My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (140 Viewers)

Bergs. The voice of reason.

Leave it to @gopherblue to start the derailment of this thread because he had to chime in about others' vaccine decisions and risk putting the whole thread into the politics section where he has already discussed this to death.

"Magical thinking" indeed. On the part of anyone thinking @gopherblue or possibly @bergs wasn't going to immediately do this upon seeing someone say, "I'm not vaxxed." You all know where to discuss this stuff. Take it there if you want to continue.

Let's get back to the poker now.
Well, I can tie it back to the “my journey as a poker player”….if I was backing him, I’d want him vaccinated and playing to the best of his ability and not sick 4 times in a 15 month span with something largely preventable.

He puts a lot of his personal life out here as it touches poker so I thought his decisions around one of the most major events of our lifetime and how it affects his poker pro journey was fair game.

I’m sure there are lots of other people here who aren’t vaxxed but they also didn’t start a thread to document their poker pro journey. Part of the pro life is about making decisions that affect your play and this seemed like one
Help me to understand….

Guy: “I’m not getting the vaccine, I don’t support big businesses trying to take advantage of us.

Same guy: “I play professional poker inside a casino every day”

Guy: “I’ve had COVID, like, I dunno, 27 times”

Same guy: “I don’t want to take anything that will help in any way to prevent getting it a 28th time”

It baffles me. Legions of people with this line of logic. I wish I understood it, I really do.

Big Pharma: hey, we've got this vaccine for Covid

Me: oh great, just get the shot and I'm all set?

Big Pharma: Well......not exactly, there's a 2nd shot too

Me: then I'm protected?

Big Pharma: there's also a third booster.....

Me: then what?

Big Pharma: well, the vaccine doesn't actually work, per se. I mean, you can still catch, carry and transmit Covid, and it's looking like you'll need a 4th booster with Omicron. But, uh, it's your best chance?
(this is just a joke aimed at stopping this sillyness)

We don't know if he got it from poker or if he got it from lap dances on stage so let's just drop it people.
Well, I can tie it back to the “my journey as a poker player”….if I was backing him, I’d want him vaccinated and playing to the best of his ability and not sick 4 times in a 15 month span with something largely preventable.

He puts a lot of his personal life out here as it touches poker so I thought his decisions around one of the most major events of our lifetime and how it affects his poker pro journey was fair game.

I’m sure there are lots of other people here who aren’t vaxxed but they also didn’t start a thread to document their poker pro journey. Part of the pro life is about making decisions that affect your play and this seemed like one
Difference is, you don't have to comment on something that you are well aware is going to start a derailment when we have a place to do this already. He's free to talk about his personal life in his thread, but you shouldn't be derailing in a way that could get it thrown into politics. You could have just PMed him.

But no. Because that wouldn't throw enough public light on what you think are bad decisions. As far as "transparency" for the backers, what else do you want to know? Ask the other vaccines he's taken or not taken? His exercise schedule? IMO that's on the backers if they want to use things other than poker results to determine their backing level. So again, ask via PM.
Difference is, you don't have to comment on something that you are well aware is going to start a derailment when we have a place to do this already. He's free to talk about his personal life in his thread, but you shouldn't be derailing in a way that could get it thrown into politics. You could have just PMed him.

But no. Because that wouldn't throw enough public light on what you think are bad decisions. As far as "transparency" for the backers, what else do you want to know? Ask the other vaccines he's taken or not taken? His exercise schedule? IMO that's on the backers if they want to use things other than poker results to determine their backing level. So again, ask via PM.
If a mod asks me to do so, no problem. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t much care what you (or others, for that matter) think I should or shouldn’t do.
I should probably come up with a cool handle to instill fear into my opponent’s hearts!
Lethal Protector
I’m not going to turn this thread into a COVID vax thread, but I think you misunderstand a number of things, as is evident by reading your past posts. No one is suggesting that vaxxed people can’t get COVID or transmit it, to vaxxed and unvaxxed alike—however the data is pretty clear that it is far less likely that a vaxxed person would do so as compared to an unvaxxed person. So your suggestion that the vaxxed are infecting others “at high rates” is, again, a straw man, insofar as the statement is meaningless. And what is also irrefutable is that the unvaxxed are getting COVID at orders of magnitude higher rates than the vaxxed, and suffering far worse outcomes.

You can keep shouting into the void if you like, however. Science doesn’t give a crap about your feelings.

I originally posted solely because I hope that Anthony has a full recovery and a realization that vaccination is in his best interest. I made that point, engaged the trolls unnecessarily, and now turn back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Lol data. Nobody can even tell you how many people have died from covid this year, much less put together any data worth analyzing. More people have died since we got the vaccine, proper hygiene, government education, laws, Dewormer, whatever mystical thinking anyone on either side believes, etc…..
Somethings not right. You can believe whatever you want, but things don’t add up for either side.
One shot for regeneron.
One shot for ringood.
One shot for Cuban Cheating Syndrome.
One shot to permanently beholden you into the big pharmaceutical enclave (it’s a concoction composed in part of Bill Gates semen and nanobots from Biogen).
Feel better and hope the time away from the tables doubles as a mental break to come back rejuvenated and better than ever.
Actually they told me I can't get the vaccine for awhile after the monoclonal treatment
That's right, current CDC guideline is to wait 90 days after receiving it for COVID treatment (30 days if received as a prophylaxis). I caught breakthrough COVID last month and the monoclonal treatment helped a lot, hope you feel better soon!
I'm waiting on Jenn. We setup an appt for her too but didn't have confirmation she had Covid, so she had to get tested, wait for results and then go back for the monoclonal

I started to feel faint after the 4th injection. I suffer from that vasovegal response when blood is drawn

The nurse took my hat off and I didn't even feel it, think I passed out for a sec.

Just waiting in the car now and feeling ok
I'm waiting on Jenn. We setup an appt for her too but didn't have confirmation she had Covid, so she had to get tested, wait for results and then go back for the monoclonal

I started to feel faint after the 4th injection. I suffer from that vasovegal response when blood is drawn

The nurse took my hat off and I didn't even feel it, think I passed out for a sec.

Just waiting in the car now and feeling ok
Your wife can get the monoclonal prophylactially as well regardless of her test result. I wouldn't delay her getting it.
Your wife can get the monoclonal prophylactially as well regardless of her test result. I wouldn't delay her getting it.

They refused to give it to anyone who didn't have Covid

We should have just lied, would've been quicker. But she got the test her confirming infection, she is in recovery waiting period now

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