My First Time Catching a Cheat (Yes, Really) (1 Viewer)

I still stand firmly in my belief that if he hasn't made any attempt to repay what he stole, then he does not have true remorse.

If you swap cheating at poker with any other type of theft, then it becomes cristal clear. Like if he stole your wrist watches, then he gets caught and shows "remorse" but keeps your watches... That's bullshit IMO.

(And whether or not it's straight forward how to repay is a completely separate question. My point is that the first words out of his mouth should be "how can I repay you all?")
His results have been bad overall. Quite bad. I’d estimate that he is down an average of about 1.5 buyins per session. This was someone who almost never had a losing session before he was caught/reformed.

He’s had roughly 3 winning sessions and 7 losing sessions out of the 10. One of the wins was big, but several of the losing nights were each bigger.

He has grown increasingly and vocally frustrated with how he’s running. In one session, he blew through 3.5 buyins in a couple of hours and left the game early in a huff... In the past he would stay to the bitter end every time.

He keeps bemoaning how “lucky” other people run against him, though I would characterize the “suckouts” he’s suffered as entirely within normal variance. (Someone calls him getting correct odds to draw to a flush or straight, and catches.) Others are just the kind of stuff we all see constantly in poker—he runs his JJ into someone else’s AA, or his QQ+ into someone else’s flopped set on a raggy board.

I feel like he’s somewhat in shock about how poker goes when you’re not cheating. That is a good lesson, as long as it does not bring about a relapse of wanting to cheat.
Imo, this is a great indicator that he will try to cheat again. It's just a matter of time. Based on what you've said, he loves the rush. The money is secondary. The rush is now gone and he wants to be a winner. Keep an eye on that f#$%er.

Yeah it’s an old thread…..

He’s had roughly 3 winning sessions and 7 losing sessions out of the 10. One of the wins was big, but several of the losing nights were each bigger.

He has grown increasingly and vocally frustrated with how he’s running. In one session, he blew through 3.5 buyins in a couple of hours and left the game early in a huff...

Sounds to me like he is paying restitution, lol.

This is about your friend. I’m not making a joke about you or even talking about you. It’s just an attempt to levy some humor on an awkward situation that is in a public forum. Has nothing to do with you, other than the information came from you.

There is absolutely no need for you to respond to this post in any form or fashion as it was only a joke about your friend and is not intended to harm your feelings in any way.
I caught a cheat last night at my weekly poker game.

For context, this is a self-dealt $0.25/0.50 NLHE game with a $20 max buy-in, rebuys allowed at $10 or less. That's right; I caught someone cheating at a short-stack micro-stakes home game, and it's a guy who does pretty well financially outside of poker too. Not only that, but he's a very likable guy who seems honest in general, and is legitimately good at poker. I don't doubt he'd be a net winner with or without cheating. I was really shocked when my suspicions first arose.

The group is made up of people who mostly work with each other, many of whom (including the cheat) have been playing together a very long time. The cheat himself has been part of the group for about 15 years, and he's friends outside of poker with many of the people in the game. He's also a very experienced player; I've played everything from NLHE to pot-limit Scarney and Route 66 with this guy, and he plays well and knows his stuff. I've been in the game for about 3 years, and I'm friends with the host and socialize with him and some of the other players outside of poker as well.

Let's call the cheat Chuck. Chuck is a fidgety type of guy. Very animated, talks a lot, gestures a lot with his hands, constantly moving. And he is the same way at the poker table. This is part of what allowed him to fly under the radar for a long time, in addition to the laid-back atmosphere of the game. Knowing what I know now, it makes me wonder if he's really that fidgety, or if it was all just subterfuge the whole time.

A few months ago, I was coming back from the bathroom during his deal, and I spotted him holding the stub under the table with both of his hands as I was walking behind him to get back to my seat. I could swear I saw him doing something with the cards too, not just holding them, but I'm talking a split-second, and I didn't see anything definitive. I think I blurted out something like "What the fuck?!" under my breath, and it seemed from his body language that he heard me. He brought the stub back out and continued dealing. Nothing remarkable about the hand; I don't even remember if he won it.

