary, so it's not anymore about friends playing, but about tolerating D-bags in order to have their money, if you can (apparently, @Rhodeman77 can have anybody's money, so it's his choice).
I just picked up these 800 chips and once I find a cheap $1 chip to go along with them I’ll have a very inexpensive travel/loaner set that I won’t be concerned about, even to this guy lol! Considering he lost enough to buy 10 of these sets in th last game alone!

I just picked up these 800 chips and once I find a cheap $1 chip to go along with them I’ll have a very inexpensive travel/loaner set that I won’t be concerned about, even to this guy lol! Considering he lost enough to buy 10 of these sets in th last game alone!

View attachment 229659

Maybe you could pick up a couple racks of blue from @navels ' latest find?


Price is right, anyway.

(Edit: maybe not, just noticed he has a minimum set on this.)
I've noticed (in the past) that it matched the current season (and that your chips actually HAD seasons), but don't think I've ever caught on that you periodically changed it. Makes perfect sense, but I never put 2 + 2 together.... :rolleyes:
This is exactly the reason I am the host.

F this guy and ask for the chips back within the week. Short's too life to waste it on "fake friends".
He may be trying to build up a home game amongst fish and he doesn't want a grinder there. He also may feels like the money isn't good enough for you.

Just because you lend him your chips doesn't mean you get an invite. You should have asked to play in the game when you lent him the chips.

Did you even bother to ask him why he didn't want you to play?
Please tell me this is a troll post

No it's not. People change their minds all the time. If he doesn't want him to play in the game that's his own perogative. Once TC Grant's him use of the chips, the borrower can do whatever he wants. TC is blowing this up for no reason. TC also complains about other things this guy does as well. If TC whines about this guy, why did he lend him the chips in the first place.
Dude didn't "change his mind", he gave the impression OP was welcome in the game to secure his chips, then gave him the brush off

You don't know that to be fact. Maybe his friend, boss, and colleagues started doing blow and OP is a straight arrow hence why hes humming and hawing on inviting him.
No it's not. People change their minds all the time. If he doesn't want him to play in the game that's his own perogative. Once TC Grant's him use of the chips, the borrower can do whatever he wants.

Who is TC?

Also if you read the original post it looks like his friend is at least dangling the invite. The subject of borrowing the chips doesn't come up until later.

He asked my what my plans were for the evening. He said he and his boss were trying to put together a poker game at their office that night. I tell him I have work dinner but can stop by afterwards.

We bullshit a little about blinds, but-in and games being played.

He then asks if he can borrow a set of chips and cards
I think what probably happened is the game dynamic wasn't what the borrower thought it would be for whatever reason, he realized it after the game started, and he was uncomfortable telling OP the reason why. If he didn't want OP there in the first place, he could have just asked to borrow chips for a work event and there would have been no drama. If you truly care about him being your friend you can have an honest open discussion about this, if not then that's cool too. You certainly don't have to be friends with everyone you play poker with.

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