These chips are lucky too! Won my tourney last night
OK, I've come back to earth, and have decided what I'm going to keep as my set, and am going to sell the "extras". I picked up the 600 chip set of "extras" that was abandoned after we placed the order with matsui, mainly so I could have the flexibility to tweak my keeper set breakdown once they got here.
I'm just letting the people this thread know what I have, before I post an official FOR SALE ad, which I'll do later this afternoon if nobody claims them here.
I just wanted to give people here the opportunity to get them before opening it up more broadly.
200 x T5
180 x T25
100 x T100 (dibs
@suited67 if split)
140 x T500 (dibs
@suited67 if split)
135 x T1k (dibs
@suited67 if split)
155 x T5k (dibs for 25
@suited67 if split)
20 x T25k v1
75 x T25k v2 (These are only included in the set if
@detroitdad doesn't want them -- I've already promised them to him)
I'd prefer to sell to one person, but I understand that this is a pretty big set with a strange breakdown -- you could try to trade extras for what you want?
Price is $1.50/chip plus shipping. Does NOT include racks. If one person buys them all, I will include the racks too, and pay for the shipping.
@Josh Kifer has first right of refusal to the entire set purchase.