Yet you characterized people's argument as people being upset that the cards "aren't perfect forever." This is a strawman; the issue is that the cards tend to have the issue after a very short amount of time or even WHEN THEY ARRIVE.
Umm yeah, that means they aren’t perfect forever. You really should work on your reading comprehension or even get your attendant to explain it to you.
There’s tons of these out there that don’t bow.
Some bow after a short period of time
Some bow after a longer period of time.
Some bow after an even longer period of time than the previous longer period of time.
Other people experience this to a degree that they have complained about it, some of them experienced it right away when opening the cards and some of them experienced it after a longer period. (Note that neither of these time frames are forever, or even remotely close to it).
These people have thoughtfully documented their experiences and remedies and I’m pretty sure all this information is available to every PCF member in good standing. They did this so that others would be informed when making purchases or acquiring these in other manners.
If you don’t take the time and effort to review these past experiences - because you are ignorant of them, or lazy, or choose to disregard them cause you are special, then you deserve these kinds of threads.
Apparently threads like these are the only way to solve these problems. Heck, It’s even been suggested that we go to Google and involve the rest of the internet on this burning topic and get a better opinion on whether these cards bow or not.