PAHWM: 22 in the small blind (3 Viewers)

So, how LAG is the main villain? Would he actually bet this flop? This is not a good flop for the preflop raiser. The obvious play is to check raise. A case could be made where this is a great spot for a donk bet. There are many draws out there, and giving a free card could be bad.

I am going to paddle against the current and say....lead right out for about 2/3 pot. $75 seems right.
So, how LAG is the main villain? Would he actually bet this flop? This is not a good flop for the preflop raiser. The obvious play is to check raise. A case could be made where this is a great spot for a donk bet. There are many draws out there, and giving a free card could be bad.

I am going to paddle against the current and say....lead right out for about 2/3 pot. $75 seems right.
I was typing when you posted damnit
5 ways with $125 in the pot, hero in the sb first to act holding :2s: :2c:

Flop :2h::ts::3s:

Hero ($475) checks, V1 ($2k) checks and it checks all the way around to V2 ($375) on the button, who bets $75.

Action back on hero.

As played, make it $200. Stick in the rest on any non spade turn.

This lets the middle players off easy, btw. I really like the donk bet now.
how LAG is the main villain?
No reads or history with V1, he just came from another table - likely 2/5, which is the biggest game in the room - and sat with ~$2k. Knew another player at the table by name. That player jokingly requested a seat change when he saw V1 sit down (implying V1 was a good player).
As played, make it $200. Stick in the rest on any non spade turn.

This lets the middle players off easy, btw. I really like the donk bet now.
Pretty much.
Moving along…

5 ways with $125 in the pot, hero in the sb first to act holding :2s: :2c:

Flop :2h::ts::3s:

Hero ($475) checks, V1 ($2k) checks and it checks all the way around to V2 ($375) on the button, who bets $75.

Hero calls $75, as does V1.

I’ll pause here for analysis before we head to the turn.

I think I made a (big?) mistake by just calling here - I should have raised. My thought in game was that I crushed the board and I thought V1 might do the check raising himself since he was the pre flop raiser? Not sure really. It’s a miss I think - probably some fancy play syndrome.
My thought is with a bit of a wet board a raise to $200 would increase said cost for anyone to hit the flush…

At the same time, raising and getting at least one caller would make the turn interesting depending on the turn…

Raise to 200 gets a bit more invested…

Just a call…it makes your play on the turn a bit more straightforward…maybe???
Moving along…

5 ways with $125 in the pot, hero in the sb first to act holding :2s: :2c:

Flop :2h::ts::3s:

Hero ($475) checks, V1 ($2k) checks and it checks all the way around to V2 ($375) on the button, who bets $75.

Hero calls $75, as does V1.

I’ll pause here for analysis before we head to the turn.

I think I made a (big?) mistake by just calling here - I should have raised. My thought in game was that I crushed the board and I thought V1 might do the check raising himself since he was the pre flop raiser? Not sure really. It’s a miss I think - probably some fancy play syndrome.

This hand is a great analysis of how much it sucks to be first to act. Everything is more complicated.

I think calling is a mistake as well, because this board is super wet and there are so many people in the hand. You cannot be fucking about with so many hands still live.

Also, hoping the initial raiser would check-raise doesn't make much sense in this case. Multi way pot on a wet flop to a board that does not hit his range. What hand would a reasonable person raise pre, get 4 callers, then check/raise this flop with here? TT and Maybe Ax spades. That's all that I can think of. AA even is nervous as hell.
Moving along…

The turn is the :qc: for a board of


Hero ($400) is first to act holding :2s::2c: with two players behind ($2k and $300) and $350 in the pot.

Not much except for Broadway draws improve there. As played, I check raise/ check jam to aggression.
Playing 1/3 at del Lago in Waterloo, NY around 1 a.m. on Saturday night. The high hand jackpot ended minutes ago, so players are starting to leave, tables breaking, players moving to new tables etc. when this hand takes place. I think we were 8 handed. There’s two other $2k stacks on the table, and 2-3 in the $700-900 range.

Hero has ~$500 in the small blind in seat 9, on the dealer’s right. New player (Villain #1) sits down in seat 1 on the other side of the dealer, with about $2k, I think from a 2/5 game, and pays the big blind. Button (Villain #2) has ~$400 and seems like a competent player who might have some gamble in him.

Button V2 forward straddles to $6, meaning the action starts with Hero in the small blind. Hero peels :2s::2c:.


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There's probably an argument to fold here being first to act and a flat is so likely to face a 3-bet somewhere along the way. If the latter case isn't likely, the flat is okay.

By the way, these chips are pretty sweet :).

Hero calls $6 with :2c::2s:, big blind V1 makes it $25, three players including V2 straddler on the button all call, and it's back to hero in the small blind. $106 in the pot, hero can:
  • fold
  • call $19 and close the action
  • raise and re-open the pot
I think the call is obvious here, especially closing the action.

Hero calls $25 for the reasons above - this was an expected and best-case scenario. We close the action and get a great price to set mine.

5 ways with $125 in the pot, hero in the sb first to act holding :2s: :2c:

Flop :2h::ts::3s:

Action to hero.
I like a check planning to raise given the likely bettor is on your immediate left, and this flop should be good for all but the unpaired portion of his range. You will possibly get the chance to trap a limp-train here after the player on your left bets out.

Flop :2h::ts::3s:

Hero ($475) checks, V1 ($2k) checks and it checks all the way around to V2 ($375) on the button, who bets $75.

