My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (38 Viewers)


Anthony has two choices; Poker for life, or move to Cuba.
He has one other option

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Is it weird that I’ve never had the cage give me the wrong amount of chips or cash me out incorrectly?

Note that I’ve played at a lot of properties.

(Also note that this require I cash out, o perhaps my sample size is small).

Very proud of myself that I didn’t make a joke about being small.
serious question.

How is it going?

Are you profitable?

Paid taxes last year?

Im genuinely curious.
I have mixed feelings about it (not that my feelings count).
Part of me is like .. Fuck yeah. Be counter culture, make your own path however you want ! go get em'.

The other part is seeing this as a game. A game that you'd be crazy to think of as your sole livelihood.
The other players are there to play a game. win if they can , but its a game. Go back to their day jobs and play when they can.
Some lose some win, its not dependable but they/ we enjoy poker and play. so whatever.

And then to think you can gamble as a way to make a living. Historically it never works out. Using fuzzy math, id say you'd have to be EXTREMELY talented and consistent to even try and beat the variance.

Are you feeling like you are?
Would you see a future where you combine regular day job and profitable poker sessions (if they are) Supplementing your income?

Yes I am profitable, although I am finally experiencing the crazy variance that comes with this game. Had my most profitable month last August (roughly 15K) and then my biggest loss in September (around 11k). 6K of my loss in September was all from one day of playing 10/10 PLO with a $25 rock and unlimited restraddles. Got in my 4K stack with 78% equity and one card to come in a pot with $8500 in it (biggest pot I've played to date and my biggest buyin) and lost. Then lost two more 1K buyins (again getting it in good with AAT9 vs J875 pre, then having AAJ5 against KQT9 and flopping 986 with two of my suit, and we go twice and he runner-runners boats on both boards)

Had a smaller loss in Oct, then was losing the first half of November, but managed to pull out a small win for that month. Won in December, but this month has been a loser overall, although it's finally starting to swing in a more positive direction.

I am consistently getting people to put their money in ridiculously bad against me. Whether it's stacking off with shitty kings vs my limp-repots with Aces or people playing for stacks when I'm an 82% favorite (happened multiple times recently) but I just can't seem to dodge the beats unfortunately. If I was being paid on my equity I'd be doing amazing right now, but instead I'm on a downswing. Still profitable last year, but this is definitely the roughest patch I've experienced.

The good thing is that people are still playing really poorly in these games, so in the long-run I'm going to be just fine, in the short-term unfortunately you'll experience some bouts of extreme pain.

I pay taxes, that's even more painful than the downswing lol. As far as combining a day job with poker, if I was to do that I'd likely want to go into business for myself rather than being beholden to someone else. But for the time being I'm good with the flexibility that playing poker provides, and the income (despite the downswing)

I would have taken the rack of greens and cashed out at the very next window for my biggest win ever, with a Homer-like "WOO-HOO"!

Just kidding of course - but what that would look like on the security footage would have been priceless. Certainly, the casino could make back the $2k loss on the YouTube footage.

I actually did have an instance at TGT/Luckys where I was given more than I was supposed to be paid, but didn't realize it. I wound up getting a message from the manager (we're friends on Facebook) about it after they reviewed the tapes and discovered the goof, so I went back and gave them the difference back.
Will be back on Thursday but like to keep tabs. They really need more dealers, these wait lists are bonkers, so much revenue just slipping away

Will be back on Thursday but like to keep tabs. They really need more dealers, these wait lists are bonkers, so much revenue just slipping away

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The top two aren’t so bad considering how many tables are running. But they could use to open another of each.

That 2-2 is rough.
Is that 2-2 PLO game pretty soft?

It depends. Sometimes it's phenomenal, other times it's awful. What's nice is the player pool has many repeat customers, so you can usually tell if the table is good

They usually have multiple tables running. Hell, today was the PLO games at Luckys and they had 4 tables going while Hard Rock had 1 table plus 19 waiting

In the past PLO at Hard Rock was mostly dead on Mondays
First hand of note we limp CO with :ac::tc::7s::5h:

SB juices it to 20, we go 4 ways to a flop


SB leads 60, this board is bad for his raising range, likely has KKxx and is hoping no one else connected

BB cold calls, novice player, we call also

Turn :9c:

They both check, we bet pot of 245 and the SB folds, the BB agonizes and folds the :4h: face-up

We show him the :5h: and tell him he made a good laydown
We limp UTG :ac::js::4c::3s:

Call a raise to 20 multiway and flop is :ah::qc::jc:

Checked around. Turn :3h:

Guy in SB bets 65, we are only caller.

River :tc:, he checks, we bet 125 and he calls with a flopped straight, we win
Curious why you don't reraise someone leading out with the NFD and six more outs to a boat?
Curious why you don't reraise someone leading out with the NFD and six more outs to a boat?

Because a player in the blinds on that flop is likely to go for a checkraise multiway when the preflop raiser is in LP if they flopped the joint

When he leads the turn into multiple opponents my raise folds out hands we beat, and gets stacks in when we are behind. Plus he is most likely betting the straight OOP multiway

I can comfortably call with position here and eval river
We turn 2nd nuts plus sfd vs two other players who both have the same straight, but one has the third card to have the nuts

Fortunately they are short-stacked with only $90 left on the river but slip a bit
Rock is CO, we are button with :ks::kd::8d::7c:

We raise to 20, multiple callers, then tighter player in MP makes it 120

We figure he has Aces, but if we call with position others might tag along, making a good opportunity

Unfortunately only one caller, big fish

Flop is :qd::9s::4c:

She bets 150, he raises to 500 and we fold. She shows :ad::6s::4h::4d: for bottom set lol

He has :as::ah::jh::ts: and the board comes :6d::5d: and we made the right fold at the wrong time
We call the CO's raise on button with 7764 and see a flop multiway of K87 two clubs

Original raiser bets 100 with very little behind. We pot to isolate, guy in MP hems and haws on a $400 stack but gets it in

We go twice. They BOTH hit higher sets on the first board (comes 9A) and the guy who overcalled chasing his Jack high flush draw binks the 2nd board

We limp button with :ac::qs::ts::8c:, action in EP raises to 30, LAG always trying to iso makes it 95, I call, two other callers

Flop :ah::js::9h:

Checked to me so I pot and they all fold

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