WWYD? Guy messes w/ your card protector during all in moment... (1 Viewer)

This was meant as a discussion on whether people thought this was an example of poor etiquette and what they'd do in this circumstance.

Yes, it's an example of poor etiquette.

I don't use a card protector, I use my hands. So I guess in that situation when the guy picked up my hands and said "what's this?" I'd say "that's a hand sir" and he'd say "nice hand"

Or I'd call Bergs up and have him dwarf toss me into the guy for breaking my concentration. It's a coin-flip for me really.
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I still haven't been able to get past that sexy suited A/Q comment. I know I'm not very good at poker. This hand has caused me a tremendous amount of problems in the past.

Seriously Eric. Before the Chicago Meet and Greet last year I fully expected to meet you and see some kind of drama whore/queen due to a few of the threads that you had started. I couldn't have been more wrong. You were one of the nicest guys there. That says a lot. I met/played cards with a ton of great guys/gals.

I would have loved to have played more cards with you. Apparently at the time you had an aversion to an "PLO" only table.

Keep venting/posting this shit here if it helps. I enjoyed meeting you, and look forward to playing at your place.

My quick advice, if you are tired and or overworked don't play poker. Spend more time with those kids, that's the most important thing in life and someday they won't be kids. So much better than hanging out with d-bags in a bar. Wait for a good home game.

@mike32 , we sure are damn lucky with our home games. We have what, 4, 5 home games within 30-60 minutes of us. All of them are great games and great company.

Looking forward to your game tomorrow night.

Just want to jump in for a second: reading some of TH's posts does give the impression he attracts this kinda o'drama, so I do know where some of you are coming from for sure... However, after having played with him for 3 days straight for a total of around 30 hours at Jeff's WCB I can for sure say Erik is one the nicest, most fun-loving, easy-going guys around... Always with a smile, always offering help with anything, super humble... Not even a tiny hint of such drama... Just one of the guys... I'd play with Erik again any day of the week...


I do have some comments about the way the hand was played though... ;) I'll write about it later on...

Just saw DD posted kinda the same thing, hahahahaha... Great minds and shit... (y) :thumbsup:
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All I know is that I am totally fucking touching Triharder's card protector next time we have a meat-up....


I give you all advance permission! :) Won't bother me one bit if you touch it (wouldn't recommend licking it tho, who knows where that thing has been...)

I've been to meetups, where people have grabbed my card protector, and to be honest, I never got bent out of shape or cared. Maybe it's because the folks at a meetup were all solid nice folks who have some idea of poker decorum, were respectful, and have an appreciation for chips. I guess it didn't bother me one bit. But in a bar, by someone I don't know? Hmmmm... Different story.

Edited: It always seems like when I start a poker chip convo with non chippers in a casino, it always somehow devolves into someone mentioning someone licking the dirty chips... Ewww
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I think that you all are looking at this as a "drama" moment or thinking TH is a tightly wound-up spring. I really think it is more of a TH making a discussion for the board. It's kinda a Jerry Springer effect, he throws out a scenario he witnessed or was a part of, or something he has been thinking of, and everyone responds with either long thought out replies, or some funny stuff. As a moderator, he is driving the discussion by using first person observations and asking the community what they think, which increases the activity and involvement.

I for one enjoy the discussion and reading your responses, especially the meme references. TH tells a good story, you can easily put yourself in his shoes and understand the premise of the question and it makes you want to be part of the discussion.

Bravo sir, keep up the fine work.

Now, I would have probably not been there in the first place if I had kids. After I put the kids to bed, it is time to put the wife to bed ;)

I don't have kids, it is always "business time".

I still haven't been able to get past that sexy suited A/Q comment. I know I'm not very good at poker. This hand has caused me a tremendous amount of problems in the past.

Seriously Eric. Before the Chicago Meet and Greet last year I fully expected to meet you and see some kind of drama whore/queen due to a few of the threads that you had started. I couldn't have been more wrong. You were one of the nicest guys there. B

First off, thank you (and Paulo) for the very kind words. Seeing as how you two were some of the nicest guy I met at the WCB, your words mean a lot.

