My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (27 Viewers)

We are on button with :8c::8h::6h::5c: and call a raise to 25

Four ways to a flop of :js::jh::9h:

Checked around

Turn :8s:

Checked to the CO who bets 25, we just call, original raiser calls

River :kd:

Original raiser fires 200, CO insta-mucks, we sigh-fold the underfull
It's been restraddled to 40 by action junkie in the HJ. We are UTG with :ks::kh::4d::3c:

We fold expecting he will go nuts and we are OOP with shitty kings

He raises to 240, multiple callers

Flop :kc::td::3h:

Checked around

Turn :5h:

Guy shoves and gets snapped, river :5s: and he has QQ77 and got reshoved by a guy who just has a pair of tens at showdown lol

Still think it's the right fold preflop, but hate missing that spot
Le sigh, button straddled to 20, multiple callers, we call in HJ with :ad::td::9s::8s:

He pots to 135, one caller in MP, we call

Flop :2c::4d::9d:

MP bets 125, we pot, original raiser repots? MP folds, we get it in, he only runs once

Turn :th: which looks good

River :5c:

He has :qs::jc::9c::9h: le sigh
Le sigh, button straddled to 20, multiple callers, we call in HJ with :ad::td::9s::8s:

He pots to 135, one caller in MP, we call

Flop :2c::4d::9d:

MP bets 125, we pot, original raiser repots? MP folds, we get it in, he only runs once

Turn :th: which looks good

River :5c:

He has :qs::jc::9c::9h: le sigh
So you jammed with bottom-ish pair and a flush draw?

Is that a little too gambly, or are you thinking "to beat the droolers, you gotta play like one"?
So you jammed with bottom-ish pair and a flush draw?

Is that a little too gambly, or are you thinking "to beat the droolers, you gotta play like one"?

Top pair, top kicker with nfd. The bettor is a station and the preflop raiser is fairly nitty

The flop is generally terrible for the preflop raisers range, even if he has AAxx I am likely an equity favorite with pair plus fd

The station could have a weaker fd he would stack off with

The nitty raiser happening to wake up with top set here is just a super cooler given my hand and his usual raising range
We have :kc::td::9c::7h: in the SB and limp along

Flop :ks::ts::5h:

We pot for 65, two callers

Turn :5d:

We pot all-in and get called

River :9d:

My opponent (who got me with the QJ99 earlier) has fucking :ac::qs::9s::5c:

Any straight or flush card on the turn I get away, he's got to hit a miracle fucking five I can't put him on
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It's been restraddled to 40 by action junkie in the HJ. We are UTG with :ks::kh::4d::3c:

We fold expecting he will go nuts and we are OOP with shitty kings

He raises to 240, multiple callers

Flop :kc::td::3h:

Checked around

Turn :5h:

Guy shoves and gets snapped, river :5s: and he has QQ77 and got reshoved by a guy who just has a pair of tens at showdown lol

Still think it's the right fold preflop, but hate missing that spot
We have a joke in our game where people will call out "certain flop!" right before it's dealt.

This is a "certain flop!" hand. Fold pre.
Lol, at least this was against a short stack

See a flpp with :js::tc::6c::6d:

Flop :jc::th::3c:

It's bet into me, I pot, guy with $115 calls off and we go twice

He has :kc::qs::9s::5s:

First board :9d::5d:
Second board :ad::3h:

He makes his straight on both boards and dodges my flush and full house outs lol
Oy vey, what a day. The best I could seem to do was chop my all-in pots, or get scooped.

Had :ks::qh::6s::5h: on a flop of :js::3h::2h: and got it in against a guy, we ran twice and I announce I have a flush draw and gutshot straight draw. He says he has "a pair"

First board :6h::6d:

He announces he has a full house and I'm thinking "how the fuck does he have a full house when I have the flush AND three 6's????" He has :ah::2d::5d::6c: So he called off his stack on the flop with bottom pair and a gutshot, and goes runner-runner the last two 6's in the deck to fill up.

Fortunately the 2nd runout I flushed and he didn't get me on that one, but we still chopped.

My last hand of the session I pickup :qc::jd::th::6c: and limp-call a raise, we see a flop of :6d::6s::7c: and I pot it and take it down, so at least no bad beat there.

5/5/10 PLO lost $1,568
2/2/5 PLO lost $232

All told in the grand scheme of losses it's not terrible, but good grief it's a pretty brutal way to lose.

