I’m feeling pissed, would you be? (4 Viewers)

Maybe so, but his arguments are logical and coherent, and that not tipping statement was not only untrue, but a lie thrown at a guy who isn't around to defend himself.
Who is TC?

Also if you read the original post it looks like his friend is at least dangling the invite. The subject of borrowing the chips doesn't come up until later.

TC stands for "topic creator"

Well maybe he did dangle the invite or maybe he was just creating small talk before asking to borrow his chips as to come off respectful. There are to many potential reasons as to why he dangled the invite and why he didn't want him at the game. He should have taken it up with the friend he lent the chips to in the first place but instead he comes off as whiney and to me feels like hes trying to make himself look like a victim.
Very strictly speaking I do agree, it's find to lend chips without requiring an invite. But I think the gray area is the borrower dangled the invite to get the answer he wanted on borrowing and then pulled back.

If you have been following @Rhodeman77 's posts you would know he's a very good host and comments like this are ridiculously out of line...

but instead he comes off as whiney and to me feels like hes trying to make himself look like a victim.
Very strictly speaking I do agree, it's find to lend chips without requiring an invite. But I think the gray area is the borrower dangled the invite to get the answer he wanted on borrowing and then pulled back.

If you have been following @Rhodeman77 's posts you would know he's a very good host and comments like this are ridiculously out of line...

Out of line possibly but maybe now he will direct his concerns to the correct party which is the individual that borrowed the chips, not a forum. In my opinion this could have been solved through good communication skills.
Are you saying I'm Jack now? I was watching the thread, because I had replied earlier. And I'll always defend my friends against baseless allegations. Don't know why you're suddenly trolling again, but I guess the more things change the more they stay the same.
Out of line possibly but maybe now he will direct his concerns to the correct party which is the individual that borrowed the chips, not a forum. In my opinion this could have been solved through good communication skills.

Where was my lack of communication skills with the borrower of the chips? He invited to the game, then asked to borrow chips for said game.

When I texted him I was available to come play I felt I was getting blown off, at which point I directly asked him if he wanted me to come play or not and he said he didn’t.

The next day when he dropped the chips back off he came up with some excuse that he thought I was asking if it was a game that I would want to play in and that is why he said he answered no. He and I both know he is lying but I let it go.

They were playing 5 handed Hold’em, why wouldn’t they want another? I’ve never had a player text me when we are short handed that I tried to keep from playing!

So there wasn’t a lack of communication.

The OP was that I was feeling pissed off over the situation and asked if I was justified in that feeling.

I didn’t have hurt feelings or felt betrayed by a close friend (because he isn’t).

If he had some reason other than he didn’t want me at the game other than because he was worried I would be competition for him to win money he never said or indicated that, even remotely. Which if did would look a lot better in my opinion than the way he handled it.
Out of line possibly but maybe now he will direct his concerns to the correct party which is the individual that borrowed the chips, not a forum. In my opinion this could have been solved through good communication skills.

Ettiquette questions are not uncommon on PCF, sometimes we have different opinions, and sometimes it's a good idea to get feedback from fellow hosts before deciding how to proceed in matters of ettiquette.
Where was my lack of communication skills with the borrower of the chips? He invited to the game, then asked to borrow chips for said game.

When I texted him I was available to come play I felt I was getting blown off, at which point I directly asked him if he wanted me to come play or not and he said he didn’t.

The next day when he dropped the chips back off he came up with some excuse that he thought I was asking if it was a game that I would want to play in and that is why he said he answered no. He and I both know he is lying but I let it go.

They were playing 5 handed Hold’em, why wouldn’t they want another? I’ve never had a player text me when we are short handed that I tried to keep from playing!

So there wasn’t a lack of communication.

The OP was that I was feeling pissed off over the situation and asked if I was justified in that feeling.

I didn’t have hurt feelings or felt betrayed by a close friend (because he isn’t).

If he had some reason other than he didn’t want me at the game other than because he was worried I would be competition for him to win money he never said or indicated that, even remotely. Which if did would look a lot better in my opinion than the way he handled it.

So you're telling me that everything you've relayed to us here in your posts you've said to this guy?
Major social fail on the friends part. That's just kind of a dick move all around. I would definitely feel used and pretty pissed.

You have to decided if the relationship is worth the effort of confrontation and resolution. If it is, then a conversation about his actions and how they impact your friendship is the next step. If not, then it's probably time to part ways just in general. I don't know the complexities of the relationship so that could be some major oversimplification on all sides.

I struggle with keeping people of questionable integrity on the invite list because they are fish or lose money. Isn't that a little shady?

In my short time lurking on this forum a lot of folks here have taught me the importance of protecting your game. That means making the tough call with less than ideal people. Only you can set those standards with your game - but if it were me, this guy would be very close to being a has been in my game and just overall friendship.
One of the guys from my poker group that will sometimes play my cash game as well texted me yesterday.

He asked my what my plans were for the evening. He said he and his boss were trying to put together a poker game at their office that night. I tell him I have work dinner but can stop by afterwards.

We bullshit a little about blinds, but-in and games being played.

He then asks if he can borrow a set of chips and cards for the game because the stuff he has is junk. Luckily I still had my Soapy’s Parlor set in the car from the weekends game. He picks up the chips since I won’t be there for the start of the game.

Well dinner is winding up about 8:30 and I text him to see how the game is going and get the address. The reply I get is not what I expected but have gotten many times before.

