My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (134 Viewers)

How many tables are running? Are these guys hiding cards in their jackets or what?!?

We have a number of tables open because they don't have enough staff

They just called high hand, we were hoping it was a royal so we would get a reset, but it was to the King

We call a raise to 25 holding :as::ac::kc::4d:

Multiway to a flop of :kd::ts::8h:

We all check to guy in LP who bets 35, three callers before it gets to me, I decide to fold as hitting my Ace may be no good

Turn :8d:

They all check around

River :8c:

Nitty player bets 125 and everyone folds. We likely had the winner, but didn't have many good turn cards to chase
We have :ks::qh::ts::5h: on a flop of :kc::th::9d: and get it in against a short stack who only runs once

She has the QJ and holds. Stuck a couple hundred
We limp-call a raise with :qh::jd::ts::7c: and see a flop multiway


We check to LAG who bets 15. Guy next to him pots to 100. We are OOP with the nuts, a blocker to the flush but no redraw

We opt to just call and see a safe turn, with plans to check-jam

Turn :4c:

We check, now the guy who bet 15 before makes a $115 blocker bet? And the guy who raised his flop bet just calls?

Not in my house, we pot all-in for $725

They both wind up folding, kid making goofy bets says he had KQQx so figured we were both chasing the flush

We call a raise to $15 with :kc::qc::9h::9d:

Flop is :2c::3c::td:

We check around to guy on my left who pots to 95, a shorty shoves so we wind up folding

Board comes :8c::5c: and we almost kick ourself but guy who potted has :ac::7c::2d::2h: and we dodge the trap
We call a $20 raise with :ah::qs::jd::th: and there's one caller, then SB pots to $105 and original raiser repots

They both get it in, we sigh-fold

They have KK72 with three hearts (original raiser) and AKQT double suited

The Kings hold up on both boards. I would've made two pair on the 2nd board but made the correct laydown given the action

We limp :tc::9h::8h::6d: and the flop is :6c::3d::2d:

Checked around. Turn :th:

I bet pot and get two callers

I start telling the dealer I need some help, a duece

River :7h:


We are first to act and bet 125

First guy folds, 2nd guy thinking and I say "call if you hate money" and get the call

Lol, guy flopped a full house, on the river he announces flush before his opponent has a chance to act

She pots which covers him, he snaps and shows the full house after the scumbag angle, but Poker Jeezus punishes the sinner as she turned a bigger boat lol
How did he react?
We are SB and limp in, guy on my left makes it 40, 6 ways to a flop and I hold


Flop :ac::th::8s:

We pot for 240, original raiser repots and two other guys get it in. We fold middle set. They run one time

Board comes :2d::2c:

Original raiser has Aces full, phew dodged the bullet
We call a raise preflop with :ac::qs::jh::8s:

Flop is :ks::ts::3d:

We get it in 4 ways, they only run once

Turn :4c:
River :kd:

And we don't hit, one guy fills up
We call a raise to 15 from the HJ, we are CO with :jh::td::8h::2d:

Action player on button pots to 70, original raiser calls, we fold

Flop :js::jc::8c:

Original raiser checks, button pots, guy folds and button shows Aces. Right fold, wrong time
We have :ah::as::js::3h: on the button, CO raises to 15, we call, multiple callers

Flop :ts::6d::2h:

We all check to maniac button, he bets 30, three callers, we call closing the action

Turn :qs:

Checked to button, he pots for 245, original raiser calls with a few hundred behind. We rip it in and the three of us agree to run twice

First board :2h:
Second board :5d:

The shorty maniac makes a straight on 2nd board. We win top board for half main and scoop side pot against guy who had KKQJ


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