
Resource InviteTracker (21 Viewers)

I've found that you MUST have an email address in there, even if you want it to send a text. For my players that don't use an email address, I just put mine in there

I do have my email address in the email cell. Hoping Al can figure it out. :)
I seem to get this error where when I use the shortcut app to send out the invite messages it just says finished sending straight away without sending to anyone. I've tried changing lists and redoing the whole thing but not sure what the issue is and how to fix it.


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This looks like it could be an unusual character in a name or phone number. If it’s reproducible you can pm me your web url and I can take a deeper look.
Found out today that my texts for invites haven't been sending. Twilio caps your messages at 1600 characters, but you need to remember that it expands the links and such. Pulled my invite message out and saw it was 1700 characters, and updated it accordingly now. BOOM !!! text messages are being sent again.

I always wondered why some people weren't responding to my invites when they asked for texts only ..

Now I know
Hey there I seem to be getting another error with shortcuts now where it just says 'The request timed out'. Have tried reloading the app, changing to data and wifi works fine. It says that 'Get contents of URL ?smslist' was what was timed out. regards CB
Its working now dw about it. Not sure what was causing the issue though
It feels like there was some sort of connectivity issue between your phone and the Google docs.

It would have been interesting to see what would have happened if you just pasted that URL into safari at that moment. You can try it now so you can see what to expect.

Glad to hear it’s working again.
Its working now dw about it. Not sure what was causing the issue though
I have this same issue from time to time. Usually of I switch message templates, like from “Invite” to “Reminder.” Some work, some don’t. Not sure why, but it works enough I’m grateful for it!
If you guys ever get it to the point where it’s reproducible I’m happy to troubleshoot. I have never encountered this issue. But I know there are nuances in the way each one of us uses this tool.
Al - Amazing as always your app has transormed my barely 6 man home game into a two table roster of 50 guys. Without your app I'd have quit hosting already!

Just downloaded 3.7 - new IOS user.

Getting an error when running the shortcut "Conversion Error - Send Message failed because Shortcuts couldn't convert from Text to Contact, phone number, or email address".

Anyone seen this before?
I'm getting the same error. Just downloaded it today. Did you ever figure this out?
@Al Azouri Hi! Just downloaded everything today. Thanks so much for making this. Couple of questions:
  • As commented above, I'm having an issue with ios Shortcut -- "Conversion Error - Send Message failed because Shortcuts couldn't convert from Text to Contact, phone number, or email address". Any ideas?
  • Is there a way to disable LIKELY, MAYBE, UNLIKELY OUT, from the guest link (not just from them choosing their status, but from the viewing part of who is in/out)
  • Is there a way to change the guest screen text “You can update your status or leave a comment”
  • Is there a way to disable comments altogether?
Thank you!
As commented above, I'm having an issue with ios Shortcut -- "Conversion Error - Send Message failed because Shortcuts couldn't convert from Text to Contact, phone number, or email address". Any ideas?
There may be some old instructions that say to append ?Smslist to the webapp url in the ios shortcut. This is no longer necessary and shoukd not be done.
VistaPokerClub said:
Is there a way to disable LIKELY, MAYBE, UNLIKELY OUT, from the guest link (not just from them choosing their status, but from the viewing part of who is in/out)

Not at this time but it’s a good suggeation for a future update.

I take it back. There is a way. Head over to the Statuses tab and deleted the rows you don’t want. Make sure there are no gaps in the order column. It should read 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. then go the the manage tab and do regenerate dashboard
New member to PCF here and I'm grateful for the Invite Tracker. To the best of my knowledge I have set the parameters for my game invite; only one question, how do I actually send the invitation out?

I'm sincerely sorry for a noob question but I have only used Google docs once; I have searched and searched but I am not able to find the answer. Any help is appreciated, please hold back on berating me if possible
Bro. Sounds like you got abused on other forums.

If you set everything up you should be able to go to the msgSend tab. Select your message and pick execute from the send action section.
Yeah, it seems there are way too many members eager to respond or reply to posts but not necessarily to help but just for the sake of replying with "that's already been answered" or "use the search".

Thanks for the reply and help Al Azouri, I'll give that a try.
I'm at the msgSend tab, I believe I have all the required information but I just don't see "execute" at the send action section.


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Finally got around to installing and testing this. Looks fantastic so far, thank you for all your work putting this together!!

I have a question about adding a new Status. I used the "Add Record -> Add New Status" menu item on the Statuses tab and then executed the "Rebuild Dashboard" on the Manage tab. The new status shows up on the Dashboard but it does not get added to the drop down list on the Guests tab. Before I go in and do it manually, is there something I'm doing wrong?

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