A1 v A8
A1 - Nose- caramel, baking spices
palette - nutmeg, tabacco, oak on finish
A8 - Nose - Leather, pepper, brown sugar
Palette - caramel, char, oak, nice finish
winner: A8
A2 v A7
A2 - nose - tabacco, proof, cinnamon
palette - cinnamon, burnt brown sugar, berry, nice finish
A7 - nose - caramel, dark chocolate, black cherry, proof
palette - almond, char, vicsous, dark chocolate, fruit, long finish
winner - A7
these were both bangers and I think the loser here could have won the first bracket
A3 v A6
A3 - nose- fruity, floral
palette - baking spice, nice mouthfeel, char, slight bitterness on finish
A6 - nose - banana taffy, brown sugar, proof
palette - red fruit, oak, char, creamy, long finish
Winner A6
A6 was the run away winner here
A4 v A5
A4 - Nose - berry, floral, cocoa
Palette - Pepper, oak, char, baking spices, long finish
A5 - Nose - Dark fruit, caramel, toffee
raspberry chocolate, lower proof, toffee
winner- A5
This has been the closest so far A4 had more proof, but A5 was a better sipper.
current bracket attached