PCF PROMO Tourney Set - Ordering Closed (2 Viewers)

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Thanks Tommy for all the coordination, management and re-shipping. Looking forward to the chips.


With this volume of packages going out, I drop them off at the USPS loading dock. They know me well. :) The tracking usually won't update until midnight or just after. They get loaded onto a trailer going to Philly and scanned when its unloaded.
Looks like they used the scan form I gave them. They all show in transit already. (y) :thumbsup:
Please check your orders when you get them.
Looking for 76 x T500s for the meetup giveaway set going to @justsomedude.

I also have 66 chips left over . These are not extras. It looks like someone got 10 extra of something too.

10 x T25
1 x T100
50 x T1000
5 x T25K

I'll be covering the return shipping of course. I suspect I made the error yesterday morning. Was keeping an eye on my two little ones while the wife ran to the store.

USPS attemped delivery to my business yesterday, at 7:30 a.m. on a Sunday. WTF? :confused:
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