“Well there’s only 5 people and most of them have only bought in for $100 to $200. It’s really slow, only Hold’em. You probably couldn’t win more than $200-$300.”

It feels like he doesn’t want to come play this game and eat up his fish.

I then call him as I m now driving and he is hemming and hawing about how slow and small the game is.

I flat out ask him if he wants me to play and says NO!

So it feels to me like he just wanted to borrow my chips and cards but felt he had to give me a token invite to do so and hoped I wouldn’t actually want to play.

What really irks me is this same guy complains how bad I am and how I just get stupid lucky all the time! If I am that bad of a player wouldn’t he want a fish with a pocket full of money at any table he is at?

So would this piss you off?

TLDR: asked not to come to a game I was invited to that I provided the chips and cards for.
Absolutely would be pissed. It’s slow and there’s only 5 players. Wouldn’t you want one more?
Update. Got a call again yesterday. He asked me if I wanted to play poker and I said sure. He then again asked if they could use my chips. I told him I didn’t have my travel set in the car, so I would need to bring it with me. I wasn’t leaving any chance of him blowing me off once he had my stuff.

I even got some payback when I busted him. A LAG had opened to $12 and I 3 bet to $35 with AA, Tom shoves all for $160, folds back to me and I of course call. He has AK off suite and missed.

I can see why he didn’t want me at this game. It was full of young business type guys. Average age was probably 25. Investment bankers, property development guys, a guy that owns a chain of local grocery stores. I saw 2 Rolexes. These guys have more money than poker skill.

The game was played in a old downtown mansion that has been converted into the offices for the property acquisition company.

Hopefully I get invited back.
He has AK off suite and missed.

Missed?! He was like 7% preflop.


Might be cheaper for him to just buy his own set of chips...
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Might be cheaper for him to just buy his own set of chips...

For sure! I’m always happy when a new set pays for itself in the very first game it gets used.

I was in for $700. Out for $1285
The $5’s and $25’s are great. Stack and shuffle really nice. I don’t like the $1’s at all. Too worn and slippery.

Update. Got a call again yesterday. He asked me if I wanted to play poker and I said sure. He then again asked if they could use my chips. I told him I didn’t have my travel set in the car, so I would need to bring it with me. I wasn’t leaving any chance of him blowing me off once he had my stuff.

I even got some payback when I busted him. A LAG had opened to $12 and I 3 bet to $35 with AA, Tom shoves all for $160, folds back to me and I of course call. He has AK off suite and missed.

I can see why he didn’t want me at this game. It was full of young business type guys. Average age was probably 25. Investment bankers, property development guys, a guy that owns a chain of local grocery stores. I saw 2 Rolexes. These guys have more money than poker skill.

The game was played in a old downtown mansion that has been converted into the offices for the property acquisition company.

Hopefully I get invited back.
Haha no you didn't take all their money on the first go around! You have to slow bleed them or you never get the 2nd invite! Lol sounds like a blast though. Congrats
Haha no you didn't take all their money on the first go around! You have to slow bleed them or you never get the 2nd invite! Lol sounds like a blast though. Congrats

Yeah, it's like that quote about your sheep and how often you can do various things to it.
This is why I never play for more than cheeseburger stakes in home games with friends. Actual money makes people act weird.

The guy who borrows your chips is completely out of his brain when he says you can’t come play in a game WITH YOUR CHIPS! Are you kidding me? That’s just $ talking and clouding judgment/big picture.
the "cheeseburger stakes" term was enjoyed, and will be used going forward. Thank you sir!
Fuck this guy. I would get the address, politely crash the game, and take my chips. Then they can figure out paying back their buy ins. Obviously I wouldn’t take their money, just my chips as they are YOUR chips. You have that right. I’m pissed just thinking about it. Goooooossfaaabraaaa gooooosfabraaaaajhhhjh!
I even got some payback when I busted him. A LAG had opened to $12 and I 3 bet to $35 with AA, Tom shoves all for $160, folds back to me and I of course call. He has AK off suite and missed.

Given this, and your prior post saying he dropped $1200.... he was worried you'd hook all of his fish. Seems to me the biggest fish is HIM. I'd tolerate A LOT to keep someone like that in proximity for games.

Still, if you want to discourage him using you as a chip rental company, buy a set of dice chips. The next time he wants to borrow some, bring those. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Given this, and your prior post saying he dropped $1200.... he was worried you'd hook all of his fish. Seems to me the biggest fish is HIM. I'd tolerate A LOT to keep someone like that in proximity for games.

Still, if you want to discourage him using you as a chip rental company, buy a set of dice chips. The next time he wants to borrow some, bring those. :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:

That is why I bought the ceramic set. I have to have a minimum standard for when I do get to play! Yes, he is a fish, and the best kind, the kind that thinks he is a shark! He comes up with every excuse why he can’t beat me or games I play in, except the most obvious one; he isn’t as good at poker as he thinks.
If you can beat the game for that much and your the "Chip Guy", next time bring nicer chips.
If you can beat the game for that much and your the "Chip Guy", next time bring nicer chips.

The ceramics are huge step up from the dice chips they have used before. Last time he borrowed my set they played on the conference room table with no table topper. I don’t want my good chips getting beat up from being tossed on the table.

Also I host games and like my premium chips to be something special about playing at my house exclusively. New players that play at casinos recognize them as high quality chips.

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