My Journey As A Professional Poker Player (61 Viewers)

forgot to mention one of my buddies was destroying the $500 max buyin 1/2 PLO game

He was in for $400 and out for $7,800

He just couldn't miss, although I did get him in this hand. Afterwards he was complaining about how he should have every chip on the table, not realizing I was a favorite even though he flopped the nuts

We got it in on the flop and I binked an 8 on the turn, no waiting

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Playing at Luckys today, then the private 5/5/25 game tomorrow!
I'd hate my life if I had just 67 no redraw on that board. I certainly don't think I'd want to get it in on the flop against a player that knew what they were doing. I think I'd want to see a safe turn first.

But what do I know? I hate PLO.
I'd hate my life if I had just 67 no redraw on that board. I certainly don't think I'd want to get it in on the flop against a player that knew what they were doing. I think I'd want to see a safe turn first.

But what do I know? I hate PLO.
You like Big O but hate PLO?
-2k on the day today, cpuldn't scoop a pot to save my life. Chopped a few, that was it

Action was great. I just ran like dogshit

Last hand I'm in Hijack, the CO straddled to 10

UTG makes it 50 MP calls. I repot to 150 with 250 behind

Straddler. UTG and MP all call

Flop TT5 rainbow, I get it in. MP calls, we go twice, he makes quads on 1st board and holds on 2nd board

What are the equities after the flop, when you get it all in? Seems like you're behind when the money goes in... Drawing to a K or a runner-runner straight.

Sounds like hee-haw odds.
What are the equities after the flop, when you get it all in? Seems like you're behind when the money goes in... Drawing to a K or a runner-runner straight.

Sounds like hee-haw odds.


You have to remember that after I pot to $150 and get THREE callers, there's over $600 in the pot and I have $250 behind. So aside from extremely coordinated flops that completely whiff my hand, I'm getting the rest of my stack in regardless in this spot. Paired flops generally are favorable when you hold AAxx or KKxx. Unfortunately not today.
Afterwards he was complaining about how he should have every chip on the table, not realizing I was a favorite even though he flopped the nuts
I just have to laugh when somebody flops a straight in omaha, (often a crappy straight, like here) and they say they flopped the nuts.
5/5/25 game is crazy. Lots of guys minbuying 1k and trying to get it in pre

I got it in 5 ways pre with


Ran twice, got scooped. 2nd buyin I get it in with :ac::ah::5s::5c: three ways

Win the first board, flop nfd on 2nd board but guy runner runners hearts

This means blinds are 5/5, but you have to come in for 25?

Button is a mandatory $25 straddle and there are unlimited restraddles

Saw a number of $50 restraddles, and a few $100 ones

As players got stuck 10k they would ramp up their gambling, whether it was actual flips, or just trying to get it in preflop

The rake is paid by one player each dealer, randomly picked by their seat # (i.e. the flop came KT4 on a new dealer, I was seat 4 so I paid)

Another flop was 99x so the guy in seat 9 had to pay the rake TWICE lol

There was some arguing during the game because a short stack would get it in, and then the two bigger stacks still in the hand would try and agree to stop their betting there and run it twice from there, which really hurts a Slotboom shortstacking strat in this game

But as far as actual competent players with good hand selection who aren't outright just gambling, there were only 2-3 of them. The rest of the players were just guys with deep pockets who love action.

It's going to be a swingy game. I'm rarely going to be able to limp in and see cheap flops, and will often be forced into playing bingo preflop

While my hand selection in those spots will be superior, the equities run closer preflop so I wind up having to take thinner edges for lots more $$$ until I am deeper stacked and so are my opponents, and can just see flops

There was one hand where the flop was AJ8 rainbow. Kid on my right bets out 300, guy a few seats to my left makes it 1500

Guy a few seats to his left calls 1500. Kid on my right gets his 3500 in. Kid on my left repots it with a shit ton of yellow 1k chips

Other guy has maybe 5500-6k behind the 1500 he already put in and starts talking about how he is live and both of his opponents would NEVER do this with draws so they both have sets

I put him on QT9x in this spot given his speech. People are talking about how this guy won't put 1500 of his "soldiers" out there and abandon them, but he ends up folding KT9x and his opponents have


The first board comes 8Q to give the weaker hand half the pot and the next board comes 3J and the kids Aces hold so they chop
....There was some arguing during the game because a short stack would get it in, and then the two bigger stacks still in the hand would try and agree to stop their betting there and run it twice from there....

And that's not considered outright cheating?

I'd be cashing out at that point...
And that's not considered outright cheating?

I'd be cashing out at that point...

I was in rover mode at the time as a reg had gotten my seat.

Private games have private rules, and there was a pretty big fracas over the situation. Many pots you'd see guys agree to stop betting and run it twice from that point, etc.

My buddy got caught up in a pot where two larger stacks were dealing to stop betting after he and another player were already all-in so my buddy said he was only running it once for the main pot to counter them
And that's not considered outright cheating?

I'd be cashing out at that point...
Yeah, I don't know about this game Anthony. Couple of alarm bells going off here following this thread and your updates on this game.

I mean yeah, it sounds like a bunch of droolers, but in a game like PLO, even with premium starting hands, you're flipping more often than not post flop for the pot. Sounds like a bunch of gamblers rather than poker players, if that makes sense.
Yeah, I don't know about this game Anthony. Couple of alarm bells going off here following this thread and your updates on this game.

I mean yeah, it sounds like a bunch of droolers, but in a game like PLO, even with premium starting hands, you're flipping more often than not post flop for the pot. Sounds like a bunch of gamblers rather than poker players, if that makes sense.

One of the guys put his stack in pre 5-ways with J983 double s00ted!

But yes, this game is going to be pretty flippy
Managed to build it back up, but there are very few cheap flops. Usually is $100-300 preflop. Sometimes you'll get limps for $25 but not often

And buyins are 1k-2500 so stacks start shallow until guys get 10k or more in front of them

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Looking at these chips, this looks like it's CT member silks from back in the day.

I remember he would post about his big private game. Always though it was BS because of his ridiculous behaviour back then.

Although from what you've mentioned, the somewhat ridiculous rules seem on par for that guy. Openly colluding in a hand with another player all in sounds super shady. And the constant bumping new players out of seats for regs is dumb.
Looking at these chips, this looks like it's CT member silks from back in the day.

I remember he would post about his big private game. Always though it was BS because of his ridiculous behaviour back then.

Although from what you've mentioned, the somewhat ridiculous rules seem on par for that guy. Openly colluding in a hand with another player all in sounds super shady. And the constant bumping new players out of seats for regs is dumb.

Interesting. The game is private and held at The Silks poker room. Does anyone know Silks real name?
Mike McSunas...actually, a pretty nice guy. Lived in Tarpon Springs, last I knew.
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