If my posts are coming across as "douchey", then I'll have to strongly consider keeping my poker stories to my local (in person poker buddies, rather than my online ones). This is good feedback to hear. The incidents I write about have sometimes bothered me enough to seek counsel here (on how to respond to a situation, improve my game, or how to be a better host). It's a learning process, and I certainly don't know it all. However, more often than not I'm just venting or telling a story (see, my addiction to PCF as exhibit A). I'm not trying to make a capital case out of any of the posts (nor create drama). As evident with links' recalling one my earlier similar posts (I had long since forgotten)... I'm sure the majority of people probably keep their "drama" to themselves or amongst a very select few. My bad if people feel I'm sharing too much. A friend sent me some info on pills that might help with the drama (see below).

Second, as for AQ suited on the button... Well, the guys at this table play 64o like it's the freakin nutz. And because I made the "button aggression" comment, the guy to my right (later told me) he felt I was just making a play with garbage and was planning to check/jam, whether he hit or not. As for the strat of my play, I'm sure I'm leaving out a lot of the table reads and other info, but I certainly wouldn't claim it's my finest poker. Ya, playing poker super tired (probably -EV), but then again, I need to start training for the next meetup I attend (where we all play tired) :)

Hey, we're all brothers here at PCF, so TriHonda, if you ever want me to put my pecker on your cards, just ask.

Seriously had me coughing at this one, lol...

Um, I regrettably must decline the kind offer
The only surprising thing in this thread is the lack of "played with a couple of local poker pros" in any of the posts.

I would pull the guy aside afterwards and let him know why it wasn't cool.

To me it has nothing to do with touching your protector and everything to do with touching another player's cards, or their general area. Maybe even talk to whoever runs the game/ dealers about making a friendly etiquette announcement/ tip sheet.

The possibilities of angle shooting that open up by people wandering up to a table and grabbing around someone's live cards are endless. Imagine if YOU had been all in, he comes over to grab your protector and flips a card over in the process. Makes me shudder thinking about it.
I would pull the guy aside afterwards and let him know why it wasn't cool.

May be just wasting him time given that:

1. It's a bar league and people tend to approach the game VERY recreationally (i.e. they see no problem with talking about a hand with multiple players in the pot, discussing the board cards and possibilities, openly colluding when another player is all-in by stating they'll check it down, etc) and are likely to brush off this type of talk because to them it's no big deal

2. The guy is drunk
May be just wasting him time given that:

1. It's a bar league and people tend to approach the game VERY recreationally (i.e. they see no problem with talking about a hand with multiple players in the pot, discussing the board cards and possibilities, openly colluding when another player is all-in by stating they'll check it down, etc) and are likely to brush off this type of talk because to them it's no big deal

2. The guy is drunk

Possibly. But if that's me, I'm either making sure nobody else is coming up and touching my cards on a 200 dollar all in pot, or finding another game. It's not like this is a free tourney league. Villain 1 in the story cashed out $900. Strangers aren't touching my cards in $200 pots.
1. It's a bar league and people tend to approach the game VERY recreationally

Yes, this is held in a bar, and most of the players are very friendly and nice. However, there are many "far from recreational" players. The $50 tournament had 55 entries, dealers, a full time TD, etc... (on a side note: they use Modiano PA's - FTW). They run 2-3 cash tables as players bust (dealers, rake, etc...).

We were actually on the 2nd cash table, which was somewhat tame by the time I arrived. Brian (a fellow PCFer) told me that prior to my arrival at the table, action was freakishly crazy. Half the players on the "main" table had stacks near or above 1k, but avg stacks on table #2 were only around $350. There are rules, and the dealers and TD will hold people to a certain level of decorum. The dealer did say something to the other guy at the time, and frankly he wasn't stumbling down drunk. He was drinking beer, but seemed overall level headed. He wasn't angle shooting or being malicious, just obtuse and unaware of the action.

After the game broke, me, dealer, and mr. grabby were the only three left. We had a friendly but brief chat about it. I apologized for giving him the evil eye, and explained why I had that reaction, and he apologized for being grabby and interrupting the action. We handled it without drama, like adults. No punching involved. :)

I know Links has it spot on with bar vs home games, and I also much rather play in home games. Several other local chip aficionados are planning to host more regularly (on a rotating basis), so that we have more solid home game options. However, it's hard to pass up on a fairly well run weekly tourney and cash game (where some very close friends also play). Now don't get me wrong, there are always some negative elements to a game like this, and there aren't too many of these bar degens that get invited to my game, lol.

