It’s been great reading and hearing about everyone’s positive results from this diet. About 9 years ago I decided it was time to get down to a healthy weight. At age 39 I weighed in at 172lbs. Doesn’t sound like a lot I know but for those of you who’ve met me, Im only 5ft 4inch tall and pretty small framed.
I started working out and eating a very similar diet of very little carbs and sugars. I found that if I was craving something sweet and ate some kind of fruit instead, it really helped eliminate the sugar cravings. Also replaced sweet drinks with water.
My snacks started consisting of rolled up deli meats, cheeses and either grapes or apples.
Breakfast was usually bacon and eggs or a protein shake. Dinner was usually some kind of meat or fish, veggies and a salad. I also gave up my favorite drink of all time Coca Cola, that was the toughest part of it for me.
I went from the average 4-5 a day to maybe 1 every other week.
Within 6 months I was down to 140lbs and feeling better than I had ever felt in my life.
I will be 48 in a few months and although I don’t follow this diet as strictly anymore, I have learned how to manage my exercise and eating habits to keep myself in a comfortable weight range of 145-150 lbs almost 9 years later.
Here are a couple of pictures with results I can share.
The boating picture I’m age 37 at 170lbs
and the surfing picture I’m age 42 at 145lbs.