Official Horse Race Game Thread (3 Viewers)

Horsies + Bourbon Streets pron…

Did you put your own grommets in?

I've noticed with my board, that although I think it's clearly the 2nd best one you can buy (behind the $180 Etsy circular boards), it does have some deficiencies. The horses wobble a bit in their holes. Some horse stands seem bent. And the board is slightly warped, so on a hard flat surface, you can rock it a bit side-to-side.

Do the grommets help with the horse fitting into the holes?
Did you put your own grommets in?

I've noticed with my board, that although I think it's clearly the 2nd best one you can buy (behind the $180 Etsy circular boards), it does have some deficiencies. The horses wobble a bit in their holes. Some horse stands seem bent. And the board is slightly warped, so on a hard flat surface, you can rock it a bit side-to-side.

Do the grommets help with the horse fitting into the holes?
Yes, I did put in the grommets myself. It helps with the stability of the horses.
Quick review of the bag I was talking about earlier:

Black, lightly padded on the inside all the way around, feels like maybe 400 or 600D type of material (nothing super sturdy, maybe like a medium weight backpack)? Front side has a zippered pocket.
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Backside has two open top pockets for I think they say propane canisters. I didn't try but I think you could probably fit a 32 or 40oz water bottle or hydro/thermo flask in each pocket (although if you did, I'm not sure how long the materials/stitching would hold up)?
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Padding isn't very thick, similar to a laptop or tablet sleeve or pocket in a bag. But I think it's "thick enough" for occasional to regular transport/storage use - that being said, I wouldn't want to check it in for an airline flight.
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Bottom has some kind of plastic or PVC type protective layer.
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Fineni board fit:
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Doesn't take up much of the 5" of interior thickness:
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You can fit two boards no problem:
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You can fit the Fineni board and the entire Derby Dash box inside and zip it up no problem:
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You can fit a Fineni board and a Pelican 1490 case inside and zip it up no problem:
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Accessories below fit into the front zippered pocket no problem:
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They make it look like the handle straps wrap all the way under and around but I have my doubts. Feeling the inside bottom panel, I don't feel any strap material underneath (although there is a chance the light padding is masking the straps). Also, you can see that the handle strap stitching is only partial, "L" or "7" shape, through all layers of the bag (the rest of the stitching on the outside looks it's only through the very outside layer of material). There are no D rings that I saw to which you could attach a shoulder strap.

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Lastly, I noticed that they screwed the pooch when they were attaching the rectangular "comfort" piece/keeper for the straps - it's way off-center and pretty much worthless (it's also stitched onto one of the straps and I would have to unstitch it if I want to re-position it):
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I'm gonna email Cabelas and see if they would be willing to send me a return label and exchange it.

Overall, I think it's not too bad for the $27.57 (total to my door) it cost. A subgun (e.g. MP5) or a takedown rifle case would most likely be more durable/sturdier, offer more protection/padding, and give you a decent shoulder strap but would probably cost about twice as much (or more) and might be difficult to find in lengths of 28" or less...

Here is one that I almost went with but wasn't too sure if the corners of the Fineni board (more rectangular) would fit into the bag (rounded upper corners).,Pap/dp/B017N51YO0/ref=pd_lpo_2?pd_rd_i=B017N51YO0&psc=1

I tried this one but the Fineni didn't fit:,aps,139&sr=8-13

The dimensions of a Pioneer DDJ SR2 is pretty close to the Fineni board and I think a case for that would be a pretty good fit - I just couldn't find a cheap one to try... ;)
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I've seen two separate "house rules" mentioned about rolling 2 or 12:
  • If 2 or 12 is scratched, then the bet is doubled when a 2 or 12 is rolled during the race. Is it also doubled right from the beginning for discarding cards? Do people play with a cap on the doubling, or can a scratch really be worth 8x?
  • If 2 or 12 is rolled during the game, then everyone pays the roller an amount of money. Do people pay the 1x amount or something more/less?
I wondering how people like playing with either of these rules, or if you have experience with both in different races, which do you prefer?

I was thinking about a hybrid house rule, where if 2 or 12 is scratched, then when a player rolls a 2 or 12 then all other players pay the pot rather than paying the roller (and rather than the roller paying the pot), but maybe skip doubling the bet to not over-inflate the pot since all but one player will be chipping in when rolled...
To re-ask, if anyone's tried both of these alternate rules (separately, or possibly together), which do you (or your group) prefer?

