PCF Shows (5 Viewers)

It makes me sad only 2 episodes left. The show never misses a beat or disappoints. Turturro and cat crack me up, but show his compassion through suffering and his unwillingness to admit he's attached. Chandra and love advice from Turturro was hilarious. Then the show will shift easily into an anxious terrifying jail scene or touching family hardship.

So I assume the show will end with a verdict then begins the clamor for more?
Watched Stranger Things over the course of 2 days. What an awesome show! Definitely a love letter to Spielberg, King, and Carpenter. The music choices were all top notch and the acting was amazing. Winona Ryder definitely knocked her part out of the park and the kids were excellent.

Chain watched this on a hangover day. AWESOME. Can't wait for more...
It makes me sad only 2 episodes left. The show never misses a beat or disappoints. Turturro and cat crack me up, but show his compassion through suffering and his unwillingness to admit he's attached. Chandra and love advice from Turturro was hilarious. Then the show will shift easily into an anxious terrifying jail scene or touching family hardship.

So I assume the show will end with a verdict then begins the clamor for more?

I loved Turturro's racial profiling advice for jury selection.
lol butler: passed my phone to a player in my game to take the quiz. He's the chief also. Insta-tilt.
Went and saw the Doug Benson Movie Interruption of Army of Darkness with special guest Bruce Campbell. It was a lot of fun and Bruce injecting stories from the filming was hilarious. What I didn't know was that we were being treated to the first episode of the 2nd season of Ash Vs Evil Dead!!! It was introduced by Bruce, Dana DeLorenzo (Kelly), and Ray Santiago (Pablo) who were there also! They talked a little about filming the 2nd season and what to expect and joked around a bit. Had no idea they were going to be there along with Bruce or that we would get to watch the first episode. Won't spoil it except to say that it was excellent and it looks like this season will definitely be better than the 1st.
Anyone watch HBO's "How to Make It in America"? Was thinking about checking it out, just re-watched "The Sopranos" all the way thru. Just as sad this time aroud that it was over
I liked how to make it in America. Great theme song too.

Cancelled prematurely and watching it may bum you out that it just ends without resolution.
I was wondering about that, only saw 2 seasons on HBO GO. Always a bummer when that happens. Thanks for the heads up
I was wondering about that, only saw 2 seasons on HBO GO. Always a bummer when that happens. Thanks for the heads up

If it in fact is back for a season 3, which looks promising based on the IMDB status and a couple rumor articles out there, I'm looking forward to rewatching seasons 1-2 to get warmed back up.
Just give Turturro the Emmy now.

So right. What's a bit sad is that Turturro will almost certainly be competing against Riz Ahmed for Best Actor, so the Night Of fans might end up split between them and let someone else squeak past for the win.

But also: Best Supporting to Bill Camp as Detective Box. That guy was fantastic at every moment.

Great finale. Have to sit with it for a bit before giving a final verdict (no pun intended), but I was a big fan. I read Alan Sepinwall's critical take and even though my initial thought is that he's off base in a couple areas, I usually like his thoughts on these things, so it's worth reading.
Camp and Ahmed were both amazing, as was Michael K. Williams (Freddy) and Jeannie Berlin (DA). They have to have the "Best Cast" category wrapped up.
Camp and Ahmed were both amazing, as was Michael K. Williams (Freddy) and Jeannie Berlin (DA). They have to have the "Best Cast" category wrapped up.

Yeah, ludicrous of me to not include Williams. He was as great as he always is. Agreed re: Best Cast being locked. Has to be.
We've made it up to episode 7 of The Night Of. Fantastic drama. Can't fault it, such a high quality production. Hope to catch the finale ce soir.
Speaking of Michael K Williams, not sure if this has already been mentioned, but he has a reality show called Black Market on the Vice channel. It is a supposedly unscripted show that interviews people that are doing crimes including running guns, drugs, GTA and illegal gambling. . You may need to subscribe to cable. Not sure if its on Netflix or anywhere else. Here is a link to the Vice site and the show on illegal card rooms in NYC.

Is it wrong that I'm more relieved that

the cat's life was spared than Naz's? It fucking broke my heart when I saw Turturro return him again to the shelter.
I moved home this past friday after a lengthy stay at my parents' house. I am looking forward to getting to watch a lot of these shows I've missed over the last year.

Starting to night with The Night Of.
I moved home this past friday after a lengthy stay at my parents' house. I am looking forward to getting to watch a lot of these shows I've missed over the last year.

Starting to night with The Night Of.

You'll get through it all in one night if you start early enough...worth watching it all together, too.
I just started watching Outcast, only on episode 3. Its dark, and addictive. So far so good.
Anyone watch that JonBenet Ramsey two-episode "investigative" special on CBS? Seems like all anyone can talk about around here, but I finally got around to trying to watch it and holy shit it was horrid.

First off the production is a nightmare. All the conversations are clearly scripted and are distractingly contrived. And the "investigation" they do is a fucking joke. I'm shocked that anyone is persuaded by any of the arguments put forward in this thing. They have gotten some big names in forensics, I'll give them that. But they employ them so poorly that they may as well have hired actors to play forensics people because the professionals only lose credibility participating in this nonsense.

And now apparently the Ramseys (at least those who are still living - the dad and son) are suing CBS over it, which, without having looked at the substance of the complaint, I would think is a totally pointless exercise. But I'd like to sue CBS for putting out such a trainwreck of a production when they could have done some interesting things with the subject matter.

Although I have to say there is still basically no chance I'll feel significant sympathy for a family who names their child JonBenet. Good god.
Im quitting Aquarius. In S2 but cant do it anymore.
This new season of South Park is continuing the absolute genius of the last couple seasons. If you aren't watching you are definitely missing out IMO.
This new season of South Park is continuing the absolute genius of the last couple seasons. If you aren't watching you are definitely missing out IMO.

I quit watching it awhile ago. Maybe I'll start it back up.

We watched episode one of "Son of Zorn". There was a couple of funny moments. Over all it was just "meh". I'm hoping it improves. I want to like it.
I quit watching it awhile ago. Maybe I'll start it back up.

We watched episode one of "Son of Zorn". There was a couple of funny moments. Over all it was just "meh". I'm hoping it improves. I want to like it.
They started season long continuity in season 18. They really hit their stride last season and this season is a continuation from last season. It has been pure genius.

Son of Zorn just seems like Fox is trolling us IMO.

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