I started watching him a little more after that. I noticed that, in addition to occasionally taking the stub under the table, he'd riffle the top several cards of the stub with his thumb in between actions, e.g., when he was waiting for action to complete preflop or on the flop. He'd hold the stub with his left hand and bring his right hand over it, and then riffle with the thumb of his right hand. He'd do it in such a way that it looked like he was just absent-mindedly screwing around. It was only sometimes, and it didn't always correlate to him making any unusual actions or even winning the pot. But it was still unacceptable to me, so I showed up early one of the following weeks and mentioned it to the host, in an "I'm concerned but not sure what I'm seeing" tone.

The host told me that it had actually come up before, many years earlier. He also said that they'd made an effort to watch him after that, but after observing for a while, they didn't think he was actually cheating, and the issue was put to rest. He recommended that I keep an eye on him in future games, and I did.

The following 2 to 3 months yielded interesting results. During my first game of actively watching, I spotted Chuck riffling the stub and looking down at it while doing so. When his eyes came back up, he looked directly at me and made eye contact, clearly noticing that I had been watching him. He suddenly decided to fold his hand, and announced to the table that he was folding because he'd accidentally seen the top few cards. He showed his cards after the hand, revealing that he'd have flopped a full house. Well played, sir.

The remainder of the observation time, up until last night, revealed quite a few instances of riffling the stub and taking it under the table, but still nothing conclusive. He also seemed to hold onto the stub for an unnecessarily long time after completing the initial deal, and would sometimes pick it up at unusual times too. I reported back to the host on a few incidents that I found particularly sketchy, but nothing rose to the level of formally accusing him of cheating. Sometime in the middle, the host told me that another player who never speaks up about anything had come to him with the same concerns.

Chuck also seemed to catch me watching him a few times while he was handling the cards, and he seemed to cut back on the suspicious behaviors after a while. It made it really hard to watch him. Sometimes he'd win and sometimes he'd lose, even in hands where he'd engaged in the fishy behavior. After months of trying, I felt like I wasn't going to get anything conclusive short of running a surveillance camera on the guy.

Last night, I went to the game with the intention of not paying attention at all while he was dealing. No point if he was aware I was watching. Just try to play the game and see if maybe I can catch him unaware again at some point later.

And then it happened. In a big pot (relative to stakes), while waiting for the flop action, he picked up the stub in his left hand, and he brought his right hand over it. But this time, he didn't carelessly riffle the cards like I'd seen so many times before. He clearly and deliberately peeled up the corner of the top couple cards with his thumb, looking down at the stub the entire time. And then he peeled it up again as if to double-check, like people often do when they're peeping their hole cards. And then, as if that wasn't enough, he took the stub under the table with both hands. He completed his action and dealt himself a flush on the turn. One other player went all-in, he snap-called, and he took it down. (I believe the host was already all-in, but I wasn't paying as close attention to that.) Chuck at minimum knew the flush was coming. At worst, he switched the positions of the cards to give himself the flush. I suspect the latter, but either case is blatant cheating.

I left the table immediately and went to the porch upstairs. I had to call my wife for something, so I did that, and as I was wrapping up, the host came up the stairs with some dishes, on his way to the sink. I called him over and told him this time I was sure. I had watched him very deliberately peep the stub, and I couldn't know what he did under the table, but the stub peeping was totally unambiguous this time, and this guy needed to be out of the game.

We weren't sure what to do in the moment. It was an especially delicate social situation because on top of most of them working together, one of the regular players had just died the previous week, and his wife was there with us. We really did not want a blowout in front of everyone. I discussed how to handle it with the host, and he didn't want to do anything that night because of the situation. I wasn't even sure how to respond. And just that moment, Chuck came upstairs, opened the porch door, and said, "What's up, guys?"

I believe my response started with "You know what's up. I saw what you did," after which I laid out the story, more or less as I've told it here. The resulting drama went on far too long, TBH. No punches were thrown, or anything of the sort, and no one downstairs seemed to realize anything more than that we were upstairs talking a lot and arguing about something. He started off somewhat angry and offended, and it proceeded to begging for ways to regain my trust, letting me deal for him, one of us leaving, and so on, ad nauseam. In short, it was pretty much what you expect of a cheat who's been caught. He was clearly never going to admit it. What really sealed it for me was that he outright lied about things I know I saw. For example, he claimed he had his eyes on the other players in the hand while he was peeling the stub, which I knew to be false. I don't recall the exact other lie, but it was just as egregious. I remained firm in my accusation. I know what I saw.

