How do you distribute points in your league games based on: places, ITM, bounties, attendance, etc.?
League Scoring and Tournament of Champions
3. League points are assigned using the following formula
a. SQRT (a * b * (b / c)) / (d + 1.0))
i. a = Number of Players
ii. b = Buy-in Amount
iii. c = Total Expense (Buy-in + Re-buys + Add-on)
iv. d = Player Finish Position
4. Player must finish in the top 10 and have a minimum of 5 games played to eligible for the ToC
5. The top finisher in the league will win the player of the year trophy, POY prize money, and 12 months of bragging rights
6. In the unlikely event of a tie for 10th and 11th place, the seat will be awarded to the player with the greater number of games attended
Tournament of Champions
1. Game will be held on the date where the most players in the top 10 are available
a. Survey Monkey will be sent out with dates available for the game
b. Date will be decided based off the date that receives the most responses
c. In the event you cannot make the game, your spot will be forfeited, and the tournament will play short
d. Preferred date is the first weekend after RISD Christmas Vacation
2. Payout will be 50%/30%/20% of the prize pool
3. Winner will have their name on the ToC Champions Trophy and will win the card capper
4. Chips will be awarded in the following format
a. The player with the lowest number of games attended will set the baseline
b. All scores below baseline will be thrown out and the new scores will be calculated
c. Starting Stack will be issued at 1k chips per point, rounded up to the next whole number
d. Bonus chips will be awarded as outlined
- i. 1000 chips for each win
- ii. 500 chips for each bounty earned
- iii. 500 chips for each event appearance