It’s the kind of thing that makes one cringe a bit when you first think about it - nah, that’ll never work - but gets more plausible the more you chew on it. Especially after a few bourbons
And I think there are enough of us within driving distance for garner enough interest, even if it’s just say a two table meetup with like 12 to 18 guys. And I can think of at least a couple more further away that would consider flying in.
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A decent sized, multi bedroom AirBNB outside Louisville or Lexington within striking distance of a half dozen distilleries, a couple of guys driving in with tables or rollout mats, a few chip sets and some local catering. It would definitely require a small core group to organize and lead the way, but it’s doable. If I wasn’t prepping for my oldest to head to college this fall I’d consider it, but I just don’t have the capacity at the moment. So for now, bucket list