Hand of the night so far. Battle of the blinds, 84o takes it down...
Did the two hearts come out on the flop for a draw for someone? Gross if they hit their flush on the turn.
@Pippa chips used wellMicro stakes 6 handed game tonight finally, started off well and got even better. Stayed in too long after bleeding chips later on but still doubled my buy in.
Thought the best was the straight flush untill quads landed final hand of the night.
Crutches were somehow in the pot at one point lmao
Youngest brother was the big winner eventually.
And the crutches hahaha@Pippa chips used well
That makes two of us.Wish @arch3r was here with David!
It's so beautifulSaturday game with @tdccarpenter and @Chester Copperpot in attendance.
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Were you playing with the Blue Man Group?Friday night game. Sorry for the dice chips...still working on a tournament format so I can get proper denominations. Liking the T100, hose that T25 noise!
Guy with the green hat ended up in first place. I bubbled...ugh, my pocket 10s VS K3s, dealer flopped K3 on me...brutal. ~70%/30% hand...what gives! LOL.
How do you guys play against a bunch of really bad limpers? Just limp in on every pot I guess? I had 2 LAGs to my left, who were actually pretty good, so my seat draw sucked, but yeah...I gotta pick up my limp game!
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