Anyway, that went on a while, and then I went downstairs to play some more while Chuck talked to the host. I was expecting to hear him leave the house. Instead, he came back to the table and sat down like he was going to go right back to playing. My eyes must have said "What the hell do you think you're doing?" because he immediately asked me to come talk to him upstairs. Commence another 10 minutes of him begging and pleading, making ridiculous proposals like having someone else deal for him.

I eventually put it to this: he can leave, or I would leave, and they could have fun trying to explain why (I almost never leave before midnight, and it was like 9:30). I sure as shit wasn't going to keep playing with him. I could tell the host was struggling with it because he's generally not a confrontational guy, and he has to work with Chuck every day, so I took him aside without Chuck and talked a little more. Seemed like he needed some time away from him. He came to the conclusion that he would ask Chuck to leave that night, but he didn't want to blow up the whole issue in front of everyone. I shook his hand and thanked him for getting there; I know it wasn't easy. And then I went back downstairs and played while he talked to Chuck.

They came back 10 or 15 minutes later, and both sat, but Chuck immediately said he was planning to leave soon because he was tired from being up with his kid all night. He didn't play any hands, just folded without looking. Clearly he and the host had arranged this. After a few hands, he cashed out and left. (The host took a particular interest in how much he cashed out. I suspect he's going to make him give it back, but I haven't spoken to the host about it yet.) I don't know if the host will ever tell people; I hope he does, but I'm respecting his prerogative to handle his game as he sees fit, as long as the cheat is gone.

Chuck was all red-eyed from crying or something. He made it a point to go around the room shaking hands with everyone before he left. People noticed that he seemed in poor spirits, but he played it off. I did shake his hand, and I made firm eye contact with him while doing so. As a final garnish, someone randomly made a comment about him hosting a poker game at his place sometime, and he shrugged back with some noncommittal answer on his way out. I swear, you can't write this shit.

Truthfully, I don't hate the guy. This has been a really difficult thing for me. I still don't think he's a terrible person or anything, but then again, it's hard to say when the thing standing in the way is dishonesty. I can't empahsize enough that I really liked this guy before all this stuff happened. I just hope he learns a big lesson from this. He managed to destroy multiple friendships, including some over a decade long, not to mention his work relationships, and of course his access to a regular, fun poker game with good people (and actually multiple other games where some of us play).

And for what? A small advantage in a micro-stakes home game. Net gain over his non-cheating results couldn't have been more than a couple dollars here and there.

This still feels kinda surreal. I'm not sure if I'm happy with how I handled it. I almost wish that I'd recorded him or something, so I'd have definitive proof. But once I saw unmistakable cheating, I just could not play with him anymore, and I couldn't let him continue playing with my friends. Waiting for an opportunity to record him would mean letting him cheat people indefinitely until I could produce evidence. I can see a case for taking that approach, but I wouldn't feel right about it myself.

My whole life, I've thought that if I caught a cheat, I'd beat his ass, take all his money, and divvy it up among his victims. If only it were that simple.
Pretty crazy story. I wonder if he just lived for the rush of getting away with it.
I once was playing Jenga at a friend's house (yes, a group of adults decided to play Jenga - don't ask, it wasn't my decision). When it was the female host's turn, she was about to knock it over but used her other hand to hold it up and pulled out the piece. Everyone clearly saw it, but it was so blatant and stupid that no one knew what to say. It was my turn next, so I just knocked it over intentionally. My point is, some people just cheat because they're stupid.
I once was playing Jenga at a friend's house (yes, a group of adults decided to play Jenga - don't ask, it wasn't my decision). When it was the female host's turn, she was about to knock it over but used her other hand to hold it up and pulled out the piece. Everyone clearly saw it, but it was so blatant and stupid that no one knew what to say. It was my turn next, so I just knocked it over intentionally. My point is, some people just cheat because they're stupid.
Jenga is a perfectly acceptable game for adults to play, buddy.
Since cheating is again a big topic on PCF, I thought I’d update my situation FWIW.

