I host a regular Home Game AMA (3 Viewers)

Do you have a stop loss amount when you host? Ever stop playing or at least taken a break for a little while on a bad night?
Yes. After my $1,500 loss I put a control in place. My max is now $600 per cash game, and 1 entry plus a rebuy and add-on for tournament. If I'm playing poorly I'll stop playing cash, and deal the tournament or the cash game for a while. It's happened once since, and it sucks.
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Yes. After my $1,500 loss I put a control in place. My max is now $600 per cash game, and 1 entry plus a rebut and add-on for tournament. If I'm playing poorly I'll stop playing cash, and deal the tournament or the cash game for a while. It's happened once since, and it sucks.
In the casino, I normally have a 3 buy-in stop loss unless the game is amazing. It's uncommon that I run this bad in my home games, but I have a hard time sitting out or just dealing when I do. I've been in the game for 5-6 BI a few times over the years.
At all your games you kill it, making thousands every poker night from all your players. How come they come back again and again?
Lol, I don't kill it every game, but I am a net positive player. They come back for the hot dogs and beer, clearly!
At all your games you kill it, making thousands every poker night from all your players. How come they come back again and again?

I have crushed my home game regularly for a long time. I have said it before and will say it again, poker players in general are egomaniacs. They all think they are better than they really are. They will find every excuse as to why they lose other than the obvious reason that they are not as good as you at poker. So as host and winning player I feed that mindset. I let them think I am just lucky and they got unlucky. Don’t show them the percentages of a hand or that you had the right odds to call their bet. Let them believe what they want as long as they come back.

Link to my game with plenty of hand histories to back up what I say.

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I'm downstairs working. My wife and her sister, my neice, and Ace and Deuce are upstairs baking (and testing) cookies. I can hear the decade argument heating up... Comparisons have been made to Mile 1 of a race and the first year of life for a baby.

My work is done here.

EDIT: I went upstairs to make a cup of coffee. I dropped the bomb ("there was no year zero...it went from 1 BC to 1 AD") and left. The Police may need to be called. If things settle down, I may have to go upstairs again and drop some @Hornet logic on them.
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I have crushed my home game regularly for a long time. I have said it before and will say it again, poker players in general are egomaniacs. They all think they are better than they really are. They will find every excuse as to why they lose other than the obvious reason that they are not as good as you at poker. So as host and winning player I feed that mindset. I let them think I am just lucky and they got unlucky. Don’t show them the percentages of a hand or that you had the right odds to call their bet. Let them believe what they want as long as they come back.

I recall reading Doyle say something similar (might've been in Super System)...that people just thought he was the luckiest player ever, when in reality, he put himself in +EV situations where he'd have a good chance of improving.

No joke, we met online, chatted for a couple of weeks, and then met. I moved in a couple of weeks later and never left. We got married about 16 months later.
(In Vegas, with an Elvis Impersonator)

Funny story. About 3 months into our relationship, she said "Our neighbor, Pete, is having some guys over for a poker game. You should go and introduce yourself, bring the beer that I bought you, and have a great time" So here I was, walking down the alley with a 12 pack of beer to a "man play date" my then girlfriend set up. Flash forward 7 years later - and I now have a poker room, where Pete is my longest standing regular.
She's a keeper.
How do you distribute points in your league games based on: places, ITM, bounties, attendance, etc.?
Do you pay a wife tax on your winnings for allowing you to host?
Sort of. My box takes the $20/head hospitality charge ($400/game). I put all my expenses on the credit card, so that's a wash. Our housekeeper is paid in cash, so I pay that out of my box. Also when the kids need extra above their allowance (we direct deposit allowance), I am also the supplier of cash. Simply put - if the wife needs cash, and I have it - the wife tax is paid. In the event I lose several sessions in a row, I am 'allowed' to top off from the ATM, but I've only done that once in 3 years.
How do you distribute points in your league games based on: places, ITM, bounties, attendance, etc.?
League Scoring and Tournament of Champions
3. League points are assigned using the following formula
a. SQRT (a * b * (b / c)) / (d + 1.0))​
i. a = Number of Players​
ii. b = Buy-in Amount​
iii. c = Total Expense (Buy-in + Re-buys + Add-on)​
iv. d = Player Finish Position​
4. Player must finish in the top 10 and have a minimum of 5 games played to eligible for the ToC
5. The top finisher in the league will win the player of the year trophy, POY prize money, and 12 months of bragging rights
6. In the unlikely event of a tie for 10th and 11th place, the seat will be awarded to the player with the greater number of games attended

Tournament of Champions
1. Game will be held on the date where the most players in the top 10 are available
a. Survey Monkey will be sent out with dates available for the game​
b. Date will be decided based off the date that receives the most responses​
c. In the event you cannot make the game, your spot will be forfeited, and the tournament will play short​
d. Preferred date is the first weekend after RISD Christmas Vacation​
2. Payout will be 50%/30%/20% of the prize pool
3. Winner will have their name on the ToC Champions Trophy and will win the card capper
4. Chips will be awarded in the following format
a. The player with the lowest number of games attended will set the baseline​
b. All scores below baseline will be thrown out and the new scores will be calculated​
c. Starting Stack will be issued at 1k chips per point, rounded up to the next whole number​
d. Bonus chips will be awarded as outlined​
  • i. 1000 chips for each win
  • ii. 500 chips for each bounty earned
  • iii. 500 chips for each event appearance
What will you do if you move to a different street
I won't move. This is our 'forever' home - if I sell it, it's because we are retiring to an ocean front property somewhere, and if that happens, I'll just get new swag. It's 100% paid for, and large enough to host holidays with all the kids for many years to come. Plus - I don't ever want to build another poker group! :tup:
What games do you guys play for cash? Do you run into issues where a game gets called that someone hasn’t played before?
What games do you guys play for cash? Do you run into issues where a game gets called that someone hasn’t played before?
We play anything in @abby99 game cards, plus Queen follow the Queen - the only wild card game allowed. We have games called all the time where someone hasn't played before. If so, we will usually run one simulation hand to get the feel for the game. We do allow questions during the hand, as needed.
What games do you guys play for cash? Do you run into issues where a game gets called that someone hasn’t played before?
I should add that the first table for cash is always Hold Em. The 2nd table, when it opens, will be circus.
I'd play Acey Deuecy against @MatB - but I wouldn't want to win him.

I don't know. My house could use another coat of paint.
Do you pay a wife tax on your winnings for allowing you to host?

I kind of do. When I'm winning (or not losing everything that I took to gamble with that night) I pay for date nights and impromptu drinks. Its win/win for me as well .
Bump. Remember this is an ASK ME ANYTHING!
We play anything in @abby99 game cards, plus Queen follow the Queen - the only wild card game allowed. We have games called all the time where someone hasn't played before. If so, we will usually run one simulation hand to get the feel for the game. We do allow questions during the hand, as needed.
Love follow the queen. Up here we put the heavy Boston accent on and call it Cahhhd aftah the Queen.
Yes. After my $1,500 loss I put a control in place. My max is now $600 per cash game, and 1 entry plus a rebuy and add-on for tournament. If I'm playing poorly I'll stop playing cash, and deal the tournament or the cash game for a while. It's happened once since, and it sucks.
More power to you. I just keep buying in. Granted, my game doesn't play as big so I only got a few hundred deep on my worst day.

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