Also, if you've tried dealing all the cards before the scratch and then having players discard (and pay the bet when discarding) vs. scratching first and then dealing the cards, how did you think each way changed the game and do you (or your group) have a preference for which?
For a crazy pot builder, we played:
- you must discard 1 card from your hand and pay the scratch penalty every time you roll a scratched horse
- if all 4 cards of the winning horse are all in the discard pile, the prize pool is carried over to the next race
Alright, nit pick time! :)

The cheaper Fineni board from Amazon has some problems: I think lots of them are warped. There are also no grommets in the holes, so the horses end up pretty dang wobbly. Also many reports of bent horses - I have a few, but they aren't horribly bent. At this price point it really shouldn't have these problems, but it still seems like one of the better ones to buy.

However, there is another version on Amazon: This is a cherry wood board. Would that be less likely to warp? It's ~$20 more than the other version. It includes horses of different colors, and fancier cards. It does look like there are grommets on this board.

There is also another version on Etsy: This one is maple. It does have grommets. But the downsides seem to be: stickers for the board graphics and "flat" horses that you need to apply stickers to.

There are also the "Blanton" board ones on Etsy but I'm not interested in these due to the shape (circular) and the cost.

What do you guys think is the best board? Should I return my cheaper Fineni board as it's warped and has a few slightly bent horses?
Also many reports of bent horses - I have a few, but they aren't horribly bent.

I had two that came this way and simply bent them back, carefully.

I do want to get some grommets though to cut down on the wobbling.
I had two that came this way and simply bent them back, carefully.

I do want to get some grommets though to cut down on the wobbling.
Does your board lie completely flat? Mine is definitely warped some, in that on a hard flat surface, I can rock it slightly side-to-side.
Does your board lie completely flat? Mine is definitely warped some, in that on a hard flat surface, I can rock it slightly side-to-side.

Yes it's completely flat. Hate to hear that is an issue for others; not the best quality control it would seem.
Yes it's completely flat. Hate to hear that is an issue for others; not the best quality control it would seem.

So maybe a better option for me is an exchange and hope I get lucky on one which lies flat.

If the grommets make the horses less wobbly, plus there was no warp, it'd be nuts. Painted is better than stickers, and I like the 3D horses better than the flat ones.
I got the GoSport Derby Dash version of the game over the weekend. (After @legonick's comment above, I checked that the board is flat, and it is thankfully!)

I don't love the flat plastic horses, but I chose this one because it was less expensive and the number of holes on the board corresponded to actual odds (thanks @Samuel for doing the math). Also, the pegs are "capsule" shaped (not round, like an oval with straight sides), which seems to keep them from wobbling too much.

Rather than try to drill holes for scratch, I created templates for scratch "tags" in Inkscape and printed and laminated them and then cut them out using the Cricut. I made x1 through x8 with multiple copies, so I could run x1/x1/x1/x1 or x1/x1/x2/x2 or x2/x4/x6/x8 or whatever.

You place the peg through the tag and turn the horse around backwards on the board (optional) to indicate they are scratched. Here's how it looks:


I think I got it mostly right on the first try. If I were to reprint, I'd probably make the hole slightly bigger and move it a little, so the edges of the tag is moved up more relative to the horse. That way the tag extends up toward the top of the green section and doesn't touch the number boxes on the bottom, but that's a very minor aesthetic thing.


(I thought about printing different multipliers on each side of the tag, but lining up duplex printing and precise cutting was a headache I didn't want to deal with, plus I'm not sure if the Cricut could have cut through laminate on both sides of the heavy cardstock. This is only laminated on one side, and it's just card stock, so it will eventually wear out, but I could just make more.)

Putting this into play on Friday! Hope my guys get into it and don't think it's too silly!
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I got the GoSport Derby Dash version of the game over the weekend. (Just checked, after @legonick's comment above, that the board was flat and it is thankfully!)

I don't love the flat plastic horses, but I chose this one because it was less expensive and the number of holes on the board corresponded to actual odds (thanks @Samuel for doing the math). Also, the pegs are "capsule" shaped (not round, like an oval with straight sides), which seems to keep them from wobbling too much.

Rather than try to drill holes for scratch, I created templates for scratch "tags" in Inkscape and printed and laminated them and then cut them out using the Cricut. I made x1 through x8 with multiple copies, so I could run x1/x1/x2/x3 or x1/x1/x2/x2 or x2/x4/x6/x8 or whatever.

You place the peg through the tag and turn the horse around backwards on the board (optional) to indicate they are scratched. Here's how it looks:

View attachment 886123View attachment 886124

I think I got it mostly right on the first try. If I were to reprint, I'd probably make the hole slightly bigger and move it a little, so the edges of the tag is moved up more relative to the horse. That way the tag extends up toward the top of the green section and doesn't touch the number boxes on the bottom, but that's a very minor aesthetic thing.