It's worth noting that this bar is literally 3 minutes from my front door.
Hey, we're all brothers here at PCF, so TriHonda, if you ever want me to put my pecker on your cards, just ask.
Every time I flip channels and hit one of those nature shows where the walruses or elephant seals are lumbering and wallowing about on the beach...

...I think of Bergs' schvantz.
And I'm also one to never assume I can't improve (on anything I do), so I'm curious if drama does follow me around? I think it's worth noting that although I tell a story once in a while of a drunk degen who does something crazy, keep in mind this is like 2 minutes worth of drama in many, many otherwise uneventful fun and spirited hours of play. How many interesting/stupid/drama involved stories have I told this year? That's a good question...

OK, a quick search netted 5 threads I started this year, where I was telling story involving any sort of drama.

Oct - This thread
Aug - Thread Titled "why are some hosts so damn stubborn" about a friend who hosts, asks for help, but won't take suggestions (not really sure this qualifies as me creating drama, but I wanted to err on the side of caution).
July - "How Rude Was This" was the thread Links referenced where this guy was badgering me about my card protector while I was in the middle of an all-in decision.
Feb - "Banned player shows up" - wife of invited friend shows up to play despite me being clear she wasn't welcome?
Feb - "Bad etiquette or creative game recruitment" about a friend/host who posted on my FB event wall recruiting for his game. I wanted feedback on whether this was ok or not.

Gosh, that seems like a lot of drama, not gonna lie. However, I do play a lot. A check of my hours for the year.... 430. So in 430 hours of play YTD, I had 5 questions or stories about situations or games that I played in. That's one story for every 83 hours of play. Keep in mind, these stories involve only 1-2 minutes each of interaction with other players.

Looking at the situations where there was legitimate drama and/or interaction with another person/player, I count three situations, and the interactions lasted maybe 2 minutes each on average, that totals 6 minutes of drama out of 25,800 minutes of game play YTD that I felt the need to share with PCF.

Now, I'm far from dumb, I know some will say this post is me being defensive. On the contrary, I'm just very analytical and introspective. And apparently today, I have waaay too much time on my hands... I was legitimately concerned about the impression I'm giving off that I'm a drama magnet. After all, perception is reality. I stand by the notion that I don't want drama in my life. I'm very anti drama (I have an 11 year old daughter, and her drama drives me nutz). I was also intrigued by the statements from those on here that have played with me in person, who assert that I might be giving off a different persona online than in real life. So my first task was to rule out (or confirm) an over abundance of drama in my poker life. Well, I share a lot, (exhibit A is THIS post, lol, I like to type), and anything intriguing that has happened to me poker-wise, I pop onto PCF and share with my online friends... so the 5 posts above are really everything of drama that has happened to me this year (poker related).

I think that 6 out of 25,800 minutes is pretty clearly not representative of a drama magnet. So now I've established in my mind that it's not too much drama. But the perception is there... Hmmm, well the obvious conclusion is the message I'm giving off. Clearly, I share too much of the minutia here on PCF, especially if there are those that perceive me as having a ton of drama.

Again, I appreciate the feedback (especially the positive stuff) from people here. Constructive feedback is how we grow as people. There will be nothing but rainbows and unicorns in my posts from now on (oh, I might throw in the chocolate chip ponies once in a while for good measure...)

For people coming to the MTTD, I can guarantee lots of drama (the good kind). :) For chocolate chip ponies, you'll have to attend the WCB in July. ;)


Jeff's wife makes very good chocolate chip ponies.. Just ask @AlbinoDragon
Every time I flip channels and hit one of those nature shows where the walruses or elephant seals are lumbering and wallowing about on the beach...

...I think of Bergs' schvantz.

I need a Brooklyn/Bronx dictionary just to understand you sometimes.
Wasn't there a shoes incident as well or am I thinking of someone else?

I guess I'll just take the credit for every dramatic incident that has occurred here in the last year.


Really folks...lol :rolleyes:

But srsly, that shoe thing was crazy.. but not me.
I guess I'll just take the credit for every dramatic incident that has occurred here in the last year.

