Not Mine Kickstarter card protector. (1 Viewer)

Everybody at the table has to have one? May as well just program chips into it too and Bam!...You have an electronic table.
Live poker can be slow, and keeping the game flowing is always a challenge. The biggest complaint most people have with home games is that they're a disorganized mess.

Live Players are Stuck in the 19th Century

Uh wrong. :meh:

Poker is a social game played between human beings & requires interaction to be enjoyable. Not some robotic passtime where everything moves at breakneck pace with hardly a chance for a word of conversation to be had. "Must have X number of hands per hour"

This product intent is to try and make your home game play like online or a poker pro table style game where a buzz/bing prompts you to wake from your coma like state and do something. Unable to think for yourself just let our little easy button/hockey puck tell you what & when to do something. Why would I want to turn any game experience into one like those hellish electronic tables.

Pretty soon we can just send our robot/avatars to the games to play for us, run constant anaylitics for optimal play (like a table full of bots), so eventually we don't have to think at all or encounter any other humans.

Sure sign me up....... not. :banghead:
Everybody at the table has to have one? May as well just program chips into it too and Bam!...You have an electronic table.

Since the device communication has a fixed chain and order, I think their idea was that the game host buy a full set and provide the devices for all players.

I can see the concerns about losing something in the social aspect with it.

But having recently run a "introduce newbies to poker" night with not much live poker experience myself (online player), these things - if they work well - could help tremendously on that front. It's a fairly expensive route for not much gain though since the biggest benefit only comes when people are still new and inexperienced, and that should change after a couple of sessions.
My wtf! Moment came when I realized they want you to ‘tap it’ to call. ‘Double tap’ to bet and ‘tap and hold’ to fold. Say what now ! Lol. I can’t see this in a 1 am poker game where alcohol is involved. Ever.
My wtf! Moment came when I realized they want you to ‘tap it’ to call. ‘Double tap’ to bet and ‘tap and hold’ to fold. Say what now ! Lol. I can’t see this in a 1 am poker game where alcohol is involved. Ever.
Kickstarter videos do not play on my phone. This may be the first time I am thankful for that...
Dumbing down the need for learning the game mechanics won't make the game better, it will only produce dumber players (which may be the goal here). There is a bad trend taking place lately that instead of trying to educate players in the proper fundamentals of the game (ie: how to post blind & antes, when to act or acting in turn, etc...) people are trying to "program for stupid" thinking they can speed the game up by eliminating the need to learn how to play properly in the first place.
Thankfully, this will die in 9 days...

I like the shot clock idea, I think the implementation of all of the other crap makes the game less fun. You know people will be asking what gesture does what all the time.
Or double tapping and saying they only meant to tap once

Exactly, there will be tons of screw ups and people will be pissed.

I like how they do it on Poker After Dark. They have an iPad with a timer and the dealer just hits reset when its the next players action. If you have any tablet its basically a much better probably free solution.
Maybe a button (not card protector) that has the tournament clock. I know they have that already, but one that could sync over multiple tables and be controlled by the host.

It could do things like: List the payouts, say when the next f'ing smoke break is. You know, things that annoy the host lol.
Maybe a button (not card protector) that has the tournament clock. I know they have that already, but one that could sync over multiple tables and be controlled by the host.

It could do things like: List the payouts, say when the next f'ing smoke break is. You know, things that annoy the host lol.

Or if it could just keep saying “whose action is it” over and over.
Or if it could just keep saying “whose action is it” over and over.

That is one thing I like about online play. You don't have to be polite, waiting for the one guy that has to take time to decide if he will call when he misses the flop... :D
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