View attachment 886127

(I thought about printing different multipliers on each side of the tag, but lining up duplex printing and precise cutting was a headache I didn't want to deal with, plus I'm not sure if the Cricut could have cut through laminate on both sides of the heavy cardstock. This is only laminated on one side, and it's just card stock, so it will eventually wear out, but I could just make more.)

Putting this into play on Friday! Hope my guys get into it and don't think it's too silly!

What's your plan on how to incorporate it into your poker night?

What's your plan on how to incorporate it into your poker night?
We play cash, so no natural breaks or people sitting out like in a tournament.

Will probably start the evening running two races (may try the first race with x1 across the 4 scratched horses and maybe deal the cards after scratches are determined, and then the second race with multipliers and scratching after cards are dealt).

Then it’d be a matter of whether the guys take to it. If they do, maybe we run a race at the top of the hour or every other hour.
Can I just say how much I love this thread!

It starts with a couple of degenerates finding a new way to play with their chippies. And the all the improvement ideas get shared and built on top of each other. And then Amazon sees an inexplicable spike in horse game sales.

Hooray for PCF!
I got the GoSport Derby Dash version of the game over the weekend. (After @legonick's comment above, I checked that the board is flat, and it is thankfully!)

I don't love the flat plastic horses, but I chose this one because it was less expensive and the number of holes on the board corresponded to actual odds (thanks @Samuel for doing the math). Also, the pegs are "capsule" shaped (not round, like an oval with straight sides), which seems to keep them from wobbling too much.

Rather than try to drill holes for scratch, I created templates for scratch "tags" in Inkscape and printed and laminated them and then cut them out using the Cricut. I made x1 through x8 with multiple copies, so I could run x1/x1/x1/x1 or x1/x1/x2/x2 or x2/x4/x6/x8 or whatever.

You place the peg through the tag and turn the horse around backwards on the board (optional) to indicate they are scratched. Here's how it looks:

View attachment 886123View attachment 886124

I think I got it mostly right on the first try. If I were to reprint, I'd probably make the hole slightly bigger and move it a little, so the edges of the tag is moved up more relative to the horse. That way the tag extends up toward the top of the green section and doesn't touch the number boxes on the bottom, but that's a very minor aesthetic thing.

View attachment 886127

(I thought about printing different multipliers on each side of the tag, but lining up duplex printing and precise cutting was a headache I didn't want to deal with, plus I'm not sure if the Cricut could have cut through laminate on both sides of the heavy cardstock. This is only laminated on one side, and it's just card stock, so it will eventually wear out, but I could just make more.)

Putting this into play on Friday! Hope my guys get into it and don't think it's too silly!


You Shame me Bro! lol Here I am, taking measurements, drawing lines, marking potential pilot holes and trying to figure out if I'm gonna drill one or two holes before dremeling a Scratched grid and you come up with this simple yet brilliant solution! If I ever go back to try and finish school, I'm gonna hire you to take all my tests! :D

View attachment 886216

You Shame me Bro! lol Here I am, taking measurements, drawing lines, marking potential pilot holes and trying to figure out if I'm gonna drill one or two holes before dremeling a Scratched grid and you come up with this simple yet brilliant solution! If I ever go back to try and finish school, I'm gonna hire you to take all my tests! :D

I'll send you some tags, PM me your address!

If anyone else has the Derby Dash version of the game and want a set of tags, let me know.
Half the guys I play with spent weekends at the track when they run races around here. Including myself.
Anyone figured out a way to place other bets like Exacta, Trifecta, etc.?
I guess you could create separate pots. You’d have to have the cards in your hand to bet it. Pot would carry over until someone hit it.
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Half the guys I play with spent weekends at the track when they run races around here. Including myself.
Anyone figured out a way to place other bets like Exacta, Trifecta, etc.?
I guess you could create separate pots. You’d have to have the cards in your hand to bet it. Pot would carry over until someone hit it.

the issue i see with that is that you would have to keep on going after a horse has already won. kind of seems like it would an excitement killer for most players most times.
the issue i see with that is that you would have to keep on going after a horse has already won. kind of seems like it would an excitement killer for most players most times.
I see your point. Would also make the game longer. I honestly haven’t played yet. Getting one for my birthday here in a few weeks.
I guess you could stop the race when the first horse crossed the line and award 2nd and 3rd to the next closest horses.

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