Full House
There's hands you are already ahead of that would act this way too. Eg. J10c 109c, J9h, etc. Not too many more, but some additional combos to consider that would take this line.Yeah, not sure how the flop is a check and the turn is an obvious bet. Regardless here we are, and I think it is just a math problem at this point right? There is 970 in the pot and it cost you 320 to call. You have 8 hearts (one could fill villian up so I don't count that) and 2 kings giving you 10 pretty clean outs, unless villian is already full.
Pot is giving you 3:1. Your outs are 4:1 and maybe much worse. Can you get more money out of him if you hit? Seat two is an action player and closed action pre-flop. Any number of combos containing a 5 and pocket pairs are in his range. Villian's story checks out so far, so I think it's safe to assume we are now behind. Smart play I think is fold, but I'm not smart and would probably call. River is check/fold on a miss and check/call on anything that helps us.
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