I'm pretty sure Trihonda was also that Grandgnu fellow that caused such a ruckus, and he's probably also the third cousin twice-removed of Nooker. Seriously though, seems like a lot of PCF'ers have played with you and vouch for you, not to mention you had a lot of support when you became a moderator. I'll just chalk it up to you running bad in some situations, as Doc Strange says, expect variance. :D
I'm pretty sure Trihonda was also that Grandgnu fellow that caused such a ruckus, and he's probably also the third cousin twice-removed of Nooker. Seriously though, seems like a lot of PCF'ers have played with you and vouch for you, not to mention you had a lot of support when you became a moderator. I'll just chalk it up to you running bad in some situations, as Doc Strange says, expect variance. :D

Don't forget John Boy... and the one where a host jumped over the table after getting slow rolled... :) (I'll own those too)...

None of the few incidents I posted about were all that big of a deal. Really. I honestly couldn't have recalled those incidents without doing the search... Everyone here has had experiences playing with jerks or weird hosting experiences... I just tend to share mine here... (then I move on)

I mean, really, I had a player's wife show up unwanted, I had a guy at a bar yell at me during an all-in moment, and then a dude pickup up my card protector off my cards during an all-in moment. If play all of 2016 and those are the only weird things that happen to me, well, I'll consider that a good year.

To have so many hours, and a few incidents/questions on etiquette or bad behavior I've observed, I don't think is worthy of a designation as a 'magnet'. But I do get that there's a perception... I certainly can/will stop posting about stuff like that here to alleviate any debate moving forward. :)

Problem solved
I guess I'll just take the credit for every dramatic incident that has occurred here in the last year.

Really folks...lol :rolleyes:

But srsly, that shoe thing was crazy.. but not me.

My bad I just remembered it happened in the Midwest and involved snow and I know you're from Wisconsin. And looking at your rundown of the "drama" that happens to you, it doesn't seem like anything too outside of the norm, to be honest. It just seems like to you let these small things affect you more than most.

I know you say you get over it immediately, and maybe you do at the poker table, but I think most people, while they would probably be annoyed by someone taking their card protector, wouldn't let it stew in their minds until they felt the need to post about it. Also I think most people wouldn't threaten to punch people in the jaw, whether joking or not.
So what would the ruling be if something like this had happened?

Scenario 1. Player A goes all in. Player B is contemplating a call. Player C, sitting next to Player A, reaches for Player A's card protector without permission. Player A's top card sticks to the card protector and is exposed in the process.

Scenario 2. Same as above except Player B is the one who reaches for the card protector.

Scenario 3. A non-player observing the game reaches for the card protector, exposing a card in the process.

For max carnage and mayhem, lets say the board has 4 to a flush, Player A's exposed card is the Ace of said suit.

I'm assuming in Scenario 2 Player B's hand is dead Player A scoops pot.
Scenario 1: Player C gets at least a one minute penalty for a first offense, disqualification for a second. Hands are live.

Scenario 2: Same punishment, but player B's hand is dead.

Scenario 3: Non-player kicked off of the premises. Hands are live.

This is regardless of the cards on the board or the card exposed. Also, its assuming Player B isn't in cahoots with player C or the non-player to expose player A's card. If so, player B's hand is dead and he also suffers the same penalty as player C.
I have played many hours of poker with Eric and he is a great guy. I think the real issue is how situations come across when typed up on the internet vs. talked about in person. Eric explains things in great detail in his posts and that opens him up to nitpicking. In person, you would be able to tell it was just an interesting story.
So my first task was to rule out (or confirm) an over abundance of drama in my poker life. Well, I share a lot, (exhibit A is THIS post, lol, I like to type), and anything intriguing that has happened to me poker-wise, I pop onto PCF and share with my online friends... so the 5 posts above are really everything of drama that has happened to me this year (poker related).

I think that 6 out of 25,800 minutes is pretty clearly not representative of a drama magnet. So now I've established in my mind that it's not too much drama. But the perception is there... Hmmm, well the obvious conclusion is the message I'm giving off. Clearly, I share too much of the minutia here on PCF, especially if there are those that perceive me as having a ton of drama.

Your post / posts don't give off the impression of drama queen IMO. This forum is just the medium that you've decided to work through some issues that you've encountered. In the original post you asked somebody not to do something (a very reasonable request btw) and they did. Instead of creating more drama by hitting him you diffused the situation and decided to analyze it here...pretty good outcome. Besides, look at how much entertainment your stories have provided for us here ;) WE may be the drama queens after all.

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