I’ve now played 10 times with the repentent cheater who was caught in my game pre-pandemic.

He was allowed back more recently into both my game and another with much the same player pool, after he had something of a Come to Jesus moment. That decision to give him a second chance was controversial here, but not among the players in either game.

In any case, I’ve since played with him several times in my own game, but mostly have sat with him in another game, hosted by one of my regs.

I’ve been watching him closely (see below), as have two other players who overlap in the two games. So far none of us have seen any recidivism.

His results have been bad overall. Quite bad. I’d estimate that he is down an average of about 1.5 buyins per session. This was someone who almost never had a losing session before he was caught/reformed.

He’s had roughly 3 winning sessions and 7 losing sessions out of the 10. One of the wins was big, but several of the losing nights were each bigger.

He has grown increasingly and vocally frustrated with how he’s running. In one session, he blew through 3.5 buyins in a couple of hours and left the game early in a huff... In the past he would stay to the bitter end every time.

He keeps bemoaning how “lucky” other people run against him, though I would characterize the “suckouts” he’s suffered as entirely within normal variance. (Someone calls him getting correct odds to draw to a flush or straight, and catches.) Others are just the kind of stuff we all see constantly in poker—he runs his JJ into someone else’s AA, or his QQ+ into someone else’s flopped set on a raggy board.

I feel like he’s somewhat in shock about how poker goes when you’re not cheating. That is a good lesson, as long as it does not bring about a relapse of wanting to cheat.

If anything, I’ve noticed the reformed cheat being ultra careful about his shuffles and deals. No side/overhand shuffles, no moving of cards to the top or bottom of the deck, none of his old patter about “It doesn’t matter if you cut, it’s all random,” etc.

One thing I’ve done whenever possible is to choose the seat to his right. This gives me a stellar view of his shuffles and deals. It also means that I handle the cards en route to him. When I shuffle, or when the deck is passed to me to cut, I’ve been holding onto it until the next hand is totally done, then pass it only when the table is clear to deal. This gives someone who wants to mess with the deck no time to do so.

He hasn’t expressed any impatience to get the cards in hand sooner, and hasn’t remarked on my tardiness. (I’ve played with plenty of guys who are always pushing for you to cut/pass, as if I didn’t know what to do.) It’s a small thing, but it seems like a good sign.

So yeah, it’s stupid that I have to even think about it. But it doesn’t take much of my headspace. And I can’t say I’m not quietly pleased to see the shark become the whale.

I’m not the OP of this thread, but there’s an update on the cheater mentioned above whose Come To Jesus moment got him provisionally reinstated to my game.

He’s ejected again. For good.

Along with his buddy/sidekick.

The issue this time was not cheating, but offensive/abusive behavior.

The full story would be pretty complicated to explain, but it boiled down to a series of blowups by the reformed cheater at multiple games in a row, as his results kept spiraling downward.

This was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes campaign to rid my game and another we both play in of its dealer. This was paired by efforts to drive away players who have been getting the best of him.

I have every reason to believe this campaign of undermining the dealer, poisoning the atmosphere and abusing players was launched because he isn’t winning in games where he can’t cheat.

The lesson for me is that forgiveness can only go so far.

Character (or lack thereof) rarely fundamentally changes. Those who were skeptical of my decision to forgive him were all too correct to doubt his ability to fly straight.

The good news is that as soon as this final expulsion leaked out, several old faces returned to the game. For this week’s game I had the table filled within a couple hours of sending out invites, instead of it taking days, and I now have a waiting list.
The full story would be pretty complicated to explain, but it boiled down to a series of blowups by the reformed cheater at multiple games in a row, as his results kept spiraling downward.

I have every reason to believe this campaign of undermining the dealer, poisoning the atmosphere and abusing players was launched because he isn’t winning in games where he can’t cheat.
Holy cats. That's amazingly awful. Glad you got to the point of this action. Just sickening.

The good news is that as soon as this final expulsion leaked out, several old faces returned to the game. For this week’s game I had the table filled within a couple hours of sending out invites, instead of it taking days, and I now have a waiting list.
That must feel so pleasant. Reinforces that you did the right thing.

