I REALLY dig those tourney chips.
I REALLY dig those tourney chips.
If you play that straight forward, you might get away. Assuming you bet flop and he raises, you're going to at least consider a set. When you bet turn and he raises, suspicions are higher. When you check river and he shoves, can you fold?Dealer brings the turn and I do the same again, this time he bets 5K. NOW I have to look...........flop was 58J rainbow, turn a King! Bingo bango bongo (thanks Mike Sexton), we got heeem! I checkraise to 15K and he thinks for a bit and calls. River is an offsuit 6 and I check, giving him rope to hang himself. He shoves all-in, I cover (had about 90K to his 60k to start the hand) and he flips over pocket 8's for the flopped set, argh!
If you play that straight forward, you might get away. Assuming you bet flop and he raises, you're going to at least consider a set. When you bet turn and he raises, suspicions are higher. When you check river and he shoves, can you fold?
I know this situation well. I'm usually the guy with an over pair.oooh, oooh! Just remembered my FAVORITE hand from last night!
Blinds are 300/600 and I've got a TAG image. I opt to raise in MP to 1500 with
One caller and then another guy repops small to 4K. We both call
We both check and the guy bets 6K. I think for a bit and checkraise to 14K. I figure he'll think his overpair is good and I have a smaller pair he is ahead of and that I was just putting him on an AK type holding, so I might induce him to stack off here. Sure enough he shoves, I snap and he flips over KK. We dodge the 2-outer and send him to the rail after the rebuy period is over.
I know this situation well. I'm usually the guy with an over pair.
Congrats on the tourney cash. Just curious, why did you give away a tourney buy in to the guy who bubbled that refused to pay the bubble?
Edit...i think I misunderstood. It wasn't him who bubbled. Makes more sense, but still seems overly nice for a professional player.
That's what happens. You think he'll learn his lesson when he gets out of the hospital?I just got a call from a buddy yesterday who gave me a story he heard about the Cubans again. At least one of them supposedly went in disguise to Best Bet Jacksonville and was using another players card to play on in the poker room.
Some players there confronted him and he admitted he had been banned but claimed he didn't cheat, and I guess one of the big dudes dragged him out of the poker room and beat the shit out of him, like kicked his teeth in and shit! I'm going to post in the poker facebook groups and see if anyone has more details on it, but karma's a bitch!
Relevant discussion (NSFW LANGUAGE) begins at 56 seconds, if it doesn't start there automatically.That's what happens. You think he'll learn his lesson when he gets out of the hospital?
This is one of my favorite monologues in this movie.Relevant discussion (NSFW LANGUAGE) begins at 56 seconds, if it doesn't start there automatically.
I can't condone violence, and stories like this tend to be exaggerated. That said, I hope that the lesson was learned. Sometimes a "timeout" is ineffective, and a more stern approach is required.
Yep.I mean, we're talking stealing probably hundreds of thousands from people over the span of time these guys have been cheating. There are some scary dudes who play poker, eventually you're going to cheat the wrong one.
Cubans right now:Yep.
I'm not a fan of violence either, but it's hard to see how else to deal with cheats when there's no legal recourse. This is what happens when government decides that it's too much trouble to seek justice in certain areas. Eventually someone will take it into his own hands.
As to @Poker Zombie's points, These guys are scummy thieves who stole from a lot of people. There's a world of difference between someone going after a scummy thief and someone who's just a sore loser robbing the big winner in the parking lot. I'd stick around to help police build a case against the robber, but the vigilante who dealt with the cheat would probably get a pass from me. Even if he robbed the cheat in addition to beating him up.
Speaking of all this, aren't there laws against what these cheats did?
With those fake Versace shirts and shit?There are some scary dudes who play poker, eventually you're going to cheat the wrong one.
With those fake Versace shirts and shit?
That being said, I'm getting the story from someone who got the story from someone, so I don't know if it's true or the full details.
Bruises heal.My sources say what happened is that someone sent a very harsh tweet referencing the Cuban and a bunch of people at the table retweeted it. The Cuban left crying because the embarrassment and emotional pain.
Oh no, not embarrassment and emotional pain! Anything but that.My sources say what happened is that someone sent a very harsh tweet referencing the Cuban and a bunch of people at the table retweeted it. The Cuban left crying because the embarrassment and emotional pain.
Hi, my name is @Anthony Martino and I have been Cuban-free for 17 days.
Instead of a 10 yr chip, he gets a $100 chip?Hi, my name is @Anthony Martino and I have been Cuban-free for 17 days.