My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (100 Viewers)

I'm old(er) and I don't understand why people watch videos of people playing video games. I would never watch your videos, but it is the content not necessarily you. I didn't find it funny either. Then again I'm sure 52 year old men are not your target demographic.

I got this Anthony.


looks like me getting killed in the Quarry

In Warzone I tend to try and drop in areas that are less likely to be landing zones for others, so I can get myself established with weaponry and armor first while other people kill each other off, since the goal is to finish 1st, so it doesn't matter if you only kill 1 other person, so long as you win.

Haven't gotten there yet in the 150 player matches, but had a bunch where I've finished top 5.

I'm just waiting for the Martino world tour, so we can see pics of chips from other locations. o_O

Well, once I've made my millions off this crazy USAnumberWON idea the world will be my oyster and I can play poker more for fun and try out new exotic Cleveland!
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I'm old(er) and I don't understand why people watch videos of people playing video games. I would never watch your videos, but it is the content not necessarily you. I I didn't find it funny either. Then again I'm sure 52 year old men are not your target demographic.

Gosh now I feel kind of Pltyrgstish. But you did ask!

I'm 43 and I don't get the appeal of watching others play games either, I'd rather play them myself. Generally I think the appeal of people who do get views include something below:

1. They are extremely good at the game
2. They are entertaining to watch
3. They engage their audience and make them feel special by calling them out and responding to them in chat
4. They are girls with bewbs

That being said, my approach is going to be political satire, so it will hopefully appeal to an older demographic, especially in our current political climate. Starting out I'll just be putting out focused/edited Youtube videos, with the hope to go into live streaming at some point closer to the end of the year or beginning of next.

But I do appreciate your honest feedback.
Took Thursday off cause I was making great progress on my video and wanted to ride the momentum

It's 2:45am on Sat morning and back at it. Surprisingly the 2/5/10 PLO broke early so only two tables of 1/2 running, just got my seat

Well that didn't take long. My first hand UTG dealt


Button straddled to $5, BB raises to $10, I just call

UTG+1 makes it $45, CO calls, BB calls, we spring the trap and repot to $240


Flop :js::td::3h:

BB checks, I shove my last $260, EVERYONE CALLS (bb all-in for less)

Turn :4c:

River :9d:

We roll over the nuts and scoop!

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Nice hit, @Anthony Martino! What did the others show? Where'd you end up last night (this morning)? I'll take my answer when you wake up...around noon?

$1/$2 has a $500 buyin?

Others didn't show since I turned over the stone cold nutter butters to not delay the game

Guy on my left said he wished the 9 on the river had been a 7 or 8, and right before showdown muttered "your aces are good"

I actually only played under an hour and a half before the game broke. Profit on the session was $1,380

For a Friday night into Saturday morning the games broke pretty early. When I was on my way there I had called ahead to get on the list for 2/5/10

Upon arrival it was broken already but they had two 1/2 PLO games running

and yes, the 1/2 PLO is $100-500 buyins at Hard Rock Tampa with an option for one $5 restraddle with the button getting preferance over other positions

the 1/2 at Luckys is 200-1k but also a mandatory $5 button straddle and unlimited restraddles

The call-raise preflop must be one of the fancy techniques only pros know.

Doh! Updated the post, was UTG+1 on my left
Ooch, doubled a guy up who had $350

I have :ad::tc::6d::3h: in a raised multiway pot and see a flop of


I'm first to act in the blinds and pot, he calls(wasn't the original raiser)

Turn :th:

I check, he pots and we get it in. I have 3 pair and nfd, he has

:kh::7h::8c::8s: for a flopped set and the turned flush draw

He holds, whomp whomp

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