Official Scrub Donkey Poker Chip Set GROUP BUY! ***CLOSES JANUARY 18TH MIDNIGHT CST*** (1 Viewer)

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Unfortunately nothing yet. The tracking still has them in northern Illinois. That doesn't mean they WON'T get delivered today but it's looking less likely.

The other bad news is the other half of the shipment wasn't updating and I just assumed it was some kind of error and they were all still together, unfortunately it updated at 11 am this morning and they moved to a new location but are still in California.

FedEx is pissing me off, I took a day off work Friday so I could have an extra day to sort and pack, I might be cancelling it.
Take a breath man, whenever you get to them, you get to them. You already have infinity karma points!
Negative, nothing yet. Both shipments have slowed to a crawl. One has been in northern Illinois for 2 days, the other finally got out of California and is sitting in Texas right now. Here's both of the FedEx tracking numbers if anyone wants to stalk it like I have been for a week now.
I've had two Fedex deliveries this week that had been stalled for a week or more with no movement, and then just unexpectedly showed up. Two others still in who-knows-when/where/what/why land.....
I've had two Fedex deliveries this week that had been stalled for a week or more with no movement, and then just unexpectedly showed up. Two others still in who-knows-when/where/what/why land.....
I kinda wonder how the FedEx money back guarantee would work with stuff like this. I mean it would be a pretty significant sum.
FedEx guy looking at his 1/2 ton delivery for @Marhault every day for the past week ...

Tell him don’t bump the shit everyday. He’ll probably annoy people and they will not want to help us out :D
From the wife


There were 46 shipping numbers but only 44 packages. Each shipment had a "master number" so I'm hoping it was counting that as a container even though it was just a number. If not then I guess I'll be contacting Tina!

This might be the last you hear from me for a bit. First order of business is getting total counts to make sure everything is there. I'll be sending messages to each of you as I fill your order for shipping payment and address information. Please be patient. I promise I'll get this taken care of as quickly as possible.
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