I’m feeling pissed, would you be? (2 Viewers)

You seem to know this guy and have played with him several times before. I don't think it's fair to judge on this one instance - is he really an a-hole or is he just trying to politely keep you away from the first time he's the shark (and failing).
I can’t tell you how to feel. I don’t know how good of a friend this guy is. I get that he could have been more upfront and just asked, you could also be more upfront and tell him you would have had no problem if he just asked to borrow the chips. There actually could be a legitimate reason for the initial invite, as you said his boss likes to gamble so maybe he was bringing some of his action friends but none of them could make it then it ended up being just guys from the office. Which maybe he knows how you play and it really turned into more of a BSing/limp/ATCs fest then the dynamic would drastically change if you showed up. Plus these are the guys he has to work with. Yeah maybe it was easier to book a win without you there.
Take pride in the fact that he recognized he needed good chips and knew where to go as he now appreciates them.
You seem to know this guy and have played with him several times before. I don't think it's fair to judge on this one instance - is he really an a-hole or is he just trying to politely keep you away from the first time he's the shark (and failing).

I have known him for years. I’m really leaning towards him being a disingenuous person.

He has borrowed money from on a few occasions but the last time he lied several times to me about when he would repay me and I had to call him out on it to get it. Now with this I’m seeing more of his true colors I feel. I will be keeping him a distance for sure going forward.
^^ changes my response a little. Also why I said I have no idea how close you are.
If he was honest with me and said from the start can I borrow your chips but sorry you can't play I woulda prob have him them if there was a valid reason like "we've already got too many" but to invite you then say NO that's just a asshole move imho. He doesn't get my chips again for sure!
I have known him for years. I’m really leaning towards him being a disingenuous person.

He has borrowed money from on a few occasions but the last time he lied several times to me about when he would repay me and I had to call him out on it to get it. Now with this I’m seeing more of his true colors I feel. I will be keeping him a distance for sure going forward.

This is why I never lend money to friends and also keep a set of cheap chips/bicycle cards for lending out that I'm OK with losing.
If he would have just said my boss wants to have an office poker game, do you mind if I borrow a set of chips for it so that it is a nice game and I can impress him. I would have let him borrow them. Lie to me that way!!!

Yeah its true. I would just rib him a bit and let him know it is pretty lame. You want to borrow my ball but don't want me to play ? dafuq? not cool bro.

I can understand him not wanting you to play if you cleaned him out last time.

Nobody wants to play with me?! :)
F**k that guy. Out of the group, if you ask me.
Are you secretly @Kyle?
I'm not, but if that's something @Kyle would say then he has excellent judgment. I wasn't kidding, either. I'm all for finding profitable spots, but I don't make my living from poker. I care more about my home game being enjoyable than about keeping a player who dumps money but is unpleasant. I've loaned chips, tables, etc. to friends for games I wasn't invited to, but they had the courtesy to tell me. Nothing wrong with that, sometimes it's a group that are all friends that I don't know, or they're playing stakes I wouldn't play, or whatever. In fact, I don't think it would bother me if a friend said hey, can I borrow your stuff, I'm hosting this game but you can't come because you're too good a player and I don't want you taking these people's money. That would be an honest way to ask for a favor.

Seems to me the problem is the guy stringing you along as if you're invited to the game and then telling you not to come. At that point he's being disingenuous just to borrow your equipment. And combined with the other concerns you mention, it doesn't seem like this is a person you really want to hang out with. I've had players show up in my game who are "dead money" over the years, but if they're really a-holes that no one wants to hang out with they're not invited back. I'd rather have my game be slightly less soft but enjoy the company.
One of the guys from my poker group that will sometimes play my cash game as well texted me yesterday.

He asked my what my plans were for the evening. He said he and his boss were trying to put together a poker game at their office that night. I tell him I have work dinner but can stop by afterwards.

We bullshit a little about blinds, but-in and games being played.

He then asks if he can borrow a set of chips and cards for the game because the stuff he has is junk. Luckily I still had my Soapy’s Parlor set in the car from the weekends game. He picks up the chips since I won’t be there for the start of the game.

Well dinner is winding up about 8:30 and I text him to see how the game is going and get the address. The reply I get is not what I expected but have gotten many times before.

“Well there’s only 5 people and most of them have only bought in for $100 to $200. It’s really slow, only Hold’em. You probably couldn’t win more than $200-$300.”

It feels like he doesn’t want to come play this game and eat up his fish.

I then call him as I m now driving and he is hemming and hawing about how slow and small the game is.

I flat out ask him if he wants me to play and says NO!

So it feels to me like he just wanted to borrow my chips and cards but felt he had to give me a token invite to do so and hoped I wouldn’t actually want to play.