The nit showing up with the case two 9's on the 249 flop after he raised pre really had me muttering to myself for awhile. Like, of course he's got the fucking case two 9's and I flop the nfd plus top pair so there's no way I'm going to put his hand anywhere near hitting that runout, especially with the third player betting that flop.

I figured at worst I'd run into him having AAKQ with the KQ of diamonds or something.

And then the hand where he binks the third 5 on the turn, pretty much the only way I continue betting because the obvious straight and flush draws didn't hit. All I can do is shake my head and curse poker jeezus at this point.

Back at it tomorrow.
Just remembered a hand where I got it in really rough shape equity-wise. Playing the 2/2/5 last night and a guy who was newer to PLO had raised to 15 preflop after I limped with JT87. Multiple callers, we close the action as this kid is on our direct left, so we call.

Flop QT9 with two clubs (we don't have clubs). Checked to him, he bets pot and only has a little more on top of that as he bought in short. Everyone folds around to me (if anyone went along I'd have folded as I'd be concerned about the flush draw) but just facing the preflop shortstacked raiser I get it in.

He has KQQJ and I'm essentially drawing dead to a chop if another King falls. We run it twice but I do not get there.


This is probably the worst I've gotten it in, in a long time
We are on the button and call a raise with :ad::jd::js::4c:

Flop :2d::3d::5d:

Checked around

Turn :6c:

Guy in HJ bets 75, we are the only caller

River :9s:

He bets 200, we pot to 855. He thinks for awhile but winds up folding
With the effective nuts here excluding :4d::6d: . Do you pot here to try and get max value?
I guess it's player dependant V's a min/small raise to try and get a crying call from the HJ?
With the effective nuts here excluding :4d::6d: . Do you pot here to try and get max value?
I guess it's player dependant V's a min/small raise to try and get a crying call from the HJ?
In position here I would like to underrep my hand if it's checked to me post flop. If checked to me, I check back and then bomb it on the turn to make it look like I'm bluffing there.

Unless the preflop raiser has aces or kings and the 4 and 6 of diamonds, it is very unlikely Anthony is behind after that flop. There's not too many cards that would scare me on the turn either.
In position here I would like to underrep my hand if it's checked to me post flop. If checked to me, I check back and then bomb it on the turn to make it look like I'm bluffing there.
Fully agree with slow playing that flop.
Apologies my first Q wasn't clear - it was more aimed at the river action where HJ bets $220 then @Anthony Martino 's pot raise. But I guess any raise of any size at this point would trigger alarm bells, so may as well go for the max?
Fully agree with slow playing that flop.
Apologies my first Q wasn't clear - it was more aimed at the river action where HJ bets $220 then @Anthony Martino 's pot raise. But I guess any raise of any size at this point would trigger alarm bells, so may as well go for the max?
Ah yeah, gotcha. The 6 of clubs is a perfect action card for the villain that wouldn't scare me at all there holding the flush. As played, Anthony didn't at all play it poorly, but I would have tried to extract more value from a straight or straight draw after seeing that turn.
Fully agree with slow playing that flop.
Apologies my first Q wasn't clear - it was more aimed at the river action where HJ bets $220 then @Anthony Martino 's pot raise. But I guess any raise of any size at this point would trigger alarm bells, so may as well go for the max?

Exactly, I figured a small cutesy raise might look more value-heavy than a big raise sometimes, so might as well go for the max
We are MP, button straddled to 20, two callers, utg+1 makes it 100, we call with :ad::qc::8d::7s:

Flop :4d::5c::8s:

Checked to us with just the button behind, but we chicken out and check, button pots it, folds to us, we let it go
We limp the SB with 55xx

Three ways to a Flop K99

Checked around

Turn 5

Checked to action who bets 30, we just call

River 5


We check, he fires 65, we toss out three black chips, he sigh-folds and flashes a 9
We limp :as::kc::qh::4s: in the BB

Multiway to a flop


We bet pot since this board shouldn't hit anyone too hard

The guy we busted twice earlier when he was shortstacked has been winning and calls the $65 bet

Turn :ks:

We check for pot control, he bets $125, we call

River :7s:

We make our flush, but given his line he looks like he is possibly full. Best case scenario is he just has three kings

We check, hw checks behind and shows

:6h::5d::3h::3d: and scoops it

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