Matsui WPS Horseshoe Style GB #2 - ORDER THREAD - CLOSED (2 Viewers)

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I have a half-barrel of 10 chips, shipped free to the USofA, for anybody curious about these chips and this GB. Just shoot me a PM. They are all original T500 chips that were the wrong shade of pink.

*These are no longer available, my offer has been accepted.
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I just got a stack from @RichMahogany to mess around with and I'm about to go all-in. Right now I'm thinking about this:

120 x 25
220 x 100
80 x 500
140 x 1000
40 X 5000

I would do initial T25k starting stacks of 12/17/6/10/2 for 8 people with at least 5 rebuys left with stacks of 15/5/10/2.

If there are better recommendations I would love to hear them, otherwise I'm gonna go full send on this breakdown

So after doing a lot of thinking and begging [with my wife] I'm putting in my order. I missed the WPS (Rio WSOP BJ reps) group buy on big blue. I missed the Tournament Poker Matsui GB by @links_slayer also during the time of big blue and I missed the first round of this gb. After handling these chips (as well as the tournament poker Matsui chips) I'm going for it. And hopefully we get to 7500 chips for a discount. Plus if they get here in April it would make a great birthday gift for me

21 x T5
121 x T25
221 x T100
81 x T500
141 x T1K
41 x T5K
1 x T25K v1
11 x T25K v2
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That Ray Col guy was very useful, wish he was still around. Until then, you guys are stuck with this for my set:


The chips look so good that even my crap graphics job gives the idea.
Joined the forum last week while searching for a new set of chips for a revival of a home game that last played with slippery dice chips ~monthly when it happened years ago. Was pretty set on Milanos till I got the @Forty4 beginner set in hand. Shuffling the Matsuis now, and they feel great and look the most vibrant out of the set.

I'm probably still going to stock up on some form of CC for the cash game, but would like to get a rack or two of these WPS for potential 6 handed or special STT games.

This is the last time to get these too. There won't be any more buys for these.

I haven't been in the community long enough to understand - how does the market generally look afterwards if I want to add on in the future? Second question, would there be a problem fitting in these racks in one of those casino-style 10-rack acrylic cases along with racks of CC?
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how does the market generally look afterwards if I want to add on in the future?

The is the 2nd round for these. I'm certain it will be the last time to get these for the foreseeable future. I'm sure at some point you may see some pop up in the classifieds. If you really want a set, I would order it now.

Second question, would there be a problem fitting in these racks in one of those casino-style 10-rack acrylic cases along with racks of CC?

I don't own any bird cages but I can't see why these would not fit in regular trays in a cage. Maybe someone else can chime in to confirm.
Let's say both buys total 20,000 chips. I would not expect much of an aftermarket with that few chips in circulation.
If there is a separate sample set order thread please let me know. Put me down for

2 x T5
2 x T25
2 x T100
2 x T500
2 x T1K
2 x T5K
2 x T25K v1
2 x T25K v2
FP updated. We are only 247 chips away from the 10K price break.
Just tossing this in, I am a clay guy. I got my hands on a sample last night and I was pretty impressed. I definitely like these. While the timing isn't for me anyone on the fence should give these a serious consideration. Oh, and the colors in person look great as well.
105 x T5
0 x T25
0 x T100
0 x T500
0 x T1K
0 x T5K
0 x T25K v1
5 x T25K v2

Apologies for the bold, just wanted to make my order as clear as possible since it's only 2 denominations
The is the 2nd round for these. I'm certain it will be the last time to get these for the foreseeable future. I'm sure at some point you may see some pop up in the classifieds. If you really want a set, I would order it now.

I don't own any bird cages but I can't see why these would not fit in regular trays in a cage. Maybe someone else can chime in to confirm.
I think the matsuri trays will fit in a birdcage (the casino case).
There is a new custom birdcage thread in here as well. Search it.
So whats the closest estimate of price per chip, w artwork costs and shipping to re-shipper, assuming 10k discount.
So whats the closest estimate of price per chip, w artwork costs and shipping to re-shipper, assuming 10k discount.

Matsui artwork fee is $300 for this order. (1 new denom added)
Breakdown for this order Matsui artwork fee and artwork fees from GB #1.
  • 5000 pieces - $1.15 + $0.06 = $1.21 +15c = $1.36 per chip
  • 7500 pieces - $1.15 + $0.04 = $1.19 +10c = $1.29 per chip
  • 10,000 pieces - $1.15 + $0.03 = $1.18 +7.5c = $1.255 per chip
  • 15,000 pieces - $1.15 + $0.02 = $1.17 +5c = $1.22 per chip
  • 20,000 pieces - $1.15 + $0.015 = $1.165 +3.5c = $1.20 per chip
@Johnny5 's artwork fee for GB #2: $20 (not included in the totals above)

I'm assuming it's about $1.26/chip, based on the list above?
It’s gotta be less than that. It would be $45 shipping for a 300 set from Matsui to Ecriket and then another shipping charge from Ecriket to each member. I could be wrong but it will be interesting to see what the final final cost will be.
Last order was $500 shipping for the whole bunch I believe.
The last quote I read was $500 for shipping 3000 chips. The actual order was way more than that so I expect the number will be different but 15c per is probably a reasonable estimate.
Last order was $500 shipping for the whole bunch I believe.

That was a quote before the final numbers were in.

Actual was:

IIRC we had about 8300 chips.
Keep in mind, Gear labels won't go over these.... I already asked him :) (you have to pop off the old)

Can anyone confirm that ? @Gear ?
I've tried to apply a gear unlaminated label over the inlay of same matsui's (Macao
) and it fits pretty well i think.
Am i wrong ?
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