Sounds like your game just got a whole lot better.
I’m not the OP of this thread, but there’s an update on the cheater mentioned above whose Come To Jesus moment got him provisionally reinstated to my game.

He’s ejected again. For good.

Along with his buddy/sidekick.

The issue this time was not cheating, but offensive/abusive behavior.

The full story would be pretty complicated to explain, but it boiled down to a series of blowups by the reformed cheater at multiple games in a row, as his results kept spiraling downward.

This was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes campaign to rid my game and another we both play in of its dealer. This was paired by efforts to drive away players who have been getting the best of him.

I have every reason to believe this campaign of undermining the dealer, poisoning the atmosphere and abusing players was launched because he isn’t winning in games where he can’t cheat.

The lesson for me is that forgiveness can only go so far.

Character (or lack thereof) rarely fundamentally changes. Those who were skeptical of my decision to forgive him were all too correct to doubt his ability to fly straight.

The good news is that as soon as this final expulsion leaked out, several old faces returned to the game. For this week’s game I had the table filled within a couple hours of sending out invites, instead of it taking days, and I now have a waiting list.
You probably would’ve had doubts if you hadn’t given the second chance. Quite simply, it had to play out. I’m glad it did and you can move forward.
I’m not the OP of this thread, but there’s an update on the cheater mentioned above whose Come To Jesus moment got him provisionally reinstated to my game.

He’s ejected again. For good.

Along with his buddy/sidekick.

The issue this time was not cheating, but offensive/abusive behavior.

The full story would be pretty complicated to explain, but it boiled down to a series of blowups by the reformed cheater at multiple games in a row, as his results kept spiraling downward.

This was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes campaign to rid my game and another we both play in of its dealer. This was paired by efforts to drive away players who have been getting the best of him.

I have every reason to believe this campaign of undermining the dealer, poisoning the atmosphere and abusing players was launched because he isn’t winning in games where he can’t cheat.

The lesson for me is that forgiveness can only go so far.

Character (or lack thereof) rarely fundamentally changes. Those who were skeptical of my decision to forgive him were all too correct to doubt his ability to fly straight.

The good news is that as soon as this final expulsion leaked out, several old faces returned to the game. For this week’s game I had the table filled within a couple hours of sending out invites, instead of it taking days, and I now have a waiting list.
I think you have handled the whole saga very well.
I’m not the OP of this thread, but there’s an update on the cheater mentioned above whose Come To Jesus moment got him provisionally reinstated to my game.

He’s ejected again. For good.

Along with his buddy/sidekick.

The issue this time was not cheating, but offensive/abusive behavior.

The full story would be pretty complicated to explain, but it boiled down to a series of blowups by the reformed cheater at multiple games in a row, as his results kept spiraling downward.

This was accompanied by a behind-the-scenes campaign to rid my game and another we both play in of its dealer. This was paired by efforts to drive away players who have been getting the best of him.

I have every reason to believe this campaign of undermining the dealer, poisoning the atmosphere and abusing players was launched because he isn’t winning in games where he can’t cheat.

The lesson for me is that forgiveness can only go so far.

Character (or lack thereof) rarely fundamentally changes. Those who were skeptical of my decision to forgive him were all too correct to doubt his ability to fly straight.

The good news is that as soon as this final expulsion leaked out, several old faces returned to the game. For this week’s game I had the table filled within a couple hours of sending out invites, instead of it taking days, and I now have a waiting list.
Sounds like you're glad he's gone and I'm sure so is everyone else.

Sucks having to shut people down, but sometimes it's for the best.

ITYS. :cool
In Dr Phil's wise words. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. He's a cheat and always will be.

He has no place at any game ever. Worse still he does it to his mates. What a disgusting human. I could not respect myself if i had a situation like that and then letting him in my house again.

I have far more respect for myself than to welcome any form of lying cheating or stealing in my life. You get to do that once. That is not a person you can trust. Trust is the basis of any relationship.

Grow a pair - burn that relationship to the ground ASAP! Why? If you don't, anything he does in the future is your fault. and if he does i hope it hurts. Seriously i really hope it hurts. Maybe then you'll find out he is no friend of yours.
In Dr Phil's wise words. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. He's a cheat and always will be.