Action back on hero.
Oh rats, okay this isn't ideal, but I think you still raise. just to maximize what you charge the two flush. If you make it $175 you still have $300 behind which makes for a nice turn-shove sizing just under full pot if you isolate V2. Would have been better for you if V1 bet and you would have had the right stack to shove, but we have to deal with how it went.

My thought is with a bit of a wet board a raise to $200 would increase said cost for anyone to hit the flush…

At the same time, raising and getting at least one caller would make the turn interesting depending on the turn…

Raise to 200 gets a bit more invested…
Yeah, I agree, this board is too wet just to flat.

Moving along…

The turn is the :qc: for a board of


Hero ($400) is first to act holding :2s::2c: with two players behind ($2k and $300) and $350 in the pot.

Oh so we did flat the flop and only got one more caller. That's probably not the worst outcome either even if I prefer the raise. This is hard because I assume some of V2 holdings are checking behind if it goes hero-check, v1-check. Shoving $400 into a $350 pot is okay, this pot is surely worth picking up now even if there's no more action, but it does seem like a missed opportunity to pick up a big street of value if either V1 or V2 want to stab at it. Given the reads, however, I think I have to just bet my own hand here in hero's shoes, I just don't think either V1 or V2 can be counted on to do the betting for us.
Moving along…

The turn is the :qc: for a board of


Hero ($400) is first to act holding :2s::2c: with two players behind ($2k and $300) and $350 in the pot.

Now I worry as 1st to act…if I check, that this will likely check through…I would worry about giving a Free card…so I would jam (after taking a considerable amount of time) to charge any flush draws, get any QxCombos to call off…also aces and kings would call…

Who can’t call… bluffs…but I don’t think you wan to call off a bluff…depending on the river…
Moving along ...


Hero checks. V1 checks. V2 checks.

River :qd: for a final board of:

3 players in the hand and $350 in the pot. Action is back on hero, who filled up on the river holding :2c::2s:.
Moving along ...


Hero checks. V1 checks. V2 checks.

River :qd: for a final board of:

3 players in the hand and $350 in the pot. Action is back on hero, who filled up on the river holding :2c::2s:.
I think I favored the shove here, but that wouldn't be a surprise because I favored it on the turn.

This should be a good river unless QT is out. Which I doubt given no one bet the turn. And I don't think anyone is suddenly betting on the board pair queen.

Have to try and get value, it's tough to get called though. I guess you are hoping a T-x or A random Q got there.
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Moving along…

The turn is the :qc: for a board of


Hero ($400) is first to act holding :2s::2c: with two players behind ($2k and $300) and $350 in the pot.

I would be willing to bet a solver would just open jam here.
I think in game, i would lean towards leading with a $200 call-me bet targeting hands that just turned top pair, flush draws, straight draws. No folds now. We are only losing to another set. There are loads of draws out there, and made hands that we beat that can call us.
Any non spade, I lead bet the rest of my stack on the river. On a spade, I check call any single bet. If there is a bet and then a raise with multiple opponents, maybe I consider hero fold.
Moving along ...


Hero checks. V1 checks. V2 checks.

River :qd: for a final board of:

3 players in the hand and $350 in the pot. Action is back on hero, who filled up on the river holding :2c::2s:.
ugh. We missed out here letting it check thru. Now we need to decide if we want to check/call to induce bluffs, or lead out hoping to get called for value. Player dependent....if the opponents have been aggressive, I lean towards check/calling. If passive opponents, I prefer leading for value. Many hands just missed, so I like the check/call. If I were to bet for value, I would probably target a hand like JJ. What could JJ call? Maybe $125-$200?
Wrapping this up…


3 players in the hand and $350 in the pot. Hero holding :2c::2s: opts for a check. My thinking was :qx: doesn’t change much and betting gets many more worse hands to fold, while checking may induce a bluff. As played, I think this a “just ok” play, but my error (timidity? fancy play syndrome?) in not check raising flop or betting turn has compounded into this awkward spot with the virtual nuts and bets still to be made. I got a great runout too! I think I really goofed this hand :vomit:

V1 bets $250, V2 folds, hero jams $425 and gets snapped off by V1. Hero tables his hand, V1 mucks, and hero wins a $1200 pot.

Hero had planned to leave at 1am, so he plays another orbit before racking up and leaving with some things to think about.
What is your thinking of what V1 had? AQ? Kings? Aces? Can't think there was much they could have had to snap off and still lose.
Without reading the spoiler, I think going for a bluff catcher as played is not terrible... Again if the players are aggressive. A Q is going to bet out as well, which you beat everything but QT and the one QQ possible (reasonably). I don't have QQ left as played though.

I like a small bet into the field. The are many hands you beat that can call. Waiting on others to bet is not usually the most profitable way.

I would have bet like $150 or so.
Without reading the spoiler, I think going for a bluff catcher as played is not terrible... Again if the players are aggressive. A Q is going to bet out as well, which you beat everything but QT and the one QQ possible (reasonably). I don't have QQ left as played though.

I like a small bet into the field. The are many hands you beat that can call. Waiting on others to bet is not usually the most profitable way.

I would have bet like $150 or so.
I just don't see a world in which anyone that improved on the Queen checks the turn.
I just don't see a world in which anyone that improved on the Queen checks the turn.
Fair enough. In my defense, I favored piling money in before we ever got here though.

But looking at the bet and snap call on the river, trip queens is a pretty good candidate. So you would have AA, KK, JJ the better Qx hands, and maybe AT play this way? I'm not going back to analyze preflop again, but this is my range for a bet/call/muck.

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