Alright, just finished doing a draft of the intro for my first video for the USAnumberWON concept I've been working on.
Video is private so can only be viewed with this link:
Still have a bunch of work to do after that, but wanted to get some feedback as I'm no video editing wiz.
It would be better if we knew who "This Guy" was.About to play some PLO
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Would still love feedback on the below, good, bad or indifferent
It would be better if we knew who "This Guy" was.
I like it. But was expecting to see mini uncle sam.That is the intro for the full video, so it won't end there
Just put that part of the clip together to make sure it flows ok
I like it. But was expecting to see mini uncle sam.
$0.02 I would change the intro order:
Murder hornets are the first humor element, and that should be a smooth lead in to "this guy". Also perhaps see if you can find a more updated Corona graphic vs. one that has a late-March timeline end. Feels like the video is outdated at the first release.
- Global Pandemic
- Civil Unrest
- Murder Hornets
Bringing the pumpkin as ammo today I see.
YOU SAY THAT AFTER SOMEONE STOLE YOUR WHEEL OFF YOUR VEHICLE.I'm not the type of player cashing out 10k.
my big wins are usually a few thousand.
Plus the parking garage is very close to the poker room and security
"the easiest way to figure out future behavior is past behavior"Why you always gotta bring up the past?!?!
Time to make stickers and slap them on everything.....
So are you tired of the grind yet? Curious when the fun of poker stops when the food and shelter are on the line. Cat's gotta eat!
First bullet lost, potted flop, he called. Potted turn, he repots, we go twice
Hits a Queen on first board and spade on the other
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