He has no place at any game ever. Worse still he does it to his mates. What a disgusting human. I could not respect myself if i had a situation like that and then letting him in my house again.

I have far more respect for myself than to welcome any form of lying cheating or stealing in my life. You get to do that once. That is not a person you can trust. Trust is the basis of any relationship.

Grow a pair - burn that relationship to the ground ASAP! Why? If you don't, anything he does in the future is your fault. and if he does i hope it hurts. Seriously i really hope it hurts. Maybe then you'll find out he is no friend of yours.
Why don’t you tell us how you really feel
In Dr Phil's wise words. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. He's a cheat and always will be.

He has no place at any game ever. Worse still he does it to his mates. What a disgusting human. I could not respect myself if i had a situation like that and then letting him in my house again.

I have far more respect for myself than to welcome any form of lying cheating or stealing in my life. You get to do that once. That is not a person you can trust. Trust is the basis of any relationship.

Grow a pair - burn that relationship to the ground ASAP! Why? If you don't, anything he does in the future is your fault. and if he does i hope it hurts. Seriously i really hope it hurts. Maybe then you'll find out he is no friend of yours.
Exactly WHO are you preaching at? You didn't tag anyone, or reply to another post. This thread is over 4 years old and has over 300 posts. We can't read your mind, but you seem to have a reather black heart, or you are carrying a lot of anger from your own life, maybe?
Was it really a four year old post... I didn't realise. it came up as a new post for me.

Was it supposed to be Confronting - Hell yes!

As far as having a black heart? meh, Maybe... but now i have your attention - Read on. Maybe Theres a potential life changing message here that may change your mind. And if have the courage try to apply the message in your life you may find some surprising changes that start to happen.

To open - a question, If your not prepared to do anything why even go looking for the cheat in the first place?

This guy is a cheat. He cheated his friends!!!! I mean cheating someone you don't know is bad - Cheating your friends is a worse thing! What else is he capable of?

Lying, cheating and stealing is ubiquitous in a persons personality in the same way a honest person is honest in all their affairs. - not compartmentalized to any specific situation. if your honest your honest - If you are a cheat You ARE a cheat - Period.

Cheating hits the dopamine part of the brain in the same way an addict feels when he gets his drug. That rush will prevail every aspect of his life. When the cheat gets away with it it gives them a hit of dopamine. Lies to these people are a rush too. They eventually seek out that rush in a pathological way. There is no changing these people.

A few things that are likely with this guy.
  • He had a hard childhood.
  • He has a herd time saying sorry and an even harder time meaning it.
  • His parents are divorced or there was a death of a parent before about the age of 10 to 15.
  • If he has kids there is a strained relationship there.
  • I'd suspect he also cheated on his significant other? Is he divorced?

How do you deal with a person like this? Well if your honest you will deal with him like you would an honest person. You will probably help him see the error of his ways and help him move to a better way to behave. the person changes and we live happily ever after.

But you dont. What you really need to do is understand anything you offer is not as powerful as the rush he gets from lying cheating and stealing.

So what often happens is the cheater will offer everything under the sun and carefully disguise any need to take any personal resposability and any sort of ammends for their wrongs he has perpetrated against his friends..

Heres why. In their minds there is only 2 rules "getting the rush is the only thing, and rule 2 if in doubt refer to rule 1 so when they are caught their aim is to plan how do i get it again?

This is importatnt to understand because cheating to a cheater is not the end in itself.

This guy will find a way to weasel out of this and carry on with his agenda. The reason he can weasl out of ot is due to the willingness of people to be nice. This leads to a tacit approval of the behaviour. in other words you accept this behaviour then enable him to do it again.

This is emasculating Let that sink in. because of social norms youare encouraged to nice. As a result being nice its weponised against you. and nice people dont just burn relationships.

