To catch up on the rest of the hand. Pre-flop I see an argument for all actions, but I am pretty sure I am usually going to call the 20 pre. QJs is certainly better than average, but it's not a powerhouse, and a raise would tend to fold out the lesser hands while the better hands would stay in there. QJs plays pretty well multi-way and hero has position.
The argument I can see for raising is that UTG is going to call very wide as the straddler if he's loose passive. If he's loose aggressive, then the downside is you will be facing 3-bets wide with a good but not great hand.
The argument for folding would be if the villains are just tight and tough to get value from later in the hand, even if we flop well. But I think a fold here is too tight for average-to-loose games.
On the flop, no choice but to go. UTG is an aggressor and could surely just have Qx, or maybe "lucked" into KK+ here and will have to commit and draw. Really all that you beat is 88 or T9, and those may not even be likely villain holdings given the action pre.
Get the money in now. If you don't, then QJs should forever be banished to the fold pile pre.