What really irks me is this same guy complains how bad I am and how I just get stupid lucky all the time! If I am that bad of a player wouldn’t he want a fish with a pocket full of money at any table he is at?

So would this piss you off?

TLDR: asked not to come to a game I was invited to that I provided the chips and cards for.

I didn't read through the thread. First time I've been at my desk since 0530 hrs and I found brownies and cookies waiting for me.

I would be pissed that they borrowed my shit but didn't want me to play in. Otherwise I wouldn't. I get wanting to have a friendly game without the sharks present (hmmm, I'm invited to every game)
I'm not, but if that's something @Kyle would say then he has excellent judgment. I wasn't kidding, either. I'm all for finding profitable spots, but I don't make my living from poker. I care more about my home game being enjoyable than about keeping a player who dumps money but is unpleasant. I've loaned chips, tables, etc. to friends for games I wasn't invited to, but they had the courtesy to tell me. Nothing wrong with that, sometimes it's a group that are all friends that I don't know, or they're playing stakes I wouldn't play, or whatever. In fact, I don't think it would bother me if a friend said hey, can I borrow your stuff, I'm hosting this game but you can't come because you're too good a player and I don't want you taking these people's money. That would be an honest way to ask for a favor.

Seems to me the problem is the guy stringing you along as if you're invited to the game and then telling you not to come. At that point he's being disingenuous just to borrow your equipment. And combined with the other concerns you mention, it doesn't seem like this is a person you really want to hang out with. I've had players show up in my game who are "dead money" over the years, but if they're really a-holes that no one wants to hang out with they're not invited back. I'd rather have my game be slightly less soft but enjoy the company.

Very good points! After this point he is definitely on the bottom of my invite list.
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No chips anymore? No nothing anymore. This isn't the type of person I want to be around, let alone in my home, using my chips, at a table with my friends.
Not to pick on a typo, but I love the expression "felling pissed".

Pissed < Really pissed < Felling pissed

Lol I didn’t see that until now, that’s how pissed I was!

Title fixed. Now everyone understands and we can get some comments in the correct context of the title! ;)
This is why I never play for more than cheeseburger stakes in home games with friends. Actual money makes people act weird.

The guy who borrows your chips is completely out of his brain when he says you can’t come play in a game WITH YOUR CHIPS! Are you kidding me? That’s just $ talking and clouding judgment/big picture.
To be clear, he didn’t say I couldn’t play, he didn’t want me to play. I don’t want to be where I’m not welcome though so I didn’t go.

He dropped the chips off a little while ago and was trying to backtrack saying he misheard me. Saying he thought I said “is this a game I want to play in?” Which is utter bullshit because if I didn’t want to play why would I text him several times asking about how it is going?

I know where I stand with him and will act accordingly going forward.
I can’t think of any situation where it would be OK for someone to borrow your gear, but then say you’re not invited to play, too.

Unless he borrowed your tricked-out van for a hot date.
This is why I never play for more than cheeseburger stakes in home games with friends. Actual money makes people act weird.

I really agree with this. I only play for 20 or so with friends to keep it friendly. If I want to play for real money then I go to the casino. These days I just find home games way more fun.
To be clear, he didn’t say I couldn’t play, he didn’t want me to play. I don’t want to be where I’m not welcome though so I didn’t go.

He dropped the chips off a little while ago and was trying to backtrack saying he misheard me. Saying he thought I said “is this a game I want to play in?” Which is utter bullshit because if I didn’t want to play why would I text him several times asking about how it is going?

Just curious - did he give a post game report?
Just curious - did he give a post game report?

He texted he was up about $400 then lost $200 of it with Q10cc on a KJ9cc board to A10 when the turn was the Qs.

He ended up winning $240 for the night.

I can’t say that I didn’t smile more than a little on the nasty suckout! :LOL: :laugh:
I really agree with this. I only play for 20 or so with friends to keep it friendly. If I want to play for real money then I go to the casino. These days I just find home games way more fun.

All the players in my home game network are poker players, that is how we met and what brought us together. So the stakes are what each person is comfortable playing. Some are only low buy in tournament people and some are higher stakes cash game players. It is a pretty big network of players.

When I play poker with my non poker friends we are the same way, $20 donkament of some kind to hang out.
All the players in my home game network are poker players, that is how we met and what brought us together. So the stakes are what each person is comfortable playing. Some are only low buy in tournament people and some are higher stakes cash game players. It is a pretty big network of players.

When I play poker with my non poker friends we are the same way, $20 donkament of some kind to hang out.

It's all good man. I wasn't trying to tell you what to do or how to run your games or anything. It is just a fact (most) people get weird when real money is involved.
Wouldn't be pissed. But I would tell him that I'm on my way to pick up my chips, so his dumb ass needs to cash out before I get there.

Better yet. Just show up and collect your chips and let him figure out how to pay everybody out.

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