For those peopel who are catching up to my point. This guy displays the following traits of a narsissist which can include:

  • a grandiose sense of self-importance
  • a preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, beauty, or perfect love
  • a belief that they are "special" and can only be understood by other special people
  • a need for excessive admiration
  • a sense of entitlement, which may include an unreasonable expectation to be treated favorably or for others to comply with their demands and expectations
  • behavior that is exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends
  • a lack of empathy or an unwillingness to identify with the needs of others
  • a tendency to be envious of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • arrogance, haughty behaviors, and attitudes.
Most people wont want to believe it but you only need four for a possible diagnosis. Now theres FAR more to it and if you have ever been in contact with a narsissist you will believe theres something wrong with you. Moreover there is more than one type of narsissist and no known treatmet since it a personality disorder not a mental illness.

the only thing on offer is Burn the relationship to the ground. There is no changing them. but even if you do you will likely be gasdlighted. and probably to some people you will be painted as the aggrerssor and you will lose some friends. But those who matter wont leave.

Now its easy for someone to dissmiss me with by saying youve obviously been hurt by a narssist and your now attaching this to anyone. yeah ive been hurt by a few. HYep more that one. and sure that could easily be a part of the reason for the post.

Now after saying all of this there are those of you who will argue against me and paint me as the worst person ever. For thiose of you who are picking up their torches and pitchforks, go right ahead. I have a workshop full of wood to bang up a good cross and some really good nails but ill need some help nailing the last one in.

But if this message helps only one person gather the courage to stand up for themselves and leave out of a nasissistic "friend" I will hapily have you nail that last nail in and burn on that stake.


Heres the problem. he wont change - never will.

If your not courageous enough to show this cheating scum the door then you accept that behavior. That is an emasculating action and when this happens you degrade yourself in your own eyes. No one deserves that!

You should be mad. You should do something.

So I hope it hurts because if it does this will help you act. If you act you will see yourself as a person who is willing to defend themselves. This builds character and demonstrates self respect. It also demonstrates to the cheater that this behavior has consequences. Anything else is tasit acceptance of the behaviour and demonstrates a willingness of the vicdom to accept this behaviour from this guy again.

it took me years to discover this level of self respect.

so this guy has no boundaries with the people who supposededly are supposed to have He cant be trusted, He wont change but no one will make HIM have any consequences of his actions. This is called tacit approval. No one or make any amends and people are pissed off.

So whats going on? Why would i be so cruel?

Because now people have attached tacit approval to the behavior due to lack of action. But there is openly complete disapproval for the behavior. But no-one has the balls to call him to account.

therefore there is an unacceptable situation then no one is prepared to actually do anything about it. That hurts.

Was it really a four year old post... I didn't realise. it came up as a new post for me.

Was it supposed to be Confronting - Hell yes!

As far as having a black heart? meh, Maybe... but now i have your attention - Read on. Maybe Theres a potential life changing message here that may change your mind. And if have the courage try to apply the message in your life you may find some surprising changes that start to happen.

To open - a question, If your not prepared to do anything why even go looking for the cheat in the first place?

This guy is a cheat. He cheated his friends!!!! I mean cheating someone you don't know is bad - Cheating your friends is a worse thing! What else is he capable of?

Lying, cheating and stealing is ubiquitous in a persons personality in the same way a honest person is honest in all their affairs. - not compartmentalized to any specific situation. if your honest your honest - If you are a cheat You ARE a cheat - Period.

Cheating hits the dopamine part of the brain in the same way an addict feels when he gets his drug. That rush will prevail every aspect of his life. When the cheat gets away with it it gives them a hit of dopamine. Lies to these people are a rush too. They eventually seek out that rush in a pathological way. There is no changing these people.

A few things that are likely with this guy.
  • He had a hard childhood.
  • He has a herd time saying sorry and an even harder time meaning it.
  • His parents are divorced or there was a death of a parent before about the age of 10 to 15.
  • If he has kids there is a strained relationship there.
  • I'd suspect he also cheated on his significant other? Is he divorced?

How do you deal with a person like this? Well if your honest you will deal with him like you would an honest person. You will probably help him see the error of his ways and help him move to a better way to behave. the person changes and we live happily ever after.

But you dont. What you really need to do is understand anything you offer is not as powerful as the rush he gets from lying cheating and stealing.

So what often happens is the cheater will offer everything under the sun and carefully disguise any need to take any personal resposability and any sort of ammends for their wrongs he has perpetrated against his friends..

