PCF = Potato Chip Feud (3 Viewers)

Help to build a bridge across the Atlantic. What are they called?

  • Chips

    Votes: 12 13.3%
  • Yes they’re chips

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Everyone knows they’re chips

    Votes: 6 6.7%
  • Fries (i.e. the wrong answer)

    Votes: 71 78.9%

  • Total voters
And these are fish fingers not fish sticks :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:


Crisps vs Chips​

– In the US: fruit dessert with sweet crumble topping– In the US: thin potato slices, fried and served cold
– In Great Britain & Ireland:thin potato slices, fried and served cold– In Great Britain & Ireland: potato wedges/strips, fried, served hot
– In Australia, NZ, South Africa: all fried potato products– In Australia, NZ, South Africa: corn chips or tortilla chips

Lol but American restaurants also expect you to pay their employees wages for them to and give you the same look if you dont.
LMAO...and true now more than ever!! The attitude and quality of some of the wait staff these days SUCKS!!!

True story from 2 weeks ago: My wife and I were out to dinner and my wife order key lime cheese cake for dessert. The 19/20 year old girl brings out cheese cake covered in cherries. My wife politely tells her, "I ordered key lime." The girl rolls her eyes and says something under her breath as she turns to walk away. My wife went OFF on her!!
Resuscitating this thread.

Just found out that if you ask for “cutlery” in a restaurant in Murica you get looked at as if you had two heads…
Apparently all the cutlery in America is made of silver…

But if you really want to see a look of befuddlement, ask for a serviette.

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