Heres why. In their minds there is only 2 rules "getting the rush is the only thing, and rule 2 if in doubt refer to rule 1 so when they are caught their aim is to plan how do i get it again?

This is importatnt to understand because cheating to a cheater is not the end in itself.

This guy will find a way to weasel out of this and carry on with his agenda. The reason he can weasl out of ot is due to the willingness of people to be nice. This leads to a tacit approval of the behaviour. in other words you accept this behaviour then enable him to do it again.

This is emasculating Let that sink in. because of social norms youare encouraged to nice. As a result being nice its weponised against you. and nice people dont just burn relationships.

For those peopel who are catching up to my point. This guy displays the following traits of a narsissist which can include:

  • a grandiose sense of self-importance
  • a preoccupation with fantasies of success, power, beauty, or perfect love
  • a belief that they are "special" and can only be understood by other special people
  • a need for excessive admiration
  • a sense of entitlement, which may include an unreasonable expectation to be treated favorably or for others to comply with their demands and expectations
  • behavior that is exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends
  • a lack of empathy or an unwillingness to identify with the needs of others
  • a tendency to be envious of others or a belief that others are envious of them
  • arrogance, haughty behaviors, and attitudes.
Most people wont want to believe it but you only need four for a possible diagnosis. Now theres FAR more to it and if you have ever been in contact with a narsissist you will believe theres something wrong with you. Moreover there is more than one type of narsissist and no known treatmet since it a personality disorder not a mental illness.

the only thing on offer is Burn the relationship to the ground. There is no changing them. but even if you do you will likely be gasdlighted. and probably to some people you will be painted as the aggrerssor and you will lose some friends. But those who matter wont leave.

Now its easy for someone to dissmiss me with by saying youve obviously been hurt by a narssist and your now attaching this to anyone. yeah ive been hurt by a few. HYep more that one. and sure that could easily be a part of the reason for the post.

Now after saying all of this there are those of you who will argue against me and paint me as the worst person ever. For thiose of you who are picking up their torches and pitchforks, go right ahead. I have a workshop full of wood to bang up a good cross and some really good nails but ill need some help nailing the last one in.

But if this message helps only one person gather the courage to stand up for themselves and leave out of a nasissistic "friend" I will hapily have you nail that last nail in and burn on that stake.


Heres the problem. he wont change - never will.

If your not courageous enough to show this cheating scum the door then you accept that behavior. That is an emasculating action and when this happens you degrade yourself in your own eyes. No one deserves that!

You should be mad. You should do something.

So I hope it hurts because if it does this will help you act. If you act you will see yourself as a person who is willing to defend themselves. This builds character and demonstrates self respect. It also demonstrates to the cheater that this behavior has consequences. Anything else is tasit acceptance of the behaviour and demonstrates a willingness of the vicdom to accept this behaviour from this guy again.

it took me years to discover this level of self respect.

so this guy has no boundaries with the people who supposededly are supposed to have He cant be trusted, He wont change but no one will make HIM have any consequences of his actions. This is called tacit approval. No one or make any amends and people are pissed off.

So whats going on? Why would i be so cruel?

Because now people have attached tacit approval to the behavior due to lack of action. But there is openly complete disapproval for the behavior. But no-one has the balls to call him to account.

therefore there is an unacceptable situation then no one is prepared to actually do anything about it. That hurts.

Lots of truth in that rant.
I’ve been following this thread for a while, probably in part cause I’ve caught a cheat at my game too, a while back. I def feel the rant, and as someone who’s hosted a lot previously, having to constantly check if someone is cheating while you’re hosting is exhausting. And tbh most people who act unethically don’t change, they only exhibit shame because they’ve been caught. That’s my two cents…
And tbh most people who act unethically don’t change, they only exhibit shame because they’ve been caught.

They made a decision at some point to go outside the rules and take advantage of people, and they probably planned from day one to act sorry and all that if they're ever caught, to protect themselves.

But getting caught doesn't change the plan. It just means one mark has expired and it's time to find another.

Even on the unlikely chance that the person legitimately changes, how do you know? You can't. The trust is broken forever, as it should be.

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